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Geno, you remember that commercial a couple of years ago with the kid yelling at their dad for posting EVERYTHING on Facebook, or maybe it was Twitter. Either way, it was pretty funny. Most of the people on my friends list that post more than once or twice a day get put on hide lol.

LMAO thats great

and i see you found that commercial i do remember it lol

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ive had myspace for years bubba... same crap different toilet. i had 1200 friends (at least 1050 i didnt know) 2500+ comments blah blah blah. Myspace was no different and just because i dont personally have one doesnt mean my 2 younger brothers, my parent and my friends dont show me crap on it. ive navigated it enough to know what the deal is WITHOUT having an account.

i dont care who has one and who doesnt i am just sayin i dont and have no need or urge to have one. if i havnt spoke to ya in 10 years then there is prob a reason and i dont care for small catch up talk, thats just me bud... It is a good laugh tho to see what people ate for lunch and who went out to dinner and who got stuck on what train lol.

HNY Update:

just ate chicken and steamed asparagus

Mood: good


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I think facebook is a great way to stay in touch with old friends... and a great way to stay up on a lot of hunting related stuff... just because some people abuse facebook doesn't mean that facebook is a bad thing...there are a lot of married couples that use facebook to stay in touch with their kids at school or out of town relatives... I use it as a quick way to check out hunting related businesses and new hunting stuff as well as stay in touch with out of town relatives and friends... like Bubba says... people who don't like facebook most likely have never used it.

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I think facebook is a great way to stay in touch with old friends... and a great way to stay up on a lot of hunting related stuff... just because some people abuse facebook doesn't mean that facebook is a bad thing...there are a lot of married couples that use facebook to stay in touch with their kids at school or out of town relatives... I use it as a quick way to check out hunting related businesses and new hunting stuff as well as stay in touch with out of town relatives and friends... like Bubba says... people who don't like facebook most likely have never used it.

Well said, nyantler. Also, some of those who complain and have used, didn't configure their filters. My girlfriend was against facebook. Then her sister created an account for her on her behalf and my girlfriend started complaining. Then I helped her block certain posts, organize her friends into groups, and help setup filters. Now she checks facebook everyday.

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