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What our College Students think The Gov't should provide them.

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Are you kidding me??? These kids should get off their lazy a$$es, get an education, get a job and earn a living like all the generations before them did. Truly unbelievable handout mentality!!

I like this professor. There should be more like him teaching today's students.

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It's not their fault, Barack-enomics have been preaching this since he took office. This is what you get when you let democratic controlled unions teach our children. Their teachers feel entitled so why should they teach their students any differently. A typical teacher on Long Island will retire with a $120,000. annual salary and collect over 2 million dollars in cash and benefits after retirement.

We should learn from Greece, create a nation of freebies and see what happens when the freebies run out. We are headed down the same path.

Edited by wooffer
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Easy with the teacher stuff. Anybody that thinks that teachers don't deserve what they get should work in a classroom for 1 week. You will have to deal with all sorts of behavior, spoiled students and parents to start. We are held accountable for what we teach, where are the pArents to help with homework and what the student is doing during school an after school. When the heck are they going to be held accountable?????

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Kids think that the government has an endless supply of money. They dont understand that government money comes from working stiffs, Joe farmer, Bob mechanic, Bill teacher and even that rich guy who owns the factory.They think that the government is wasting money that should instead be just given to them. Its what the whole occupy movement is about. Give me..Give me..

And I agree with Karpteach...Were I live (and Im sure in other places) the public school system is a mess. No discipline, spoiled kids who know they can get away with almost anything and parents with a "not my angel" point of view. If the public saw what goes on in these schools and how their school taxes are being wasted, they would riot in the streets.

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Hell , I remember when I was a superviser in a Union workplace , a lot of folks didn't see why they had to put in 8 hours to get 8 hours pay . Some had the attitude that why couldn't they just stay home and have a check mailed to them .

That's one of the reasons why China is kicking our ass in the job market !

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Do you know that 4 out of 10 people that go into teaching quit the 1st year! Out of the rest only 1-3 people stay more than 3 years. Nobody receives there fully salary as a pension the most you can get is 60% after 30 years. I spent over 4000 dollars for my class last year! That's just on supplies! Over 3/4 of my students do not come in with pencil or paper never mind homework! Yet the schools don't supply anything, sometimes not even school books. Try doing a job with your hands tied behind your backs and both legs tied, we do!

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Do you know that 4 out of 10 people that go into teaching quit the 1st year! Out of the rest only 1-3 people stay more than 3 years. Nobody receives there fully salary as a pension the most you can get is 60% after 30 years. I spent over 4000 dollars for my class last year! That's just on supplies! Over 3/4 of my students do not come in with pencil or paper never mind homework! Yet the schools don't supply anything, sometimes not even school books. Try doing a job with your hands tied behind your backs and both legs tied, we do!

Karp, I think that they are responding to the teachers on Long Island not NYC. I don't know any teachers who quit in the first 3 years unless they didn't get tenure. Once they do ,they are there till they retire with a salary and pension much greater than the NYC teachers. Not all school systems are equal the same can be said for the police in Nassau and Suffolk county's compared to the NYPD.
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Do you know that 4 out of 10 people that go into teaching quit the 1st year! Out of the rest only 1-3 people stay more than 3 years. Nobody receives there fully salary as a pension the most you can get is 60% after 30 years. I spent over 4000 dollars for my class last year! That's just on supplies! Over 3/4 of my students do not come in with pencil or paper never mind homework! Yet the schools don't supply anything, sometimes not even school books. Try doing a job with your hands tied behind your backs and both legs tied, we do!

I laugh when teachers say how tough they have it.. I'll bring you them to work with me for one day and they'll beg to go back to teaching... we all make choices... if yours is teaching.. then you should have an idea of what you're getting into.. most of what the guys here are talking about anyway is college level teachers and professors... where the majority are liberal progressive types that believe in a welfare state and pass their beliefs on to their students. You are correct though that we all have created these " me generation" monsters not just teachers, but parents as well. In your defense as a teacher, if you taught the way I was taught and disiplined the way I was in school (the old fashioned way)... they would throw you in jail..lol

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You speak of something of which you obviously have little first hand knowledge. I am a retired teacher. Before that, I worked on a Town Highway Dept. and in the Carpenters' Union. Believe me...teachers do not have it easy. Society, as a whole, expects them to do way more than they should....And, then when things go wrong, whom do they blame....teachers, of course!

Think what you want...our government has failed us. The mere fact that those who govern are millionaires, or multi-millionaires...puts them out of touch with us. Do not blame college students...or the less-fortunate who might be on some sort of public assistance....Blame the millionaire politicians who have screwed things up beyond belief. Our government officials are beholden to "Corporate Gods" who have financed their election campaigns, not us!

Really....when you come right down to it, there are two groups that deserve the support of the country, at large: Farmers and teachers. Farmers are the beneficiaries of govt. price supports....teachers are not!

LAY OFF TEACHERS.....You could not begin to do what they do!

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Really....when you come right down to it, there are two groups that deserve the support of the country, at large: Farmers and teachers. Farmers are the beneficiaries of govt. price supports....teachers are not!

LAY OFF TEACHERS.....You could not begin to do what they do!

Do you think a 50% pension and health benefits for life fall from the sky? No, it is our that pay you to sit on your butts. Don't forget that. It's not the governments money, it ours. They don't make, they just take it, and give it out as pensions.

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Over 3/4 of my students do not come in with pencil or paper never mind homework! Yet the schools don't supply anything, sometimes not even school books. Try doing a job with your hands tied behind your backs and both legs tied, we do!

I don't deny that todays students are dumber than years ago.

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Don't get me wrong, I love my job! However, if you think that teachers sit on there ass when they get home, you are mistaken. Who grades the papers, creates tests, correct spelling/grammar? It's not done at work, not enough time! I've served in the military 6 years, owned 2 restaurants and this is the hardest most rewarding job ever. Thank a teacher for teaching you to read, do math and taught you how to pass an exam! Enough said!

Edited by Karpteach
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Don't get me wrong I have alot of respect for the teachers that taught me over the years. I have a number of friends who are teachers on Long Island and after speaking with them I have nothing but disdain for Long Island teachers. I am glad for my friends but even they know they have a racket going. My one friend makes an extra $10,000. a year just for coaching the girls soccer team after class. That is on top of her $93,000. base salary. She has only been teaching 9 years too. The teachers and the police on Long Island are killing the dream of suburbia.

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