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Any bets how the Floyd trial ends


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3 minutes ago, Stein13 said:

If he did what he was asked wouldn’t be an issue is the main point if you don’t you get what you get never had an issue with a cop ever when done as I was told period it was me Floyd that cause his own issues because he is entitled 

Ahh the main issue was an ego maniac punk cop who thought he was above the law .

He is soon to learn he isn’t ...

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10 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

What a ridiculously contrived argument. If you have to contort yourself to this absurd extent to bend the facts, sit one out. 

Yea I’ve heard it all now , wtf 

Now we have deer living with lungs taken out , lmao

Edited by luberhill
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21 minutes ago, luberhill said:

Ahh it wasn’t 5 minutes .. did you even see the video or watch any of the trial ??

And living for a few seconds is not the same as surviving ...

Id quit while you are behind :)

Actually ,around the 5 minute mark he drew his last breath .The next 3 1/2 minutes after that is irrelevant.Maybe you should quit .

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Just now, WNYTRPR said:

Actually ,around the 5 minute mark he drew his last breath .The next 3 1/2 minutes after that is irrelevant.Maybe you should quit .

Lol , yea maybe I should , it’s hard to have a discussion with a guy that takes out an animals lungs and it survives .



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1 hour ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

Sounds challenging. The solution isn’t to fill the ranks with characters like Chauvin. 

What an odd comment , they’ve always tried to weed those types out,what with an 8 hour psychological test administered by a DR , being just one component.  I ve run thousands of calls with cops , tons  of shootings ,ods hangings , stabbing , you name it , over all very very few I thought were AH or out of line . These were the spotless high scoring ones, how do think the ,” I got a 70, and they’re waving my misdemeanor “ ones will preform ? 

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2 minutes ago, luberhill said:

Lol , yea maybe I should , it’s hard to have a discussion with a guy that takes out an animals lungs and it survives .



I never said mine specifically.But  it has happened on occasion .Kind of like a cop accidentally subduing a suspect and him dying under him .Shit happens 

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Just now, WNYTRPR said:

I never said mine specifically.But  it has happened on occasion .Kind of like a cop accidentally subduing a suspect and him dying under him .Shit happens 

Again , never has an animal lived and survived with its lungs taken out !

You really need to stop ... ignorance is not becoming on you 

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1 minute ago, luberhill said:

Sure it has , hey I shot one last year with no heart !

Again you said “ we take out their lungs and they survive “

Give up the BS already ...wtf 

The point of that remark was ,humans don’t die that easily with just a knee occasionally on a corotid artery .

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2 minutes ago, WNYTRPR said:

The point of that remark was ,humans don’t die that easily with just a knee occasionally on a corotid artery .

Ahh we change the story again ..

If you saw the video and listened to the medical experts you wouldn’t be continuing to make foolish statements.

It didn’t have to be on his artery to kill him ...

Listen to the testimony from the doctors ...

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2 hours ago, luberhill said:

So... keeping his knee on him for another 5 minuted after EMTs said he had no pulse ,, 

The guy is an idiot 

How do you even know he had any pressure on him ? I mean he could have barely been on him at the end with that knee you don't know for sure but yea that was not to bright of him , just the optics of it looks bad that I agree .

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5 minutes ago, luberhill said:

The doctor that did the autopsy, also the defense Dr that helped the prosecution that they are sorry they put on the stand :)


You can have your opinion on how you interpret the case .Nobody knows what was going through the cops head at that time except him .some will look at it as murder ,some will not .

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Just now, phantom said:

How do you even know he had any pressure on him ? I mean he could have barely been on him at the end with that knee you don't know for sure but yea that was not to bright of him , just the optics of it looks bad that I agree .

Watch the video and listen to the trial ...that’s how I know 

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17 minutes ago, Nomad said:

What an odd comment , they’ve always tried to weed those types out,what with an 8 hour psychological test administered by a DR , being just one component.  I ve run thousands of calls with cops , tons  of shootings ,ods hangings , stabbing , you name it , over all very very few I thought were AH or out of line . These were the spotless high scoring ones, how do think the ,” I got a 70, and they’re waving my misdemeanor “ ones will preform ? 

You commented that there is an ever-increasing shortage of police officers due to heightened scrutiny and accountability.  My point was that the way to address that is most certainly not to lower accountability. 

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Just now, WNYTRPR said:

You can have your opinion on how you interpret the case .Nobody knows what was going through the cops head at that time except him .some will look at it as murder ,some will not .

What’s going thru his head is air , because he’s an idiot !

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2 minutes ago, luberhill said:

Humm ok Skippy , I missed the part that says “ we can shoot deer and take out their LUNGS and they survive “

Again , hang it up ,,, it’s clear you have no clue what you are talking 

Edited by WNYTRPR
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