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just do not log onto the site anymore. I did not mean to chase you away, I was just calling you on your crap was all. Seems to me we are in your head now.

Edited by bubba
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you can choose not to sign in if you wish as you may want to come back and participate and get to know people... one thing to learn is that all forums are pretty much the same and things you may have encountered here you will encounter else where. Not everyone will agree and sometimes some may call you out on things. i would take it with a grain of salt...

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just do not log onto the site anymore. I did not mean to chase you away, I was just calling you on your crap was all. Seems to me we are in your head now.

You can call it CRAP all you want I just passed info on to other members as it was told to me. You jerkoff choose to keep it going trying to make me the fool!! I don't wish to just not log on, I wish to delete my account. I don't want this site or any other sit that I belong to saying we have X amount of members when you don't because the site won't let members delete there accounts that no longer want to be a member!!

Geno not all forums have (_O_)"S on them I've belonged to a fair share of them and now choose to belong to only those that act like grown adults!!

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just log off and delete the bookmark. You were the one who said you knew all the instructors who held the state at bay. I simply asked for the names. Now we both know you do not have names, so call names and run away rather than say umm I do not have names.

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just log off and delete the bookmark. You were the one who said you knew all the instructors who held the state at bay. I simply asked for the names. Now we both know you do not have names, so call names and run away rather than say umm I do not have names.
Why in the world would I give you the names so some whinny ass little bicth instructor like you can go back to the state and say these are the guy that held you at bay!! you did your research go do some more!! Then you can go back to the state you brown noser and get your brownie points!!

I don't want to log off and delete my book mark I WANT TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT SO I AM NO LONGER A PART OF THE FORUM!! If iI don't delete my account the forum counts me as a member there for I'm still a member!! You thick head or something!!!

Edited by BigTomsCalls
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Could someone please tell me how to delete my account, with guy's like wynbuckhunter and bubba on here I choose to no longer be a member. Life is to short to have (_O_)"S like them get in my head!!

Dude, stand straight, suck it up and never surrender, fight to the death with honor!
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oh the names Tom really show your character or rather lack of. What a piece of work. Maybe we will be better off if you did leave. Seems I am way in your head now. See if you just logged off, you would not see my replies every time. The longer you reply the way you are, the more you show what you are really about. Now get a tissue and go sit in the corner.

Edited by bubba
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I have no intention of going to the state. You said they went to the state, so the state would know who they are. Again more holes in your silly story. So sad. Just admit you were caught in your BS and we can move on.

Edited by bubba
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I have no intention of going to the state. You said they went to the state, so the state would know who they are. Again more holes in your silly story. So sad. Just admit you were caught in your BS and we can move on.
1st- I never said "ALL" the instructor I said I was told by a relative. Go back and read it!! 2nd- You said it never happened because you were there. Then it was a rouge instructor,then it was 2 or 3, then after further investagation the # jump to 4 Truth is bubba you don't know how many there is and neither does the state because they were never givin a list of name's just the # that are willing to take a stand. Thats why your trying to get me to tell you so you can go get your brownie points!! 3rd- You never told us why the state will not now or in the future have the cross bow tought in the archery class even if the state includes the in archey season. I gave a possible reason. 4th- Why in the world would I post the names of archery instructor that have taken a stand in an open public forum. Do you not think that there are some pretty sick wacko's out there that are pro crossbow, and would harass them or worst!! KNOW BUBBA YOU HAVE ADMITTED IT HAPPENED SO HOW IN THE WORLD COULD IT BE BS!!!

I droped it weeks ago your the one who brought it back up trying to get brownie points by going to the state with a list of names!!

By the way it's common knowledge that the state monitors this site why have they not chimmed in? Why because they don't want the people of the state to know that there own archery instrutors don't think the crossbow is archery!!

Edited by BigTomsCalls
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I don't know where the paranoia comes from, but I can get you some meds for it. As I said if they went to a state meeting in Albany, the state already knows who they are. I have no need to run to the state over some line of crap you are spreading on a forum to make yourself look good for anti crossbow guys like you have inside information. The state could care less if instructors think crossbows are not archery. It will go forward regardless of a few people in your head. You have no names The reason the state will not include it in archery is simple. Everyone has to attend gun classes as there are more instructors. Less people would be able to get certified if it was done in archery classes. Everyone has to attend a gun class, you choose if you want to attend an archery class. The archery classes would be overwhelmed. Now again I can get you some meds for you anger outbursts, paranoia and obvious delusional thinking. Just let me know ok. Again I need to point out, if you do not want to be on the site, just do not log on. But I really think you have no intention of leaving, you just wanted to rant to take the pressure off you and again I must say your line of BS. I don't think it is working. The state could care less about your imaginary friends not wanting to teach crossbow, because they do not exist.

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If a couple of us calling you out on your claims is all it takes for you to start the name calling and nonsense like this, then I honestly dont know what to tell you. Other than our disagreements about the crossbow/instructor stuff, I have enjoyed your posts about turkey hunting. As far as the state monitoring this site, its a privately owned site and the state has no power over it. As far as we know, nobody that works for the DEC even participates on the site.

BTW, the state mental association doesnt have anything to do with the site either.

IMO, you need to stop going on forums if they "get in your head" this bad. Just some friendly advice.

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Seeing as how BigTom is no longer a member on here this topic should be locked or deleted as he is not capable of responding to or disputing any newer posts and thus unfair to him.

WNY as a MOD you should know this as some will take cheap shots.

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Seeing as how BigTom is no longer a member on here this topic should be locked or deleted as he is not capable of responding to or disputing any newer posts and thus unfair to him.

WNY as a MOD you should know this as some will take cheap shots.

First, I didnt ban Big Tom. Second, I wasnt on much last night after I posted what I did. This thread is going to be locked and left to go away...

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