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First-light last won the day on February 15

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About First-light

  • Birthday 04/10/1963

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  • Location
    Steuben county N.Y. Finger lakes region

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  • Hunting Location
    Steuben county N.Y. Finger Lakes region
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 1187 autoloader
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  • HuntingNY.com
    Fast Eddie, he's to blame!

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  1. Do I wish this site will stay around for a long time, yes. But to tell you the truth why do we join sites like this? To share our experience and to gain knowledge. I'm not saying I'm leaving but the members have dwindled to a few, I don't mind that, but It's not going much further than that. It won't survive with what we have here. I'm not leaving but it is on the back of my mind. I lived a slow death of the internet putting publishing magazines out of business. That is what is happening here. A long slow death. It was great at times but now pretty much stagnate. Just being totally honest.
  2. So I have a quad 400 King Quad it's 14 years old. I would rather now push snow with it but is an option. I have a Massey 1835M That will move a house! lol Those with experience with a bigger tractor what options do you like that won't break the bank. Right now I have two small steel skis bolted onto the bucket. Its ok. Im finding dragging the bucket backwards works good. With that thought what about a blade? Thoughts?
  3. So I took out my tractor and scraped as much snow off down to the ice. I bought Mortons pool salt and tried that on a few spots a couple of days ago. It will not freeze up again. Got it at Lowes hope it does the job.
  4. Crazy story this dates back a while. It was probably 1992 and my wife an I bought a house on Long Island. The original owner was a Ham radio operator. I would get letters from people in other countries trying to contact him. He had passed. From what I found out During WW2 he contacted ships off the coast and actually had President Roosevelt visit the house for some reason.
  5. I got stuck at the bottom of driveway. Plow mounded up the snow usually I get through not last night. Had to dig it out I froze. I'll knock it down today once it hits 16 degrees!
  6. Same here Doc. I have a big problem with ice and I'm looking out there now with this light melt and the temps dropping tonight, we are screwed!
  7. Wow this post blew up! That was some read... lol
  8. I guess I was lucky when I ordered gear from the site. John actually sent me a bunch of other thing along with my order, it was nice.
  9. This is my main site but I did join the other one and post occasionally. I do wonder the days when it goes down for hours that it won't come back. Somehow it is being maintained. It will end one day, then I'll be full time at the other site. No harm no foul.
  10. Sorry to say I will not be able to attend. We are putting off the car delivery to Ted until next weekend. Sorry gang.
  11. This guy still holding horns. 1st pict was Dec now into Feb still going strong!
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