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WNYBuckHunter last won the day on October 8 2023

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About WNYBuckHunter

  • Birthday 03/29/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Mendon, NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Region 8
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 700 VTR 308, Thompson Center Encore Whitetail Extreme 50 cal.
  • Bow
    2010 Hoyt Maxxis 35

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  1. She is bowing down to the anti-hunting crowd. It won’t be the last of it. Mark my words.
  2. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-signs-legislation-protect-wildlife
  3. Yeah same here. Saw a big buck out here yesterday. See if he comes back today.
  4. Drove down to my spot this morning. Land owners brother was already there even though I was supposed to be the only one hunting that area this year. Went to a spot on state land, already occupied as well. Guess it’s yard work for me today. Good luck to those of you that are out today!
  5. Evan and I are out in a blind on the edge of some thick stuff this morning. Didn’t even bring my bow, just his. This spot is usually a good area for this time of the season. We shall see. We are going to sit till about 1 and then we have to head out for one of his hockey games. good luck to everyone out today!
  6. First deer of the day showed up a bit ago, a young buck. He came galloping out across the field, but he was pretty far out and wouldn’t stop.
  7. Last morning of the youth hunt. We decided to try a different spot today. I e had luck here in the past.
  8. Saw nothing this morning and then the wind picked up and is now howling. We are camped out at home for now. We will see what the afternoon brings.
  9. Afternoon sit. Had to force the boy to take a hunting selfie.
  10. Quiet morning so far. We are setup in a transition area between heavy bedding and a corn field near a spot that I know they cross a creek. We shall see what happens. Good luck to anyone else that’s out!
  11. Evan and I went out glassing before dark tonight to get an idea of where we want to get setup for youth season this weekend. We had eyes on several bucks on the edge of the adjacent property to where we will be hunting, one of which was a very nice mainframe 10. Looked to be at least 4.5, possibly older. If he goes through the same area this weekend, Evan may have a crack at him.
  12. I may have to pick one up. Even in my block it can be tough to yank them out without damaging the vanes a bit.
  13. Guys please knock it off. This will be my only polite request.
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