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Ify'ou 2 szitfazed this workend...


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O-ky- befer yur al 2 dronc 2 munch terdey arnd turmorow...

I rood jurst rike to rtake er minoot or2  2 say I ruv u all an our crunchy is the  breast cunchy in the word!!!! EVer!

Ur al invareted 2 mi ill purty im havig iffe yur al cam frind me an il evern giv use a coald bear wen I meat'cha.


so dronk peepl....IF yor dronc stay hom ando n0t cumafter my bear jut cuz iT's fRee.

Stay oofa the strreets and pleeeeez dot kkiil no bodies.


an  I arlmost 4got.

donut forgat2 hav ur pet splayed an neutralized.


Ciyotyees R bad n r reely eetin loots of r dears, but if wee ken just luv the aminals fer hoo thay r we can b happier people so lettuce doe it.


Tanc u al 4 let ting m3 ve?

I wood hav nenver ben able 2 pool thss of Sabre so I hop ucan respect wut im sain.

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What he said!.........


I'm just bored,lol

It might not hurt to have a drunk post here for BB-Q days though.

I've read some of those posts in the turkey forum, and DAMN.... I think I'll be seeing some company here soon,lol

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Alright, I was just joking about being that cocked.

Now I need a magnifying glass to see the print here.....

WTH did I do?

I think I hit a button on the right but I can't find it now.


If I had to blow right now I'd be somewhere between a negative -.08- +.100%, so I'm still good ,lol

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Sweet- I got it figured out now and I still ain't dronk!

Coors Light.... such a waste of stomach space.

It flows out fast as you pour it in.


I ain't got none of that fancy stuff you guys are sippin' but I ain't got nothing against mixin' chum chit together,lol

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