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NY DEC officers ticket dozens of poachers over the past few weeks

  • John Burmeister

Just released a few minutes ago, the NY DEC announced that NY DEC officers ticket dozens of poachers over the past few weeks. The full announcement from the DEC and list of locations as well as those involved in the incidents is attached in PDF to this article.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) police officers recently concluded a blanket deer taking enforcement detail in the Capital Region and surrounding areas in conjunction with the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont, DEC announced today.

Environmental Conservation Officers (ECO) worked in conjunction with their counterparts in neighboring states to set up saturation patrols to target illegal deer shooting with the use of an artificial light, a practice commonly known as deer jacking. Typically, deer jacking occurs in remote rural areas, throughout the night. During this operation, which took place in late October and the first three weeks of November, ECOs worked long hours and often confronted armed individuals.

“The vast majority of hunters pursue and take game legally,” said DEC Law Enforcement Major Tim Duffy. “We work closely with the sporting community to stop individuals from illegally taking game to the detriment of wildlife populations and the legal efforts of honest hunters.”

ECOs are out in full force this time of year patrolling, staking out, and observing the lands on which people take deer. They are in uniform and undercover; they are in vehicles and on foot; they are checking licenses and watching over deer decoys.

View attachment: 11-29-11 DEC Police Ticket Dozens for Deer Poaching.pdf


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I made a trip up to my farm after thanksgiving and found signs of road hunting. big pile of hair & blood in the road, drag marks leading to a tree with a slug hole through it and hair & blood all over. The deer was shot from the road. I filed a report with DEC but they told me theres nothing they can do now. Sad.

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As a public official he should have stiffer files then just 200 bux, what a freaking joke. Like getting a speeding ticket?

It is sad but the way the laws are now what he did is no different than a speeding ticket. It is a violation not even a misdemeanor

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I was suprised that one I know of wasn't on the sheet. Reliable source....Down near Scoharie. man fired multiple shots at a deer running between him and the road. multiple rounds hit multiple houses on the other side of the road. Arrest was made and from what I understand somehow they ended up at his house and he had illegal handguns as well.

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Noahmstone Besides DEC enforcing environmental laws and Troopers enforce state laws, what are the differences in jurisdiction between DEC and State/Local police?? Do DEC have more or less authority and if so how?

I have no idea. My father used to work on a large parcel of land as a "care taker" he also sold hunting and fishing liscences and knew the game warden very well. the "park" he worked for hired on extra people during hunting season just to walk the property lines that bordered state land to watch for and keep tresspasser off of the property. the game warden would come anytime he was called with a tresspassing report and he would just laugh and give the person a ticket. After the ticketed person left he would pull the employee aside and tell them that he would respond to every call and it didn't bother him it was job security but if they really wanted to make an impact on these people who were clearly ignoring the posted signs to call the state troopers and the fine would go from $250 to $1000. I don't know why but that was what we were always told. although this was 15 years ago things may have changed.

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I have no symapthy for any of these people. After almost getting shot by a tresspasser this year they should all hang (see "tresspassers...thoughts on a situation" in deer hunting). The penalties are too lax and they know it. Pisses me off to read some of the their comments.. speeding ticket? These people have no respect for others property... and themselves. DEC should implement a manadatory suspension of hunting priveleges if your busted for a year or two.

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I think we need to go to a PA style fine system for poaching deer. There was a article in the paper recently about a guy in PA who poached a 172 inch buck and was fined 8 grand and 5 yrs without a licence. NY fines are a joke. And everyone knows it.

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I think these scuzz-balls are starting to realize just what an impotent position DEC law enforcement has gotten into with all the lay-offs and budget cuts. And I believe that lawlessness in the area of game law violations will increase. That's why it is important for hunters to become more vigilant in reporting law-breaking. We need to get less concerned about making excuses for these violations and more concerned with doing our part in keeping these people from breaking the laws without any fear of being caught. Whenever I see the results of some of these "crack-downs", and how many people they catch, it makes me wonder just how huge the problem really is and how many people are getting away with such acts that we never hear about.

Yes, there may be cases of some reports not being responded to, but I have to believe that those are rare. At any rate, if the DEC is having difficulties responding to reports, just imagine how ineffective they are at discovering these violations on their own without the public's help.

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