If you are a part of the 2014 Whitetail Challenge please find your thread that was made just for you to post, your username will be in the subject. http://huntingny.com/forums/forum/73-2014-huntingny-whitetail-challenge/ The rules and other info can be found in the thread at the top of that forum category as well. Please make sure you checkout the rule changes on the Sticky Topics.
We wanted to point out a few important threads on the http://huntingny.com/forums/ forums to check out.
The 2014 "Live From the Stand / Woods" thread is up and ready for posting live action and photos from the woods. -> http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/24012-live-from-the-stand-woods-2014/
Keep in mind, crossbows are now legal for hunting, however use is restricted to certain times and areas. For more info please see this post from the NY DEC: http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/23878-ny-dec-finalizes-rule-changes-for-crossbow-hunting/
As always there are some amazing trail camera photos up, some real nice deer have been posted over the last few days -> http://huntingny.com/forums/forum/23-trail-camera-pictures/
There are a ton of new threads to read over in the Bow Hunting section to get you ready for the season opener, http://huntingny.com/forums/forum/16-bow-hunting/
If you are a Facebook user, please give us a "Like" our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/HuntingNY and help spread the word. The site has grown leaps and bounds since started, there are over 317,970 posts as of today! Please remember to tell friends and family about the site, you can even forward them this email / link.
If you have a hunting related business (ex. hunting store / archery shop), hunting club or organization, or a hunting related website you want to share with members we have opened up a link sharing system here: http://huntingny.com/links Just select the category and click "Add Link" on the right side of the page.
Thank you and be safe!
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