For those of you who don't think these political issues have anything to do with hunting, consider this, how long after the people allow the government to trash the Constitution do you think it will be before they decide to make gun ownership and hunting, for all but the powerful and politically connected, impossible?
Do some research on European countries and what they did after WWII, as far as gun ownership and hunting goes, and maybe you'll see a parallel to what is happening in the US today. The only thing slowing them down is the US Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and those of us who refuse to allow them to ignore it.
Many gun owners and hunters refuse to extrapolate into the future, when their rights are slowly and marginally eroded. Giving up any amount of your rights, is an invitation for the government to come back for more. Anyone out there really think hunting is not already targeted for extermination in America?
The government's policy is to do it little by little, like plucking one feather from a bird each day. The bird will not protest or worry about it too much, until one day it realizes it cannot fly. By then of course, as in the game of chess, it is check mate. The government is not your friend and vigilance is the price of freedom. Be thankful there are a lot of us who are wide awake.
Don't believe and don't fight back if you want, but don't criticize those of us who refuse to allow it to happen.