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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/12 in all areas

  1. I hope they do do it. there are a lot of small game hunters in the woods anyways, as for the reason behind it, i'd rather a kid get introoduced to a calm way to deer hunt than have to compete with hundreds of guys rowdy as all heck, half of em prolly have had to much to drink the night before. Will it bring more hunters into the sport i hope so, but a least it will give em a chance to see what it can be before,being thrown to the wolves. the days of the kids growing up shooting bb guns around the neighborhood is gone. A little perk won't hurt me. i've even had a few friends whose kids might be eligible for this hunt ask to be able to bring their kids here.. who know maybe they will shoot that big one i've been after that always seems to stay out of bow range, or maybe they will shoot a button, either way i will be more excited for them then they will be. The game doesn't belong to me, and i am happy when ever i see a kid telling their hunt stories. For me regular gun season has become the time to harvest meat, my trophy hunting is done during bow, and i for one am willing to share that with kids....and i hope they grow up and are willing to return the favor. Heck why not make it a youth/elderly season for all i care.....
    2 points
  2. The "Forever Wild" BS is not just a problem in the 'Dacks, its a problem in every single situation it is put into place. If an area is deemed forever wild, but you put out all of the forest fires, etc, then it is no longer wild. Its just an area left to overly mature, which is not good for wildlife.
    2 points
  3. New York had it's first Crossbow hunting season last fall, the problem is we are limited to gun season only. We are working on changing the law to have crossbows classified as legal hunting implements for all seasons. We are looking for support of all New Yorker's that share this position. There is a new Facebook Page, New York Crossbow Coalition. Please check it out, we need to address this with numbers and support to make this happen. Together we will make this happen, https://www.facebook...289931664402757 Thanks
    1 point
  4. At least when we harvest animals, we take them home and have them for dinner
    1 point
  5. What a coincidence!! I only hunt animals that also fall into one of these categories: “injury, illness, age, aggression, or because no good homes exist for them."
    1 point
  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Helllllllllllllllllllllll no.... My youngest is 18 this July.... Hell no for any more... I am waiting for Grand kids to spoil now... I'm 47, LOL...
    1 point
  7. that is definitely a good partner to be marrying. i hope yous have a fun and successful hunt and make lots of memories.
    1 point
  8. Nice! Something to look forward to this year and the next!
    1 point
  9. Cemetery bucks are special critters. What follows is the story of a cemetery buck that we tried to get the drop on for over 15 years. Every year, his scrapes would be there...but, we could never get even a glimpse of him. We finally decided that he was a ghost!! SARA'S GHOST BUCK From her position on the upper terrace, Sara could see much. She observed all manner of creatures, People, birds and animals and such. The boys and I passed by her Many times on the terrace below. If our presence ever registered, It never did show. Sara, or Saraette, as named by her mother Was respected by all.....or, nearly all. There was one smart-alecky young buck That came to pester Sara every Fall. He'd show up at dusk or dawn, Coming in on a stiff-legged prance That buck would bow and scrape And paw up the lower terrace, as if doing a dance To us observers after-the-fact, His wide-eyed, nostril-flared, lip-curled look Suggested the greatest of disrespect. That boy needed, at least, to be shook! The older boy, Justin, and I fashioned an observation post By placing a big old rock against an ancient pine tree. From where we hoped to see the young buck in action and advise him to show respect or suffer misery. For years, Fall after Fall We just could not catch that buck in the act. But we knew he was there regularly. The sign that he left, proved that a fact. He left the lower terrace tore up, Despoiling, we thought, sweet Sara's view. So....to catch him and stop him, I decided to try something new: I took myself to the rock seat; Walked in in the dark and sat down to wait. Sure enough, just before dawn, In comes the buck, on his stiff-legged gait. His eyes were wide; his nostrils flared. Upper lip curled back in what looked like a sneer. Unaware of my presence, he began to tear up the earth, Never suspecting that his comeuppance was near. Raising my shotgun, I wished it were loaded with shot. With that, I could remove the smile from his face. With ball instead, I centered his chest And pulled the trigger to anchor him in place. When the gun went off, I heard not a boom, But more of a soft gasp or sigh. It was a touching little girl sound That immediately brought a tear to this old Dad's eye. The buck showed no sign of injury. He merely floated or ghosted away. He stopped below Sara And turned her way. And I again heard the little girl; A sort of oooh or aaah that obviously spelled joy. Apparently Sara was happy That my shot had not hurt that frisky boy. The buck then disappeared...right before my eyes. He didn't run; he just melted away My truck was but 300 yards distant. I ran the whole way!
    1 point
  10. You never should have put that on here red!!! He will be the next buck taken out of one of those places!! LOL
    1 point
  11. i will tell you why, because your arguments are factless fairytales along the lines of the knuckleheads that used to argue that the world was flat.if you came out and stated your real concern of other hunters shooting your deer in bow season i could almost respect that. but you antis always cloak your arguments with pure BS that anyone with half a brain can see right thru. so respect other hunters and tell them your real concerns and be truthfull if you can and drop the, "duuuhhh a crossbow is like a rifle, duuuhhh and belongs in rifle season" hogwash already.
    1 point
  12. SCope and rings for $10...I will take them...lol
    1 point
    1 point
  14. Dude you should patent this thing! Could be the next big thing in toikey huntin!
    1 point
  15. That would be awesome but I think that would be illegal, falling under the category of electronic calls which we can't use.
    1 point
  16. Have fun! Bring Tiffany back with you and drop her off at my place on the way.
    1 point
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