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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/14 in Posts

  1. My passion is to track whitetail deer. Can't say I'm proficient at it, but I've had some good years. I own a camp on Tughill , roughly 8 miles back in for anything with power. Enjoy the camp atmosphere and the hunting and friends but I always yearn for the Big Woods. The Adirondacks. So now with a beautiful camp , warm and dry , I spend my season in a tent tucked away on some state land, that some have said I was 'nuts' to be back there. 23 days last season , most by myself spent in the tent. Had a few nights towards the end of the season last year at -15 degrees. But the tent stayed just as warm as the camp ! Getting back to the ways our fathers and grandfathers enjoyed the woods has been the best thing. I can't get many to go, it's ' Forever Wild' so you walk (seems people don't do that anymore !) but I'm grooming a few that have had their eyes opened , and really seem to love it as much as I do. Old school-yes , but thank god for my GPS !!!!
    3 points
  2. They are active in the lower Niagara river off of Artpark in Lewiston. Have a good pair of chest waders and long handle dipping net. Mostly just after dark people start dipping for them. I think its a 2 quart limit per day. There is also a free smelt fry every year that's in Lewiston. People donate smelt and a everyone is invited to come and enjoy!! Things start to pick-up in later april.
    2 points
  3. Starting to see birds in Cortland County all over the place strutting. Getting to be that time of year!!
    1 point
  4. Well, I figured I would share my most recent tattoo..I have two full sleeves,this one is at the bottom end of my right arm, and f course is my favorite..,
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. ....and will be a little late in arrival...frickin' weather.
    1 point
  7. Awesome pics.....
    1 point
  8. This morning I drove by the farm I hunt and there were about 8-10 turkeys in the neighbors yard all around his bird feeder..Its time to start annoying my wife & daughters, with my turkey calls..
    1 point
  9. A very interesting topic! It's not confined to criminal behavior. How about the slacker at work? The guy who doesn't pull his oar so that everyone else has to take up that slack. Non-workers are no longer threatened with beatings because we're civilized, but unless you work for the government, the threat of losing your job is very similar in many ways to the threat of violence. "The beatings will continue until morale improves."
    1 point
  10. My science class demonstration around that grade consisted of skinning a muskrat for the pelt. My buddy stood in for the gambrel/hanger to hold him up for me. As I recall, not many classmates were really impressed, but I had a sack of them in my locker from the morning's run anyway. My offers to do a few more (on school time) were rejected for some reason. Times have certainly changed. I'm chuckling just thinkin' about it. Thanks!
    1 point
  11. I have a recipe for corned venison I will have to dig it out and post it. It turns out great, and if you smoke the venison after the brine you have pastrami. That is the best.
    1 point
  12. Our gun club has a winter muzzloader league... so I've been shooting every Sunday since January. Been shooting in the league for about 15 years... we shoot 25-100 yards... the yardage changes each week... It use to be just patch and roundball, but we have since included all types of muzzleloading... it's fun... we serve breakfast then shoot until the early afternoon... lots of fun, laughs, and friendly competition.
    1 point
  13. Since im new to the forum and bored on the nightshift ill upload more deer pics. The first is a public land buck shot two or three days with a bow before the gun opener pretty close to where i found the dead buck. I arrowed a doe the same day. The big deer was shot opening day towards addison in steuben county. The last pic was my gun buck in 2012 and i think i shot the other in 2011 on a deer drive the second day of gun. Thats all the decent buck pics i have on my phone its amazing how finding a nice dead buck makes you think about october.
    1 point
  14. Get yourself a pair of skinning pliers. Skin em', twist their heads off, egg, flour, bread crumbs and deep fry. The meat will fall of the bone with a fork. Dip in some cocktail sauce. YUM! I remember when I was a kid my ol' man would come home in the middle of the night and fill the bathtub full of BH. My Mother used to freak!!! HAHA!!!
    1 point
  15. Yes you can hunt with it, and reds are open all year. It all depends on the piece of public land whether you can target practice or not. The rules for each will be listed online and/or at the parking area(s). Even if it is legal to target shoot there, take your trash and casings with you when you leave. BTW, everytime I take my 22 pistol in the woods, the squirrels disappear. When Im bow or gun hunting for deer, they are everywhere lol.
    1 point
  16. You are going to see a lot of infighting and arguing on this forum over many different topics. Much of that is just because , as a group, hunters are very passionate people. But when it all boils down there is one thing we all have in common, a love for this sport. I think you will find there are many that will stretch out their had to help you. That said. the best thing you can do to help your hunting career is to get as far away from that "City" as you can...lol
    1 point
  17. sweet deal man better than the little tiny 3 point set I found yesterday. they were both laying together on either side of the trail i was walking down. looked like the deer put his head down and they both fell off at the same time. but im still stoked to find a set after getting skunked last yr.
    1 point
  18. Many people confuse persimmon with crab apple... my vote would be crab apple from what I've seen
    1 point
  19. I thought you were hibernating like the rest of us Wooly! Glad to see you wiped the sleep out of your eyes enough to spot those beauties! Those danged squirrels are the devil! I literally have had nightmares about finding antlers like that.
    1 point
  20. Here are all of them together for the day including my brothers two and the deadhead that he found
    1 point
  21. Great pic's!!!! The color and detail is amazing!!
    1 point
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