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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/23 in all areas

  1. The final Bill was never brought to the floor for a final vote. So no changes made again this year. Typical NYS BS! The founder of NYS Crossbow Coalition, Rick McDermott and his wife were recently, tragically killed in an automobile wreck. So not sure from this point who will carry the banner, to lobby for changes in Albany. I know some people behind the scenes in the CC. And they are still sorting through all the stuff that Rick was working on. But as of right now, no one has made the step to fill the huge void Rick left behind.
    4 points
  2. I'm of the same old school trad bow style with my fingers and a no nock on the string so I don't even need a glove. But I modified my release hold for the Onieda lever bow I shoot. My palm faces down towards the ground, unlike the palm in towards my cheek style I use to shoot trad bows. I find that palm down release hold gives me more strength with a mechanical release. The upside down hold seems to sap the strength in my hand when I use a release.
    1 point
  3. I started out shooting trad bows, and shot with my fingers using a glove. After switching to a compound, I still shot with fingers for many years. When I went to a release in the 90's I learned just like you do. Right hand thumb up, palm facing in, anchored to my jaw, just below my ear. I've tried the other way with my palm facing out. But never could get comfortable with it.
    1 point
  4. Lots of things kill fawns. I'm into limiting all of the things that kill fawns.
    1 point
  5. Haven't heard anything about this as of yet. Seems to me they are moving towards full inclusion for all eventually, but like everything the government does, they do it incrementally, so it becomes less intolerable to the opposition over time.
    1 point
  6. So I do my chores around here early in the morning when it is cool getting all the stock fed and watered. If you read my fired up the incubator thread you would know I purchased 15 Royal Palm Turkey poults, they are kept down in my barn on the floor in a large brooder cage. When I walk in the door I am treated like a rock star as they know they will be getting their morning treat of dried meal worms and they are very vocal and raising hell until they get them. Well I had the overhead barn door open as I needed to get a bail of bedding that was outside and the turkey brooder cage is right in front of it so they can see outside. So as I am finishing up out in back of the barn with the other animals I hear those little poults yakking up a storm, I went inside to see what was going on, and in the doorway was one of the local wild hen turkeys with her poults having a conversation with the Royal Palm poults. Apparently she heard them RP poults living it up with all the chatter they do when they get those meal worms and went to the front of the barn to see what was going on. She took off when she saw me and a couple of hours later she and her poults were up in back of my house on the shooting range grubbing for grasshoppers. Interesting morning. Al
    1 point
  7. I am not much of an archery hunter these days but on occasion I like getting out in the woods on a nice autumn day with my pretty much vintage equipment. I still use the old Bear razor heads on Easton aluminum shafts. Al
    1 point
  8. For bowhunting, I don't like any expandable broadhead. I stick to the fixed blade heads. Like my Muzzy MX4. Never have to worry if they will open up, or have blades pre-deploy. I stick with what works for me.
    1 point
  9. Browning Serpentine is the absolute worst head that was ever invented .... https://hunting-washington.com/smf/index.php?topic=155782.0 It would load up with fat and hide and became a "blunt". Fortunately they are no longer made, but in case you run into some at a yard sale or something, be sure to buy them only as a novelty item. There was another one called the Super Hilbre that had a plastic ferrule. You can probably imagine the problems that happened with these. These were around for quite a few years before they were discontinued. Today's broadheads?........well I'll let others determine which ones are the worst.
    1 point
  10. Forgot to add my Xbow deer. Nothing to brag about but it ate well.
    1 point
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