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Everything posted by skyhunter

  1. nice pictures; nice buck and I like the coyote pic. One of my trophy cam sets where I get steady pictures of coyotes I see few does and fawns at that location.
  2. I have an extra Trophy cam; maybe we can work a deal. nice exciting catches. this sure changes your plans
  3. You are correct with the wood duck and the mallards but the mallards are immature males.OK, i got the ID's of the ducks from another forum. Archerytalk.com has a lot of wildlife experts over there. I found out that most of these are adolecent "drakes"; young males in their molting stage. 1st is a green wing teal hen 2nd +3rd are drake mallards and the last pic is a drake wood duck. that explains why they don't yet have the colors of adults.
  4. that's a beauty and exciting to watch on video. great catch!
  5. Pay attention to the "V" form by the sticks to the left of the buck in the 1st photo; especially the left fork of the "V" which I estimate to be over 3 +1/2 feet off the ground. In the second picture (duck) taken Sunday at 1:15pm in Orange County, NY, the left side of that "V" has almost dissapeared under water. The water was a inch or two shy of the camera which was 4' off what was dry ground before the storm. This set does sit 35 ft from a creek. BTW, can anybody identify these waterfowl that just showed up?
  6. your Cuddies are capturing some good stuff
  7. took the creek cams in today as rain is expected for a few days. had a few good ones. Panasonic FX48 (1st) and S600
  8. And the Bushnell is a better overall camera. Yes it is, but what's also being missed here is that when set to time lapse mode the Bushnell no longer fuctions to take still infrared pictures at night. Instead what you get is the time lapse mode doing it's normal thing snapping pictures every few seconds at night without flash which in turn results in that part of the video playback being a huge waste of time and battery power.Whats needed is a mode where the unit functions as time lapse by day and then switches to regular still photos at night.
  9. As "WNYBuckHunter" said these time lapse plot watchuing cams have been around a few years. The software converts the still pics to a video format but as also mentioned the early models were battery eaters and only provide a few days worth of action. I believe that has beeen improved on a bit in the latest models. Also some cam models like the Bushnell can be used in either regular picture mode or "plot watching" time lapse mode. Unfortunately some of these units once set to time lapse mode stay there 24/7 and it continues to fire at night giving you nothing but black images since it wouldn't make sense to fire a flash in this mode. Now if a unit could be programed do the time lapse mode by day and then switch over to regular trail cam pics by night, then that would be getting it right. Someone may have that feature but I believe the Bushnell cam doesn't.
  10. nice bucks and very nice camera work
  11. I'll bet this coon would swear to it.
  12. looks like a good travel area. good luck getting your first buck and keep us posted.
  13. hungry heron (homebrew S600) and button buck fawn losing his spots (trophy cam)
  14. nice job of capturing the progression. That's a nice buck and good luck with him. I have been watching a good one (for my woods) as well and have him on camera in may, june, and early july, but haven't gotten him since then. I'm hoping he will show up and give me a great picture. The last time I caught him was on July 4th:
  15. Sony W290 ( deer) and Trophy cam (turkey)
  16. interesting looking deer; can't say that I ever saw antlers like that. good catch
  17. got these this week. deer (homebrew W290) / turkey (Trophy cam)
  18. nice buck, bobcat, and bear. The ears look fairly large so I'm gonna say 200lbs on the bear.
  19. a combination of things came together in these pictures. The weak flash of the Sony W290 and the doe close to the camera at 7:56 pm made for some good lighting.
  20. Yes Sir, very nice and some real mass on that one big boy.
  21. The piebald is also beautiful. nice pictures and a great buck
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