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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Well put. You wouldn't fire a good employee just because they hit some arbitrary date in employment, so if a legislator is doing a good job, why get rid of them. It's up to the employer, or voter to decide if and when they are no longer performing and need to be replaced. I'd say if say you have an issue with the legislator, your issue lies equally with their voters... Really, thanks for the thought.
  2. Cool. Let me know what you think if you get a chance.
  3. I'm about 60% through. It's a massive story, very well told as well.
  4. How is "Wild at Heart"? It's on my "To Read' list...
  5. Nevermind, not worth stirring up Rattler's nest tonight, I've got other things to do.
  6. I'm not sure if it would be: King Donald the Butthole or Donald, King of the Buttholes Both kind of have a ring to them
  7. I'm as serious as a sneeze in our current environment To be honest, I just get a kick out of arguing with you Rattler
  8. You literally said "not if they're doing their jobs to earn political favors.." that's pretty clearly an insinuation that they might have ignored the complaint because of corrupt intentions.
  9. Whoa, this actually posted, that's embarrassing....Not a complete post, please read on...
  10. I was in the mood for a good back and forth this morning, and you didn't disappoint Rattler, you never do. I'll tell you one thing, if I was Chris Cuomo, I might be offended by you consistently using "little boy", but I'm not, so it doesn't. I stand by my opinion that I wouldn't have acted a whole lot differently of someone were harassing me and my family. We can argue the political motivation of his reaction, but until you can prove it would have been any different if he had known this jerk was a democrat, I'm not buying it. Maybe I'm not civilized, intelligent mature, but I wouldn't take kindly to some jerk on a bike standing outside my fence yelling at me. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling if I did that to you, I might be dodging bullets
  11. Boy I was in the mood for a good back and forth and you didn't disappoint Rattler, you never do. I stand by buy pinion that he did not act any different than I would have. I would guess that if I harassed you at your property I might be dodging bullets :-)
  12. First of all, he said "prove me wrong" first, so forum norms put the burden of proof on you :-) Actually you did accuse the officers of being corrupt you said they did it for political favors. So I would like to see proof that this is the case, if this is what you truly believe.
  13. Yes, leaning in one direction and publishing articles to a right or left tilt is literally what news bias is....
  14. First of all, you are wrong, I don't hate Trump. I don't know that I hate anyone, let alone someone that I've never met. On all accounts, I don't like him and I think he's a royal butthole. You are correct though, that is another discussion entirely. I'm just curious if your dissection of the flaws of people who threaten violence extends to the president. I don't know why you let your hatred of Andrew Cuomo into a discussion of how his brother handled being harassed by a jerk while on his own property while with his family. I stand by my opinion that I probably would have acted in a similar manner, and I'm not even distantly related to Andrew Cuomo...
  15. What are these peer reviews? Just from what I find it looks like the Daily Caller is a hard right biased source with a mixed reporting credibility. I'm sure you have other information, you always do. Whether that information is any more credible than the source in question is up for debate. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-caller/%3famp
  16. Everything I have read is that if you are under quarantine, you should consult your medical provider about going out of doors. Now, I can only give him the benefit of the doubt that since he was on his own personal property, he had consulted with his doctor about being outside. However, if you want to call his doctor and find.out for sure, go on ahead.
  17. First of all, I'm not a violent person, I haven't been in a fight since 8th grade, but if some random person started harassing me and my family, while I was on my own property, if be hard pressed not to react in a similar manner. I'm also not sure while political affiliation has anything to with this. It's not like he yelled "Hey, I'm a registered Democrat, and I support your brother" before he started harassing him. An jerk is a jerk regardless of politics. As far as threatening violence and the way people handle insults, your favorite President could give Cuomo a lesson or two in threatening when you have an advantage. It seems like Trump is all over "knocking the hell" out of people or paying legal fees for people who hurt protesters. Best part is, Trump only wants other people to do his fighting for him. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/back-trump-comments-perceived-encouraging-violence/story%3fid=48415766
  18. Sounds to me like the guy making the complaint was the a-hole in this situation. I'm not sure I would act a lot differently if some random stranger started yelling at me and my family while I was standing on my own property. I don't have any allegiance to Chris Cuomo, but I don't see him at fault in any way on this one.
  19. My wife and I usually make a trip back to Illinois twice a year, once over Thanksgiving, and again I've Memorial Day. Looking like the Memorial Day trip isn't in the cards this year. It's unfortunate since our families don't get to see our daughter often.
  20. Shoot, I didn't know that you worked at NYU School of Law Rattler, I guess I need to be giving you a bit more credit....
  21. I could see this being pretty handy for small mouthed fish like sunfish.
  22. My God, I'd want something at least 6 feet longer for shark...
  23. Tread lightly LF, Rattler will argue a sane man into madness in order to claim victory.
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