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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Doc

  1. I'll be looking forward to it. Its funny how the story-line can extend even beyond the original actors. It'll be interesting to see if they can put some changes into the usual theme which has gotten to be very predictable.
  2. Well, wait a minute ..... That theory of practicing at longer distances than you would shoot while hunting is something I completely agree with. I do that all the time. I always spend at least some time practicing out to 50 yards even though I don't take any hunting shots beyond 30 yards. It is a confidence thing. I may have misunderstood what you said the guy was saying. I thought you were saying that he was advocating longer hunting shots because of what he could do on targets.
  3. Ha-ha .... why stop at 100 yards? I guess that's just a nice round number. Isn't it in the FITA tournaments where they shoot at 100 meters? And that is not just with today's technology, but is done with recurves. Ever watch old movies of Darrell Pace shooting. The freaking arrow starts heading up into the sky and takes forever to get to the target. Really the guy was a machine, but it's probably not too realistic to think that anybody can go out and do that. It all puts me in mind of a demo that the late Stacey Groscup put on at the old Creekside Gun Shop, where he was shooting aspirins out of the air with his recurve. Yes, it can be done. But a archer could drive themselves berserk trying to do that if someone were to lead them to believe that that is an expected level of bowhunter marksmanship. As far as trying to transfer archery range proficiency to hunting potential .... well we have volumes previously written here about all the different ways that kind of mentality can foul things up. Some people simply don't worry about wounding potential and they will continue doing as they please. It's just unfortunate that there are those that will spread that non-sense over the TV airwaves.
  4. There it is ...... As soon as the apples all disappear, I'll know they were ready.....lol.
  5. My gosh! Some of those deer look absolutely panic-stricken by the camera. I was always a bit concerned that there were signs that deer were casually noticing my cameras, but some of those look downright terrified.
  6. The thing is that technology does NOT improve hunting skills. In fact it usually attempts to replace hunting skills. The trick is to find the stopping place for each individual where they can utilize some level of technology without being crippled by it. That is a decision that each hunter has to make for themselves. That Mathews bow that you use does actually represent one heck of a pile of modern-day technology, and I'll bet one could take a look at the rest of your set-up and spot all kinds of fairly high-tech stuff when compared to what I started out with. I also might mention that the equipment that I started out with represented some monster technological steps past the weapons of history. Consider those high-tech recurves with laminated limbs and with the modern glues and plastics, manufacturing procedures of Fred Bear's early mass produced bows along with that super-duper Dacron bowstring and that Hoyt arrow rest with that plastic finger that was adhered to the bow with double sided tape was the latest thing on the market. I started out with the hottest bow hunting setup that made the ancient bows of the Turks look like true crap. The point is that everybody has to make up their own minds as to where their comfort level is with the technology that belongs in this so-called primitive weapons season called bowseason. I understand what you are saying, and it appears to me that somewhere along the line, we have crossed some invisible line when it comes to bowhunting. But the fact is that no two people really can agree on where that line is. I am beginning to be convinced that there is no such line and never will be. Someone will always be trying to push the envelope until eventually you will not even know how to define the sport anymore.
  7. What we need is some credible way of evaluating these internet "news" outlets. Everyday, somebody posts links to some unknown, unfamiliar source of some interesting story, but there is no way of determining whether these sources have any credibility. I'm not saying that this one does not have any credibility. I am just saying that there is no way of knowing.
  8. OK ..... Speaking of apples, how do you know when a granny Smith is ready to be picked. They're green before they're ripe and they're green when they're ripe. Not trying to be funny ..... I have a Granny Smith tree that is bearing this year for the first time, and while it is still way too early yet, I have been wondering how I will know when to pick them.
  9. I really don't know where or why these kinds of activities became related to hunting. Obviously Ted Nugent being an out-spoken hunting and 2nd Amendment public supporter caused him to insert himself as a defender of hunting, but I have no idea where the hook-up between Nascar drivers and some team sports participants came from. For some reason the hunting manufacturers decided that there was some benefit to connecting these people with their products. It's probably some study of the demographics of hunter populations that show a common interest. I have to admit that I absolutely don't fit into whatever profiles they came up with, because other than boxing, I really have no interests in any of the common team sports. And, as far as Nugent's music, I have to admit that that kind of 'squealy' heavy metal style rock is exactly the thing that drove me into listening to country.....lol. So I think they are probably barking up the wrong tree with me, but maybe most other hunters like to identify with all these kinds of people. And maybe attaching their names and personalities to hunting manufacturers products really does make a difference in sales.
  10. I have to say that the absolute best meat that I have ever tasted was breaded, deep fried, domestic bunny-rabbit. Oops! .... that's not what you had in mind at all was it?
  11. Because of your reference to Byron Ferguson's book, I assume you are attempting to shoot instinctive. That is not something you can pick up overnight. Some people never do. Instinctive archery is a very demanding style of shooting. It is something that I gave up many years ago because I got swept into the techno-frenzy approach to archery, A decision I have often regretted since. I do wish you success and hope that somebody here can help you out.
  12. Back in the day when I used to eat, sleep and breathe archery, I used to read every technical article and test report of each and every new bow, arrow, and any other archery related trinket and gadget. I'd be the first out there to argue any little, nearly insignificant, virtue of bow features and performances. I have torn apart and rebuilt more bows than most people have ever owned. I think that is just typical of anybody who is totally immersed in anything. It becomes obsessive. I certainly understand it and have been there. Today, I simply hunt. I found an archery set-up that gets deer within the limitations that I have set for myself. The bow is now getting quite old (I believe we are closing in on 10 years old now). The arrows are old Easton aluminums (some from the late 70's). The release and arrow rest is the same age as the bow (nothing special). Just a couple years ago, I was using some old Bear Razorheads of a late 1960's vintage. My sight is a home-made one with parts from an old Cobra sight of the 1980's. The story these days is if it ain't broke, it ain't going to be replaced. My emphasis is now on the hunting, and the techno-trinkets are a thing of the past. It's alright .... I still get deer. In fact, one of my more prolific bows was that old Bear whitetail Hunter with solid epoxy limbs that you could use for a pry-bar if you so desired ... lol. Speed? Well it didn't fare well in that department, but it sure did get deer. Anyway, if people still like to argue about that last FPS, or that last Ft-Pound of energy, I certainly understand it. Been there .... Done that. But I also appreciate the school of thought that says, "Just get out there and kill a deer", because that's where I'm at today.
  13. I'll give it a few days and then check the quality of the pics (if any). We got it out yesterday morning.
  14. I have no problem with some introductions, but unfortunately it seems that there are more than a few occasions where such "messin' with nature" has caused problems in the past. I only ask that exhaustive study be done first to be certain that any of these introductions are not mistakes. And verifying that a reintroduced species was once resident is not by itself adequate study. Many things have permanently changed over the decades and centuries regarding habitat and other conditions, so what was once appropriate may no longer still be appropriate.
  15. I made that statement as a description of a tactic that a lot of low-quality magazines resort to when they think they need a boost in income. And I will not rule that out as being a potential motivator. When I see magazines reaching into the area of poor taste, it is usually a sign of desperation. Barring that, the suspected motives become even more disgusting. In my opinion, this creep has received way more press than he actually deserves. It has all gone beyond initial news reporting and now enters the area of simple exploitation for profit. And by the way, I am in no way leaving Time magazine out of this kind of criticism either. There have been many issues that I felt were in extremely poor taste. This latest exploitation and glorification of another deranged killer is just more of the same, and there is absolutely no excusing any of it.
  16. Frankly, I have never bought that magazine and never will. So I have no idea what their editorial ideology is. Perhaps they feel this kid is their hero and should be highlighted on their cover. That would be my immediate impression. Most likely what we're dealing with is a magazine of low quality that has to resort to shock tactics just to get people to buy their crap. Those that go along with such transparent tactics and fail to understand why there is such an outrage over yet another mindless killer being high-lighted on the cover of a 'music' magazine are definitely showing signs of hopeless desensitization to cold-blooded and random murder and atrocity. While one might imagine that such an open-minded attitude displays some sort of "worldly intelligence", or elevated thinking, I personally think it shows a rather callous and thoughtless attitude toward the victims of the senseless violence that this demented creature performed. Anyone who mistakes common decency for political correctness, is certainly defining the term "political correctness" a whole lot differently than I do. When one says that they "don't get it", I guess they really don't, and that's a shame.
  17. I haven't been to this show in years. The last time it was still over in Bloomfield, and it was damned impressive way back then. it looks like it has grown a lot since then. I might just take a drive over to Seneca Falls just to be amazed and check out what farming has turned into.
  18. So, I got my new Covert trail-cam. Set-up was super easy. I love it already and haven't even taken the fist pic yet. Only one hitch ...... today I went to the doctor for a super-inflamed left elbow. Doctor put the whole arm in splint from my hand to almost up to my shoulder to immobilize it, so here I sit with one arm in sling. Anybody know how to strap a camera to a tree with only one hand? Tomorrow the wife has volunteered to help me out with that. Just like the old days when she used to help run the trap-line during the week. She's a good ol' lady ..... lol.
  19. Apparently you have a very low opinion of those that hunt with crossbows if you believe that a lot of them are lawbreakers that would illegally hunt with their contraptions. Look, I am not for crossbows in bow season, but even I would not impugn the integrity and honesty of those that want to bust their way into bow season. I have no reason to believe as you apparently do that these people are poachers and would hunt illegally. Frankly, you really don't do your cause much good by making those kinds of statements.
  20. Other than my "lifetime hunting license" that comes through the mail, I always go down to the Town Hall for my bow license. It's one of the times that I get to say hi to all the folks down there and get updated on the local gossip and hot topics ... lol.
  21. 2nd picture down, dead center on the bridge of the nose, slightly down from a line drawn between the eyes ..... What is that red dot? Is that a blood engorged tick? Any theories? Pretty good sharp pictures when somebody is asking questions about a tick-sized feature on a deer's nose ..... lol.
  22. I did good last year when I took my tip that the Ontario County rifle law was a lock, and I bought that .270 caliber American Ruger. I've had all this time to be practicing with that thing and my biggest choice will be what hair on the deer I want to hit ..... lol.
  23. I think something like about 16" would be perfect. Just right for sitting on .... lol.
  24. Just a minute and I will go check. That one was signed too.
  25. It's Official: Get those rifles sighted in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS: S3929 NOZZOLIO Same as A 5574 Kolb Environmental Conservation Law TITLE....Authorizes hunting in the county of Ontario until October 1, 2015 02/27/13 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 03/12/13 1ST REPORT CAL.184 03/13/13 2ND REPORT CAL. 03/14/13 ADVANCED TO THIRD READING 04/23/13 PASSED SENATE 04/23/13 DELIVERED TO ASSEMBLY 04/24/13 referred to environmental conservation 06/19/13 substituted for a5574 06/19/13 ordered to third reading rules cal.422 06/19/13 passed assembly 06/19/13 returned to senate 07/02/13 DELIVERED TO GOVERNOR 07/12/13 SIGNED CHAP.144
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