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Four Seasons

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Everything posted by Four Seasons

  1. It’s people that did not like Trump because he hurt their feelings by telling it like it is. Even though they knew a vote for Joe was a vote against the American people.
  2. There is one that responds in this site. Ask him why he thinks it was a bright idea to vote for something to again destroy a country. He thinks ole Joe is doing a fine job.
  3. Biden is going to start sucking back on his stupid past decisions. He knows November is coming quick and at a 30% approval rating democrats have 0 chance of winning anything.
  4. And those in charge these days have already proven what a nightmare they can cause when dealing with other countries. I bet someone is taking great care of all those military weapons we left behind in the last mess we were in.
  5. It’s already happening as we speak. He just tries to duck the facts because he knows that we know he voted for and supports the idiots in charge.
  6. Yeah delusional because everything I said is 100% fact. Get your head out of the meat pie and do some research.
  7. Funny your the guy to reply and one of the guys to vote for that side. Perfect
  8. Yeah well if you don’t think that’s a possibility your a fool. Look what’s already happening on the Capitals steps. Parents are now keeping kids out of schools because of the idiots and their mask mandates. I hope they keep enough out to shut their doors. They will get a clue when that happens. People have had enough of the crap you voted for. From masks to subway killing to not being able to afford to get thru the month. Would not shock me to see the shit hit the fan before this idiot leaves the house.
  9. It won’t go thru either way. The next court it see’s is as Left as anyone putting the mandate out. Ny sucks politically and even people on this site continues to vote for that side.
  10. The mess? You mean the safe borders? The lower prices on everything? The safer states..Well except left states because that’s what they crave.. and the list goes on And don’t cry about Covid when it was your boy that had that there plan he was talking about every single day. Trump warned the country what would happen if the useless one got cheated in and he was spot on. Look at the mess we have now. And it’s only getting deeper every single day. And if you for one second think that democrat ran states changing voter rules the night of the election and the 1000’s of people who signed statements saying they cheated for the democratic side is not fraud you really are the dense one.
  11. I’m afraid our favorite cook has now become leftist deep he can’t even believe facts. Proven at that.
  12. Now your really grasping for straws. You use the end of a mans term…a man that was fought against by the idiots from day one as your judgement. You see any of this hardship people are going thru now when trump was in. No. Are you talking the same joe that said he would not take the shot because Trump made it? Joe had a plan remember? Joe said he was for bringing all people together remember? I will fire you on the spot if you down talk any person. Yet again on a hot mic he proves just the guy he is. You come and see me in another year of these idiots.
  13. You will never get the truth out of a leftist fool. He thinks it Ok for a Dem to be banging a spy also. Orange man bad even though every American had a better life with him in the house.
  14. It’s safe to say that the next 3 years will be worse. It’s also safe to say it will take another business minded Republican like Trump to right the ship.
  15. That’s because you know the second you do you look 3 times the fool that you already do. That’s your lefty hero’s trying to use something as a platform that’s not even fact. You might want a Sammy and Smoke with your CNN tonight.
  16. Yeah this response about says it all. You crybaby about something racial and have no clue on the original subject. Nows your cue to the easy chair and a little more CNN.
  17. You will never get a liberal to throw away the race card. It’s their last bit of ammo. A typical lefty that try’s to turn words into a race thing and then continue’s to claim race after the meaning is shown in black and white. One has to remember. He voted Biden and stands party strong.
  18. And maybe you just had the facts shoved down your throat once again with a simple search. Now shall we spend the next couple hours continuing to ask you to answer the original question?
  19. You were just schooled above once again there lefty. As we all laugh at you for your continued ducking of the original question.
  20. As you now after ducking the original question continue to throw the race card in as a loyal leftist would I ask where there is race involved in this one simple search. Is it a breed? Is it a half breed? A loyal leftist would throw in its racist where as the search says nothing of the sorts.
  21. That’s the typical turning of words by the left and only have the race card to throw out when they have nothing else. That whole thread said it all and I’m not going to argue with the libtard so he can get this thread locked up also. He has only ducked the original question for two days.
  22. Yeah only 3-4 other guys showed you in black and white and it still sits in the locked thread. But typical of your kind. Another reply yet still no answer to the question? I guess that says it all.
  23. True That. But sad when the same one keeps tossing out that card in a number of different posts. After 4 different people proved him wrong in the political thread he continues on to get that one locked up.
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