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Everything posted by Lucky118

  1. Want to try out 500 grains but it seems like a long drawn out process
  2. Anybody else follow Ranch Fairy?
  3. Alot of people need to master the art of the shower and general hygiene first before they progress to trying to master hand sanitizers lol. And can someone please tell me why potheads can't smell themselves? Yes you smoked 2 hrs ago we can still smell it lol
  4. I like the Colorado govs response. He said, the vaccine had been out forever now so no more mandates. If you don't get the vaccine and you die F ya. Lol.
  5. You guys do know you uave a gun right. You CAN shoot them again lol
  6. I like it when everyone shoots the small ones. It chases the big ones to me lol
  7. Still hunted the ridges all day. 9 hrs of trees and boulders. Then at 4 i came around a lrg tree and there was an 8 point laying down about 40 yrds from me never saw me cause of all the wind up there. I put the scope on him and then he saw me and stood but still didn't know what was going on. Nice 8 but needs another yr so he got lucky. Be seeing you nxt yr bud lol
  8. Wished on 5 falling stars on the drive to my spot. Got this one in the bag today. Lol
  9. With having 2 trees drop within 50 yrds of me this yr during high wind, be careful 10 to 25 mph wind today with 50 mph gusts
  10. So if you find the sheds do you have report it as a buck instead lol
  11. What they should do is put all the guns back in the gun season and go back to just flinging arrows. All these different seasons are getting stupid.
  12. He jumped in on D Day and was there till the end. Was only wounded once during the battle of the Bulge, shot in the forearm i think. He also jumped in operation Market Garden.
  13. My grandfathers was in the 101st. He came and put my jump wings on me when i graduated from airborne school. He passed about 8 yrs ago.
  14. Looks like the one i passed up first day chasing a doe around me for 10 min.you didn't get that in 4o did you?
  15. The old bear single blades were good for that lol. Lord forbid you got a liver or a single lung with one of those things.
  16. Broadheads have nothing to do with it. Shot placement does. Lol
  17. Seriously? has anyone contacted the DEC about this yet?
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