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Everything posted by Lucky118

  1. All it takes is a couple of bad winters and deep snow and a couple of wet springs and the populations suffer. Been about 10 yrs here with low populations. But this spring i saw 3 different flocks of 20 or more birds and lots of babys so maybe it will pick back up.
  2. Been watching the hunting public. You don't really realize how bad the hunting is around the east coast till you watch that show lol
  3. Shot one like this about 8 yrs ago. Didn't see him again till he walked right up to me first day of gun to surrender 10 minutes into my hunt. Lol
  4. Finally got it sighted in with the new stock. Have to say in quite happy.
  5. Havent not hunted yet this yr in NY or PA. Hunted my whole life, use to love bow. This yr i could care less. Might drag the crossbow out to PA this week and glass and stalk but the compound is probably going to stay home this yr again.
  6. 2 weeks here and still going. Going to be a rough season.
  7. Awe poor skunks. Cute little suckers lol
  8. You better shoot him quick. He doesn't look like he's going to make it much longer.
  9. Might have gotten lucky and clipped liver but looks like all intestine imo. Stomach would have been better but thats much lower.
  10. Oh I've had a few lol. Shot one of those on the wall and watched him go down. Dropped my stuff off at the car and came back with the knife and a rope. While cleaning him out and absolute giant walked by me at 30 yrds with his nose to the ground grunting away. Never saw him again lol
  11. Yeah the big ones might have gotten away but their buddies didn't lol
  12. I like the plaques. Takes up a little more room but i think its worth it.
  13. Probably wants them closer, being they are underage. I'm sure we will see him sniffing a few at a press conference soon. Lol
  14. Holy hell! I would have quit my job to hunt him. A true buck of dreams and nightmares. Got buck fever just watching the video.
  15. 10 yrs of ones that got away and i could keep going if only i had trail cams before then lol
  16. Probably 5 bucks watching you right now. Thats what they do there. Lay there and watch you till it gets dark lol
  17. Put a rocket motor and m80s on an arrow once and lit it and shot it out of my compound. Must have gone a mile atleast lol
  18. Yes it does lol. Louisiana boys love that stuff tho. Gave it all away. The 300 lbs sow i got was the best tasting pork I've ever had tho.
  19. Those uncut Boar are naaasty.
  20. Use to shoot them all the time in Louisiana. They would come by 30 at a time on state land. For free lol. Last one i got was 300 lbs. Had to drag it a mile with another guy. Took 2 hrs. Never shot another one. Lol
  21. My taxi puts all the heads out side in a box and the DEC runs over and grabs them.
  22. Lol. Ah the good old days. Won't be till close to end of the month before i even think about going out anymore. Good luck to everyone.
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