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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lucky118

  1. I walk the ridges and throw rocks into it. They usually jump up and run a short distance and look around sometimes they blow out of there going 100 mph lol
  2. Sounds more like bad luck on the shot persons part. A bullet that was shot at a deer and travel's 300 yrds more and hits you in the head is just dumb luck or fate. Bullet with your name on it!
  3. It will be tough to get to the tops there without chasing all the deer out. Those tops are ringed with almost impenetrable mountain laurel. Once you get past that it's fairly open on the tops. But there is no acorns that I've found so might not be anything there. Might have better luck hunting the clear cuts if your just looking for any legal deer. More food there this yr.
  4. Sounded like 2 shots this morning where that top gray mark is.
  5. Pretty sure I've exploded quite a few bile sacks with bullets and I'm not dead yet so your good lol
  6. Had one of those over in montrose pa area. Lawyer was stupin his buddys wife and they went hunting and his buddy turned up dead. Case went on for yrs and i think he ended up in prison finally.
  7. I dont care if its first day in pa. Im not going out in 20 mph winds and feels like 10 deg. Never shoot anything on first day anyhow.
  8. Had 6 doe 20 yrds from me on the ground yesterday. Orange hat, orange vest. Never noticed me lol.
  9. Red squirrel's were really annoying today. They were everywhere.
  10. Should be legal to hunt all parks, SUNY college propertys, or anything that gets taxpayer or is built with taxpayer money.
  11. Should be legal to hunt all parks, SUNY college propertys, or anything that gets taxpayer or is built with taxpayer money.
  12. Doe,doe,doe, spike,7 point, 4 point doe doe doe. Yep, im hunting NY state land lol
  13. Good. Morons attacked a dude with a gun. They brought a pistol to AR fight. Not smart. But then again all leftist religion is not smart.
  14. Yeah then i have to pack them back. No way im dragging it. Makes for a long, long day. But good news is after 20 yrs of hunting this spot last yr was the first time i ever pulled the trigger on one. So probably wont get anything but i enjoy it.
  15. Have a 3 mile walk so prolly be there by 5 and start hiking in.
  16. Missed a giant with the old 870 open sights. Put it in the corner and haven't missed one since with the rifle lol
  17. Im pretty sure also if some one was going to shoot a deer out of a car then this law isn't going to stop them from getting an under width bow and doing so. Law was made by anti crossbow group to just make it harder to hunt with a wide, heavy, pc of of junk that under performs. My xcaliber is wide enough just has a 280 lbs draw which makes it to heavy a draw. Not going to buy a pc of junk to hunt with so they win.Just stopped bow hunting all together. Alot of people i know have.
  18. It's a nice deer but untill it is panel scored by PY scorers, I have my doubts about 210. It looks like it has alot of deductions.
  19. No but there are plenty of videos of guys hunting deer this big on private and public land in Oklahoma with a simple search of YouTube. I've had my hands on 2 racks in the 170s and one non typical 180s shot within a few miles of my house where i have never seen one over 140. So it is completely plausible this deer is legit.
  20. Not big enough to be a high fence deer. Or whomever grew it behind a fence didn't know a thing about growing big deer. Oklahoma has deer this big and AG and room to grow them.
  21. Been able to use any crossbow in PA for yrs now. They have way better hunting than NY. And they have more hunters so thats not true.
  22. Walked a few bedding areas in PA yesterday. Very very little sign. Few. Small rubs, few fresh tracks and thats after 4 hrs of walking. Probably go to other side of management area this week and check out some of my spots but it looks pretty bleak this yr. No acorn's no deer in the big wood plots. All off on the private parcel's with fields it looks like. Have to wait for the orange hoard in a few weeks to kick them out. On the bright side been killing the fish tho on a local rez. 10 eyes and 6 fatty smallmouth today. Heading back out tomorrow with a buddy to get some crappie and more walleye.
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