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Everything posted by Lucky118

  1. Came back last night and i heard him in my garbage. Opened the window and yelled at him. He backed up and huffed at me. Told him to stfu and get. He wondered off and didn't come back lol
  2. Worlds overpopulated let it do its thing and stop proloning it.
  3. Mines about 12 ft off the ground on my window . He can't reach it. Though i have a few scratches in the wood siding.
  4. Was trying to get my bird feeder.
  5. I would suspect genes have nothing to do with his antlers. He probably has damage to his skeletal structure somewhere. Shot one like this a few yrs ago that had 2 broken back legs at one time.
  6. Shooting any deer or a specific deer?
  7. Why are we not just giving them more guns and ammo? They don't want jail or cops shooting them, so lets just give them a ton of ammo and guns and let them kill each other. Soon there won't be any of them left. Win win.
  8. The irrational fear of snakes some people have has always made me laugh. I make rock walls and piles on the edge of my yrd to house the snakes. They eat alot of pests. Bugs mice and such. I have to rescue some of my toads from them occasionally ( toads make a racket when they are being eaten) but besides that i like having them around. Waters tend to be a little hyper sometimes but if you give them their space they will go away. My girlfriend chased one of my garter snakes down with the lawn mower one time. I told her if she did it again we would see how she liked it lol. Hasn't happened again. It saddens me to see supposed sportsmen and conservationists act this way. We as a group are our own worst enemys.
  9. Shoot i see tons of dead hawks on the highway. Should ban cars lol
  10. Eastern milk snake. Kind of looks like a watersnake but its not. Head is a dead give away.
  11. Oh boo hoo. I'm losing 2 hunting spots, guess I'll have to stay home and hunt these messily deer. Lmao
  12. Piggy and Stanley. Dont let them fool you. They are both killers lol.
  13. Heck no. I watched that autopsy show on netlix. Was gross as spit lol.
  14. I've got 2 more yrs worth of masks. I'll be damned if they are going to waste.
  15. Probably keep wearing mine even after it's all over. People are gross. Lol
  16. 2nd shot down no side effects. Hurt the arm less than the first one. Whole lot to do about nothing.
  17. And more people will leave and more of their house seats will disappear. Love it. Love seeing the Dem states destroying themselves.
  18. Need the lead for all those batteries for those electric cars lol
  19. Have 4 pairs of the grosbeak that fight over my feeder. Finally got a cardinal to come to the feeder but something blasted him the other day. Feathers all over the yrd.
  20. Dang wind turbines are a menace. So ugly, like climate changers lol. As long as NYC doesn't go under water they dont care how many birds die.
  21. No. Very bad! Bring them to me. I'll make sure to get rid of them. Lol
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