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    4F otsego county

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    4f 7 5h 6j
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    Turbo g2
  • HuntingNY.com
    Found this group a few years back on mentioned on the adk forum

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  1. I ended up building a bucket stove . The chimney pipe stores in the pail . It can be burnt as a tent stove or without the lid upright as a camp fire . we have used it for a couple seasons . And it is now part of our big woods northern zone cache .
  2. A lot has settled all ready .Milford, roseboom , got about 12” last weekend
  3. Daveboone we are paddling south branch moose river .
  4. We are about a week out from opening day . Wondering what everyone is doing ? Who is sleeping in the woods ? Who is headed out for the week? . We are headed back to the moose river to paddle in and hunt .
  5. The dynamics of hunting within the blue line are complicated at times. The wild blueberries have done well in the southern Adirondacks this year from what I have seen so far . We will be headed up in 2 weeks to drop gear caches for early muzz and hang a couple cameras. Stand sitting is tough up there . Still hunting edges of soft and hardwoods has been productive for us . The more ground you cover the better your chances of finding ground to return to . We hunt public land only up north .
  6. Powely piseco area is 5j . And Ferris lake wilderness area . Just above little falls . You can access through Stratford . Lots of free camping sites . It’s all boots on the ground hunting. Pack a lunch .
  7. We live over the line in otsego county. I have been a builder in otsego and chenango for 30+ years . The chenango county and local town building /fire code offices are easy to work with for permitting . If you are making improvements requiring zoning approval they are easy to work with also. We have a good hunting and fishing community around here. Many rural residents in chenango and otsego counties are struggling to keep heads above water. As you ride through our counties you definitely see it . There’s is good opportunity in the area . hopefully with decent people transplanting themselves here we will be re-building a better rural ny. Good luck
  8. I’m going to build a couple new box and a couple pot calls with my son and then report back lol .
  9. With the breaks in weather and sunshine, I’ve been seeing more birds in my fields and hitting up the scrub crab apple trees. going to get started on making some new calls this month .looking forward to may .
  10. My father hunted with a bear recurve like that when I was a kid . This brings back memories of the my dad . I still have that recurve saved with some of his gear from back in the day .Thanks for sharing
  11. Packed and headed to the big woods. Gonna be a long day , maybe 2 sandwiches today.
  12. Pentax 8-16 x 21 adjustable zoom under $100 on sale Very nice size and clear pict think it’s called the UP series 5 years and no issues.
  13. Coyotes aren’t very effective against deer unless it’s a fawn or they are running them down in the snow . . Years ago when I was a predator caller we would see deer fox and coyotes all in the same field at the same time in the evening on the spotlight . Deer will stomp the crap out of coyotes and domestic dogs . The same way that a donkey does if left in the field to protect your live stock . Couple feet of snow on the ground and the coyotes will have an advantage if hunting in pac .
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