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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. It muffled ithe sound a bit more. Will test it and post video again as soon as I can.
  2. Nice set up. But you're missing the fridge filled with beer and a flat panel tv. LOL!
  3. My newest attempt to muffle the sound. Used spray foam all around and under the chassis on the gears. And the finished product
  4. Many are complaining about their taxes increasing so much over a short period of time and blaming it on teacher pensions or salaries. However, I haven't seen any mention if those whose taxes increased did work to their house. That would most definitely increase their taxes. I don't mean interior renovations, I mean exterior dormers or anything that causes you to go outside the main footprint of your home like blowing out a room here or there to increase the overall sq ft of your home. That will definitely increase both your school and town/county taxes. I've seen it first hand from neighbors who are wondering why they're paying more than me on same plot size. I ask them did you forget about the construction crew and mess out front of your home for 3 months last year? I get "oh yeah" in response. I've been living in my home for 20 years and started out paying about $5500 in town and school taxes combined. As of 2012 it is just about $10k on about 1/4 acre land. I've done lots of work to my house interior but never went outside the footprint. Over 20 years my taxes went up about $5k. That's an average of $250.00 a year. From when I bought my house in 1992 to the present I've seen property assessment values go up and down all depending on the state of the real estate market at the time. Do I think I'm paying too much compared to other states? Yes. But i never grieved them because it's a double edged sword if you do. I've seen people grieve them and get some minimal reduction. But then the next year or so they get reassessed and the taxes have gone higher than before thereby losing any benefit they may have gained from the prior grievance and they're out the amount they paid to the company they hired.
  5. Update on use of motorized turkey decoy from NYS DEC: This is my email (Second one sent. Never received a response to the first) To: Citizen Participation Specialist I am inquiring as to whether or not one can use a motorized turkey decoy while hunting for spring or fall turkey in NYS. Essentially what I am referring to is affixing a turkey decoy on top of the chassis of child’s battery operated remote controlled car that is used while hunting to mimic lifelike movement for purposes of luring gobblers into shotgun or bow range. My research on this topic has revealed differing opinions on its legality in NYS. I would appreciate clarification on this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Best regards, Jordan Masiakos And their response . . . Hi Jordan Below is information received from DEC Law Enforcement: The decoy can move but, it can not have any sound: (7) A permittee may not hunt turkey with the aid of an electronic calling or amplification device during an open turkey season. Further, a permittee may not use an electronic calling or amplification device to locate turkeys at any time during an open turkey season. Thanks, Wendy Wendy Rosenbach NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Citizen Participation Specialist (845) 256-3018 Yippee!!!!!
  6. Here is a picture of me standing on my corner with some fine feathered friends a few years ago.
  7. I actually joined BMG music club. Same concept though. Got tired of sending back unwanted CDs.
  8. Friends of mine who live in the Cove (I'm in OB) have told me they have deer living on their property. Crazy!
  9. Great article about 12 states working to change their CC laws to allow residents to CC without permits! Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming already allow that. States that have been or are considering changing include Colorado (too far) Iowa (just as far) Georgia (now we're getting closer), Kentucky (even closer), Main, New Hampshire and Rhode Island are even closer . . .It would be nice to see NY follow along, if not I may be moving to one of those NE states in the distant future. . . . But I'll still be a NY Yankee/Giant Fan LOL! http://www.usatoday....mits/53391932/1
  10. Woofer where was that photo taken? Was it in the OB Cove?
  11. Actually I there was an 8pt buck that was found dead on Route 106 just in front of Stop & Shop in December 2011. There has been another sighting of another big boy just south of 25A in the area of the Muttontown Preserve. Few people have seen him that I know but usually in the wee early morning hours.
  12. Perhaps because they are going after those states they know they won't have a hard time winning against.
  13. Yup everything's 1/2 off and it's Changing it's name to the "Fity-Cent Store"
  14. Maryland requires permit applicants to demonstrate good and substantial reason to carry a gun such as a precaution against apprehended danger. A Federal Judge declared that portion of the restrictions unconstitutional. Maybe if enough states do the same thing, New York may follow . . . http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/maryland-handgun-permit-provision-unconstitutional-federal-judge-rules/2012/03/05/gIQAq02htR_story.html
  15. Students at University of Colorado are now permitted to carry concealed on campus. The Colorado Supreme Court struck down a ban as illegal. Finally our court system is working for our 2nd Amendment rights. http://kdvr.com/2012/03/05/court-students-can-carry-guns-on-campus/
  16. I've tried but it won't stay put. I may spray the foam onto the cork board all around.
  17. Update on DIY turkey decoy: I enclosed the chassis with 1/4" cork board on all sides. It cuts down on the noise a little but not much. Tried using Styrofoam but it would not stick well. Also used a broken aluminum arrow as the post to hold the turkey up. Going to be hot gluing a quick tripod release from a scavenged tripod to attach my Midland XTC action camera to the front. Also spray painted it with camo paint. Here are some pics for now. I will post a new video when it's completed.
  18. I don't understand how some people cannot agree with his position on the 2nd Amendment. He nailed it X2
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