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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Yeah I hear ya! I don't want another bill either. I like the Asus. Sounds like its gonna blow the doors off the IPad. Do you know what the asking price will be? I saw it on Amazon but no price yet. BTW check out this guys warning about the docks. http://www.amazon.com/TF201-B1-GR-Transformer-10-1-Inch-Tablet-Amethyst/product-reviews/B0067PLM5E/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
  2. The wife and I usually buy stuff for ourselves and put them under the tree so we can have something to unwrap in front of the kids. After 20 years of marriage it gets harder and harder to get something for her or me that we don't already have. But every year I surprise her with something nice. But we are planning a nice long cruise for the spring so we are not going crazy this Christmas. John, I'm also looking for a good tablet. I bought the Pandigital Novel at Kohl's on sale. Played around with it for about 1 week or so. Not happy with it. Very slow response. Runs on the older Android operating system. Its Wifi only. I bought it to use in my stand to look at pictures from my trail cam and to read. Also because it had a regular SD card slot. However, it took about 30 minutes to load all the pictures. It is good for a reader but I already have the Nook simple touch reader. I'm returning the Pandigital tomorrow. I've done lots of research on tablets. If you want 3G where you can access the internet anywhere you are, then your best bet is the IPad 3G. The others like Samsung Galaxy and the Motorola Zoom are also 3G but do not have the speed of the IPad. This is coming from friends who have had both and switched to the IPad. The downside is the hefty price tag - $629 to start for 16G with wifi & 3G. But remember you have to pay a monthly fee to your carrier as well. So add that in to the overall price. I also read rumors online that the IPad 2S and the IPad 3 is coming out this coming year so I'm sure the prices on the IPad 2 are going to drop. I think I'm going to wait until then. If you want a good reader and you are going to be in a wifi area and you don't need internet available anytime, but you can still access the internet in wifi hotspots, then I would look at the new Nook Tablet at Barnes & Nobel for $249. It got really good reviews. Just my HO.
  3. Never heard of anything like this happening before . . . Condolences to the family. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/cop_killed_in_deer_collision_Vwbndi1pgkIDU8jbgdUDOK?utm_campaign=OutbrainA&utm_source=OutbrainArticlepages&obref=obinsource
  4. If you can I would wait until after hunting season is over. I've bought most of my gear at almost 1/4 the price of what they are selling for during the season. As far as recommendations, for cold weather gear I wear an insulated one piece jumpsuit which I bought at dicks for $39 (regular price $129) with couple of layers underneath. As far as warmer weather gear, I wear 1/2 layers and then a spring/fall like jacket with hood and pants both of which are water proof. I also bought those at Dicks post season at a really cheap price.
  5. Well its about time the weather got colder. Today is the fifth time this month I had to let my wood stove burn out! Just way too warm outside. My car's thermometer read 70 degrees earlier today.
  6. That's all I wanted to know . . . OK . . . enough of this. . . lets get back to some real hunting!
  7. Thanks for your support Elmer. I'm the Greek and I married into the Italian side. LOL! (Happily married for 20 years I might add despite dealing with both sides of in-laws!) For what it's worth, I do have a good relationship with them. But over the past 30 years there have been many times when both my wife and I get extremely confused by their actions and we can't make heads or tails out of what they say or do. The funny part is that their response is always the same, "what do you expect, we are immigrants, we can't fend for ourselves". Anyway, enough of this thread. . . once I get the 8 pointer that is still up there in the fields, I'll be a happy camper once again! And today I found out that my brother who also got a DMP for our unit can't go up again until the last weekend of bow 12/16 (we both still have our bow tags) so he said he'd transfer his DMP to me for this coming weekend. And no, I'm not telling anyone . . . .
  8. The Ultimate Recipe Kill stuff Add fire Eat Burp Have a good night. - Ted Nugent.
  9. You are right. It's never easy when you deal with family especially when they put you in such a predicament. I've learned my lesson. I assure you its never happening again. The last thing im going to say is I believe it's written in the stars that next week I'll be putting down the big 8 that's still floating around and then I'm gonna rub it in all their faces! Lol.
  10. So sad! Prayers go out to the family who have to make sense of his stupidity for not wearing a harness.
  11. You read my mind! Karp, I hear ya! But this is the first time this has ever happened. Even his son texted me tonite and asked me on a scale of "1 to Chris Brown" how PO'ed were you? I answered back and told him let your imagination run wild. . . Regardless of all the above, this will NOT happen again!! BTW, ended up going to church with my family tonite and said a prayer for him and for my sanity!
  12. That's where I got my Remington 710 - 30-06 used with a scope for under $300.00. I was very happy with them too!
  13. Thanks for the comments guys/gals. I think I'm more PO'ed at the fact that I had to give up my DMP tag after first applying in August and not getting it and then being pleasantly surprised when I got one in the mail in the beginning of November. Now I'm stuck if I don't see a buck next week I can't even shoot a doe which I could have taken opening weekend. Grow, I just read the DEC section on DMP consignment, it does not mention anything about transferring the DMP before the actual hunt. It just gives you instructions on what you need to do in order to transfer the DMP. http://www.dec.ny.go...door/10000.html But I can certainly guaranty you all one thing that the whole situation put a really bad taste in my mouth AND that this will NEVER happen again. On a side note, both my brother in laws said that next time they are going to switch my father in law's ammo and give him blanks.
  14. I understand that it's family but I was more pissed off at the way he went about it. This has been going on for as long as I can remember and as long as I have been part of the family. They always expect you to jump at a moments notice.
  15. This weekend it was originally planned that four families would go up to the cabin to celebrate Thanksgiving and get some hunting in. Instead, because of scheduling issues with my brother in law's kids we all stayed here on LI and had Thanksgiving dinner at his house. During dinner we had a discussion about going up Friday morning to go hunting. However, my father in law's son was not at dinner that nite and he could not go up on Friday cause he had to work and was not sure if he could go up even on Saturday, so my father in law felt it was not right for the three of us (me, my father in law and my other brother in law) to go up without his son. It was originally decided that my brother in law who owns the house upstate would go only with his wife for the weekend. So that nite it was decided that he would head up on Friday with his wife only. During the day on Friday I find out that the brother in law who could not go up Friday was going up Saturday morning for one nite with his wife and their two little kids. My father in law decides to call me at 6:00pm on Friday nite to ask me to drive him and his wife up so he could spend the weekend with them. I was already pissed at the whole situation so I said I couldn't cause I was "meeting a client on Saturday afternoon". The next morning on Saturday he goes up with his son and they end up taking two cars cause they all could not fit in their car. Now this morning (before I even had my coffee) we get a call at 8:00am from my father in law and in a joking manner he tells my wife that "he shot a deer for me" and said "I need your DMP tag". Now he already used his last weekend and no one else got a DMP tag in our hunting party so he was stuck. I had my DMP tag in my wallet which was with me on LI (I forgot to stick it in my back tag last weekend since it came two months after I applied in August). He wanted me to drive up there sign over my tag to him. Needless to say I was pissed off! I'm the first one to jump in the car and go upstate at a moments notice to go hunting but I really, really, really didn't want to go! After some back and forth with my wife and phone calls back and forth, about how to handle this situation, I drove up . . . Yes! I drove up for 2.5 hours. Thank God there was no traffic going up. OK. I get there and say my hello's and I say to my father in law "what were you thinking when you pulled the trigger?", knowing full well that he didn't have another DMP. I dropped the tag on the table and signed it over to him. Now he wanted to ride back with me. I said that I wasn't leaving just yet. I'm gonna stay and eat something and then leave. I just wanted to drive back by myself. I don't want the deer or the meat. He offered to come up with me next weekend which was the original plan. I told him I don't know if I'm going or not. I then find out he got mad for what I said to him. So I drove back home for another 2.5 hours... killing my whole Sunday. What would you all have done???? Did I do the right thing? Did I say anything wrong or disrespectful?
  16. Congrats to your brother! Enjoy the eats!
  17. Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Re-reading the story it's not clear on what he was doing when he said he "pulled up". Nevertheless whether it's a climber fixed or ladder stand if he was harnessed or at least had a life line he would not have fallen.
  19. Wait until this weekend when I BBQ some venison chops . . . mmmmmmm!!!
  20. Sitting in my stand, with a cool breeze blowing, light snowflakes falling all the while watching/listening to the woods waking up and being smack in the middle of all of God's creations from the littlest annoying spider to the 300lb -10 point buck that's just out of range. I too feel so much closer to God when I'm in the outdoors. Nothing is better than this.
  21. After hunting for 25 years this Minneapolis man fell when this year his ladder stand came away from the tree. He fell 15 feet flat onto his back. Now he's a paraplegic-paralyzed from the waist down. The article doesn't say anything about him wearing a harness or not. I'm sure if he was, he would still be able to walk today . . . Just something to think about when you are climbing your treestand . . . WEAR A DAMN HARNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.kare11.co...?storyid=947848
  22. It tasted even better!! And even better the next day . . . had it for lunch today with my 10 y.o. son!
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