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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. I prefer homemade wine with venison. I have a constant supply from by BIL and FIL. When we go out I prefer a nice pinot noir or cab.
  2. After... Oh my! There is just a sliver left. My kids and wife and I devoured it! Only downside was that It was a little sweet, perhaps because I used pre made pastry dough I bought at the grocers instead of plain bread dough. Next time I plan on asking my Mother in law to make some plain crust dough. Overall I'm quite pleased.
  3. Welcome to the brotherhod Jason! You found the perfect place to learn a lot. There are many knowledgable people on here with lots to offer. Enjoy the exchanges but you will learn to take some people's comments with a grain... I mean... a pound of salt.
  4. Ok. My venison pot pie is going in.... Before....
  5. Welcome Otto! Great group here. Enjoy the ride!
  6. Thanks!! I will be making it tomorrow for dinner. Do you first brown the venison or just wash and pour it into the pie crust along with the other ingredients?
  7. Dude, what are you GPS coordinates of where you hunt?? LOL!
  8. I have not been up to camp since November 17 & 18th when I tagged out. I am getting so antsy for May 1st and now we are expecting up to 8" of snow on LI .
  9. As Get Smart used to say: "You missed it by that much!"
  10. Grow, maybe this will help your daughter: In New York, headlight flashing is not illegal. New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3] requires that headlamps "shall be operated so that dazzling light does not interfere with the driver of the approaching vehicle".[31] In 1994, New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division held that flipping or flicking high beams at approaching vehicles is insufficient to cause the "dazzling lights" prohibited under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3].[32] In 2009, the New York Supreme Court held that the flashing of lights alone is not a violation of New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3], that stopping a vehicle based upon that is illegal, and all evidence gather as a result of the illegal stop should be suppressed.[33] The 2009 case is here: http://www.courts.state.ny.us/reporter/3dseries/2009/2009_08412.htm
  11. Big Brother is watching . . . .
  12. Fall turkey is usually Oct 1st in SZ
  13. Lol! Considering I missed all of last years spring turkey - yeah you can say I feel like a kid waiting for Santa to come ... Edit: watching youtube videos on spring turkey hunting every chance I get doesn't help my situation either. LOL!
  14. October 1st for fall turkey and bow for deer in Southern zone. Here's the link. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/huntingseasons1213.pdf
  15. My wife got off from work on May 1st and my bro is doing Greek Easter (5/3) so I'm heading up on 4/30 in the evening for an opening day Spring turkey hunt. Wahoo! Only 57 days to go .....
  16. I bought it a few years ago. Although the website says it is not legal in NY for hunting, it IS legal to mount on your bow. This was confirmed by a response email from NYS DEC. Set up is difficult and not as easy as it shows on the website. The slightest nudge throws it off completely. I've had it mounted on my PSE and used it 2 years ago but I decided to take it off for last bow season and used a handheld RF instead. I hope you have better luck with it.
  17. Thanks for the video. I use a 1080p HD Toshiba flip with zoom facing me and a standard JVC CC facing the field with 800x zoom. But it's horrible in low light - great in bright sunlight unless of course you are facing the sun. LOL!. I am going to do some test runs with my GoPro and see how it looks. I may use the GoPro facing me and the Toshiba facing the field during my hunts. Edit: Or I may just attach the Gopro to my motorized turkey decoy and get the big ole gobblers coming in to my set up. How cool would that be??
  18. I'd like to make it. Can anyone recommend a recipe for it? Thanks...
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