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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Lock boxes , cable locks are only a deterrent . If someone wants the camera bad enough , it will disappear . A friend had one cable locked on a 6" maple . Someone cut the tree and slipped the camera off the stump . Putting them high helps . I have 2 cams in Moultrie lock boxes and a few cable locked .
  2. I didn't know summer school was over and someone has returned to the site . Enough of this crap about the Gold Star parents of the slain soldier ! The father is a contributor to the Clinton Foundation and a lawyer in support of Sharia Law . The son did a service . The father is a schmuck !
  3. I havn't had any problems so far . What is hard to read or find ?
  4. Let me try from my Samsung S5 Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. Unless you buy quite a bit from them , it's not worth it to pay for membership . I think they give you 10 percent off for a member purchase . If you buy a lot , it is worth the price of membership . Membership is a yearly cost also . You have to re-up and pay each year . The coupons they give you are for a short time also .
  6. My arrows run about 430 grains using a 100 grain tip . I saw an article a while back that showed how to easily add weight to an arrow . The guy used string trimmer line . I had never heard of that before .
  7. Havn't been watching any of it . Catch a bit of it on the regular news highlights and newspaper .
  8. Hillary "short circuited" ? You betcha ! https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-hillary-clinton-short-circuited-000000931.html
  9. I was in Geneseo Wednesday checking my cams . There was part of a tree across the lane way so I took my Stihl saw with me and tried to cut part of it to unblock the Lane way . Got the bar pinched in the tree and couldn't get it out . Went back this am with my Poulon , some wedges , a couple of pry bars , etc .. The limb had dropped and the saw was free but the bar had been pinched and the nose sprocket wouldn't rotate . I took a screwdriver and opened the chain crevice up and was back in action . Got the tree cut into 4 foot sections and managed to horse a couple out of the way so I could drive my ATV through . I also has my weed trimmer chain saw with me and cut down some other crap so I had a busy day . Will check on buying a new bar for the saw though . My SIL can get her friend to move the logs with her tractor .
  10. Growie -- I didn't know there were "caskets" in Dryers .
  11. Some of older guys can't use a climber . I would put up one of the $60 ladder stands from DICKs along with one or two trail hidden cams . I would also lock the stand to see who comes in with bolt cutters to cut the lock or chain . You would be possibly be losing $80 worth of stuff but might get the satisfaction of catching a thief and getting everything back . Maybe check Craigs List for tree stands for sale and see if anyone near you is selling any . You might find your missing stand . A guy I met a couple years ago said he did that , turned the seller in to the police and they found several other stolen stands in the guys garage .
  12. I checked 4 TC's and one was never turned on . Hadn't checked them in almost 2 month's . I thought one cam was screwed up because the batteries were good but it stopped taking pics after over 3300+ . Did the math . Pics were 1.2 mb and card was 4GB so 4000 didided by 1.2 = 3333 pic capacity .
  13. I don't remember when I bought my lifetime license but it set me back $50 .
  14. Not yet. I can still pull my 70 pound Compound with no problem. I am just amazed at the mark up on hunting gear and then see a quality item at a third of the price of similar items. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. See if what I just posted under deer hunting works for you .I pinned it . Apparently it worked last season . Good luck .
  16. Let's see if this will work . Remember , you cannot SELL any tags ( just a reminder ) Post away .........and good luck .
  17. Wow ! Another great video . Seems impossible to have a crossbow like that at such a Low price . It didn't sound load in the video . How loud would you estimate it to be ?
  18. Stopped at the Town Clerk's office yesterday . Got my FREE Bow/ ML tags plus Tags for 8F and 8H . Life is good !
  19. Give him another year . What are the GPS coordinates ?
  20. Moot point . I don't own a cross bow so I don't have to worry about it . I was just curious . And .... I got my answer .
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