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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. No , but I was thinking up digging one of those Tiger Pit Traps ! j/k
  2. I have two Moultrie I-35 cams on a property in Geneseo . The deer look at the Red Glow and it doesn't spook them . They are curious and look like they are posing . Most often placing the cams high , tresspassers don't even notice the cameras .
  3. I havn't found it necessary to do with the two Brownings . If it was for someone else's rifle I would probably need to use the full length die .
  4. Thanks for the clarification . I had never heard of allowing antlered deer to be taken with nuisance permits . It makes sense on a Christmas Tree farm .
  5. I had a Christmas tree farmer / crop farmer give me a Nuisance permit for deer in Penfield . It was ANTERLESS only . The others were crop fields in Pittsford / Mendon for anterless only . They were not tree farms .
  6. If where you plan to set the cameras out is fairly close to home , experiment . I have a couple cameras set up on private property in Walworth . One is about 4' hight and the other is about 10' high if I have it on a ATV trail because we get tresspassers in the woods . The deer don't seem to pay any attention to the high camera . I keep a ladder chained to a tree a ways away from the camera placement .
  7. Something to keep in mind is chambering may be slightly different in different rifles . What fits my NEF 25-06 might be tight or loose in your 25-06 . To test , just drop a round in the chamber but don't send the bolt home . If it's a snug fit and you close the bolt , you might not get the round back out . Just a thought ! My 2 sons that hunt both have Browning .270's . I had them try 3 reloads in each of their rifles and things were okay so I don't have to keep their brass separated . Lucked out on that .
  8. We get nuisance permits for Monroe County and the paperwork states "anterless deer only" .
  9. How did you shoot a buck with velvet ?
  10. People will vote for Hillary strictly because she is a woman ( allegedly a woman , that is ) !
  11. I have been bitten twice by dogs. People need to keep them under control . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. Wasp spray will work but the cans are pretty large . You would need to mount a water bottle holder near the handle bars to contain the can of wasp spray .
  13. Better than I did Friday but I need a good sit on the john . Meds have made me constipated .
  14. 600 gr shaft with 190 gr broadhead equals 790 gr arrow. Sorry for the confusion. He shoots a Black Widow recurve. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. My oldest son shoots a 790 grain arrow . The Single Bevel glue-on broadhead weighs 190 grains . They make a THUD noise when they hit .
  16. 54 degrees here . The snow is melting off of the roof . Beautiful day .
  17. I would think it would depend on what weight you are capable of drawing and holding . Most archers can't hold the string back for very long . My oldest son shoots recurve and makes his own arrows . I guess I would call how he shoots as snap shooting . Draw , aim fire in one motion . No holding back for any length of time .
  18. The outcome was a lot of crying and whining from those that allegedly lost their backtag , didn't want to put a pin hole in a jacket , etc .. It is legal to have a clerk make an extra copy of the tag so one can be on the back pack and another on a jacket . No reason to break the law and not wear one . Here is one of the threads http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/28849-tag-display/?hl=%2Bback+%2Btags#entry397939 http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/27562-looks-like-our-back-tags-may-be-a-thing-of-the-past/?hl=%2Bback+%2Btags
  19. This Turkey's time is up !
  20. To keep the swabbies from going AWOL ..................
  21. " If you can keep your head while those about you are losing theirs , then maybe you don't understand the situation " !
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