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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. When I had my snow blower crap out on me two years ago . the guy at the store said they only make them to last an "X" number of run hours .
  2. That doesn't help . Anything north of Manhatten is Upstate !
  3. Tuesday morning I saw 2 dead doe laying along RT 104 in the west bound lane between Holt and Hard roads . Apparently hit by vehicles . I wonder if the doe were heading to DICKs to get some Buck Bombs !
  4. This happened on Private Property ..........
  5. The points for both stores are combined in your rewards for whatever you buy at either store . I was at the Webster DICKs today and asked if they still zapped the points at a particular date . I was told that as of February 1st , and points you have will be lost . I need another 130 points for a $20 reward . Not a heck of a lot of anything that I need .
  6. I was going to pull my cameras but figured I would wait and see what survived the hunting season .
  7. I mentioned this in my hunting journal but I don't know how many people read the journals . My youngest son , Nick , and I went to a friend's property yesterday am . They say it's in Marion / Newark but the sign on Cambier Road is for Palmyra . Anyway Nick was going to sit in the new double stand in the hedge row . I had a longer walk so I headed up the drive . I saw Nick's light coming my way and started laughing as I thought he couldn't find the stand in the dark . He found it all right . Some thieving low life pulled the pins and removed the bottom section of the ladder . He went to another stand . No idea why some one would do this . Whoever took it is a Lowlife POS ! - An anti-hunter ? The property isn't posted and folks may walk the property . - The closest dwelling is over 200 yards from the stand and the stand is facing the opposite direction of the house but the home owner hunts . - Some hunter might have wanted to make his stand higher with an additional section .
  8. I was going to pull my cameras but I think I will leave them out to see what survived the hunting season .
  9. Nick and I went to a friend's property . They say it's in Marion / Newark but the sign on Cambier Road is for Palmyra . Anyway Nick was going to sit in the new double stand in the hedge row . I had a longer so I headed up the drive . I saw Nick's light coming my way and started laughing as I thought he couldn't find the stand in the dark . He found it all right . Some thieving low life pulled the pins and removed the bottom section of the ladder . He went to another stand . Saw nothing all morning from 6:30 - 11 . Walked back to our vehicles and I took some pics of the stand with the ladder section missing . We ate , got warmed up and went back to the stands and Nick used a different stand . Again , we saw nothing . I hadn't been feeling well for a few days and had to squat behind a tree a couple of times but I did that over 100 yards from my stand . Anyway , we got down at 4:34 pm and went back to our vehicles . Had to wait for a big flatbed load catterpiller that was blocking the driveway . I got about a mile down the roan and DAMN ....... 2 doe ran across the road in front of me . Luckily I was driving slow . Really bummed that someone would have taken a section out of the ladder stand !
  10. It's almost 230 and we haven't seen anything Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  11. Missing ladder section Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. We are in 8F in Marion Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. Just bottom section. When we take a break we will check and see if it was tossed aside or completely gone. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. Stupid but gotta ask. ... does the regular season buck tag become a doe tag in muzzle loader season ? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. Heard first shot at 714. Legal is 731. Son went to double stand and bottom section was gone on private property. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  16. I am starting to like this store more and more . I got another pamphlet with a Free $10 purchase coupon and another coupon for 150 points equal to $5 towards Field & Stream / DICKs Reward points . Bought a box of Remington .380 ammo that was originally $19.99 .... on sale for $14.98 and I paid $5.38 . Not bad for a box of 50 ---- .380 rounds .
  17. Not much time left in the season so my youngest son and I will head for a spot on Cambier Road in Marion / Newark area . The owner said not many deer sightings there but it has also been under hunted so who knows . The temps are forecasted to be in the 40's . Just another sit in the great outdoors . If I see nothing by 10 am , I will take a slow walk through the woods and see if I can push anything to my son . The downside is ..... if we see a buck , we can't shoot it .
  18. I had a 7 cu ft chest freezer that had a 12 month warranty . It crapped out after 13 months . Went to get some meat out and there was condensation on the inside of the lid . No idea how long it was off . Lost most of the meat . Bought another one . I have a sensor in the freezer and the thermometer next to my Computer . The freezer is 5 degrees right now . If it goes , I will know .
  19. I have gutted , skinned and cut up deer when it has been 70 - 80 degrees out without any spoil . Some of the processors don't have a cooler and you deer may get processed at a later time than when you could do it . Whatever works for you ..........
  20. Too hot ? It's 48 degrees here in Ontario .
  21. I mowed the front and side yard and got 5 1/2 bags of grass and leaves . Gotta finish the back tomorrow or Monday .
  22. If they get installed backwards , they attract deer instead of scaring them .
  23. The guy I work part time for doing Real Estate signs , hit a doe this am around 6:15 with his Toyota Truck . Did a lot of damage to the bumper , fender , headlight , etc .. His truck only has 350,000 miles on it and he just had the frame replaced along with brakes and a few other things . Damn Varmints !
  24. I havn't seen many cars / trucks parked where I used to see them when going hunting . Less participation / less deer movement .
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