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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. The guy that owns the property doesn't deer hunt but he hunts ducks and geese . That's about the main reason he bought this property . I have yet to get a shot at any deer on the property so I am due .
  2. Testing the Primos Blackout close range camera . The date is ahead one day
  3. Glad he is okay . Two of my sons have bikes and I always worry about them .
  4. I think I am going to send Larry Potterfield a Get Well Card ........
  5. Beikirchs is one of the best ammo supply dealers around for miles . They can't get a lot of supplies . It goes out faster than it comes in . People are buying stuff up and hoarding it and some are selling it off at a profit . No doubt the same thing is happening at MidWay , MidSouth , Natchez , etc .. They can't sell what they cannot get . If you need something , don't wait to order because it will be gone in a flash !
  6. I think I would leave it alone , note the location and notify the authorities .
  7. His training wheels get stuck so he has to wait for the trail to dry out .
  8. No problem with the safety switch . I put a jumper cable on the Hot and touched the other end to the starter screw . The starter motor turned a little bit ( slow ) but it wouldn't crank enough to start the mower . So it must be somewhere in the circuitry . I was running the battery down trying this so I will have to keep playing . Thanks again for the suggestions . Mothballs smell terrible plus it's hard to get their little legs apart !
  9. Trap it and drop it off at Villa Roma ! ... ...
  10. I will try a few of the suggestions today and see what happens . The push mower with the grass catcher gives me a good workout but takes me two days to mow . Getting too old to mow in one day . With the rider , it's done real quick . Sheesh , i've gotten more hits on this thread than any of my pics !
  11. Bending over causes the Panic Button to sound the alarm ........ hmmmmmmm !
  12. Did that .. battery is good and terminals are tight . I am going to try connecting a wire to the negative terminal and frame and see if that might be a problem . I don't want to spend a lot of money on a 6 year old mower either . Thanks for the suggestion .
  13. I call it "the Tresspasser Trail" !
  14. I bought a Troybuilt Bronco mower in 2006 after my knee surgery . It has a 17 hp Kohler engine and leaked oil the 2nd year I had it . I guess the seals dry out and this happens . I put engine stop leak in it and that seemed to work okay . Anyway I tried starting it yesterday and had to do some battery work on it but it was running fine . I started it up today and it seemed like the starter motor didn't want to crank worth a darn . I had it idling while I moved an obstruction and it quit . Now when I turn the key ...... nothing . The headlights normally go on when the key is turned but not now . The battery terminals are tight . Looking at buying a Cub Cadet . Not sure which model . Some reviews are 1 star and several are 5 stars . Any suggestions on a Cub cadet LTX1040 , LTX 1045 or 13RX91AT056 ? Things are slow so I figured this was a good time to post something non hunting ......
  15. I was expecting maybe 2 deer but was surprised to see 5 in the pic .
  16. You have to be a Mod or Admin to do that ....... It's done ..... might not be what you want but , it's done .
  17. Expected to see a "couple" deer
  18. HuntingNet.com is a pretty good site but I havn't been there in quite a while either .
  19. I have been a AT member for a few years . I havn't visited the site in quite a while . If you don't agree with the Staff on AT , you get Beotch Slapped !
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