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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Boy they really get nosey and check things out !
  2. It's on again 25 hours from now ...........
  3. I bought one new on EBAY for a total of $107 and thought it was a good buy as I had seen them before in a store for $150 plus tax . Anyhow , I was in the Geneseo WalMart today and they have the same camera for $80 . It's a Black Flash camera and easy to set up and operate . I need to test the one I have before buying another one . .
  4. I have 6 of the harness' un-opened . I checked at the Post Office and a 11 X 8 1/2X 6 inch Flat Rate box costs $12.35 but 2 of the harness' would probably fit an a box . When you buy most treestands , one of the harness' are generally included .
  5. When I first saw the title of the thread I thought it was going to be about a Black Track Star !
  6. Paula -- Sounds like your Tail Light Fluid might be low .........
  7. Maybe he tripped on the salt lick earlier .......
  8. That's the Ted Nugent method !
  9. I guess we should be thankful that we are able to have our peers available to serve jury duty . I would hate to go on trial and be judged by anyone who felt they were being inconvenienced and had the attitude of " let's hang the SOB and get this trial over with so we can go home " . I am not directing the above comment towards anyone on here . Just saying we should be thankful that we live in a country that has a jury system .
  10. If you would prefer not to read through several pages to try to find the article , here it is ..... http://hotair.com/archives/2013/04/13/dont-be-fooled-gun-confiscation-has-already-begun-in-ny/
  11. Doc , they may have just come out of a coma . Gotta cut them some slack .
  12. I don't care who you are , that's funny !
  13. Grow ---- make sure you only have seven 22 rounds in that clip .....
  14. What are we to do when the Zombi Apocalypse takes place ?
  15. Doc --- We probably both have the Finger Lakes Cable from TW
  16. Scout the area and place it where they cross the stream . Usually there are spots where it's gouged out on the bank of the stream .
  17. We don't get the Sportsman Channel in our area on Time Warner .
  18. Apparently they didn't need to be up early to cash in on shooting the deer . Why be up at 6 am if the deer aren't going to show up until 10 o'clock and you only have to make a short drive . My advice , don't watch the show again . Watch re-runs of Laurence Welk .
  19. Heck , the guy gave one of the property some pretty nice cuts of venison . How many hunters do that ?
  20. I remember seeing that . Great idea for a camp and shooting stand .
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