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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Welcome to Hunting NY . Pull up a chair .
  2. Thanks for the information . I was under the impression that money to the DEC paid for bicycle and hiking trails . A couple of friends that almost live on their bikes made a remark about hunting and I said , "if it wasn't for hunters , you folks wouldn't have your bike trails" ! The husband didn't agree .
  3. The John Wayne quote I always liked is " Life is hard . It's harder if you're stupid" ! ;D oops ! Sorry . I got off track also . I hope the man who wants to use a crossbow but can't finds a way to get out and hunt during gun season and scores !
  4. Got the shotgun ready for opening day and the Muzzle Loader ready for the rest of the season .
  5. I bet that JarHead had a couple of FMJ clips ! ')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img] ')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img] ')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]
  6. If you don't vote , don't complain .............
  7. What does the money that we pay in license fees pay for ? Also what do they spend the money from the Pittman - Robertson Tax on ? Is the money thay we pay out go to biking and hiking trails also ?
  8. No , never had it happen . Was your friend shooting military FMJ's in his rifle ? : ... :
  9. I often wonder where they get the Poll numbers from . I have been voting for 48 years and have NEVER had anyone ask me in a survey who I was voting for . No doubt they come up with some Bogus numbers to sway the voters or to have you thing who you might vote for is a lost cause . Just an opinion .
  10. Welcome to Hunting NY . It took you long enough to get over here from NY Deer ............
  11. Sometimes we are better off not knowing all the statistics ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/help.gif[/img]
  12. Police showed Eyewitness News the camouflaged, high-powered, compound crossbow they recovered from Jones' vehicle. "Like a bow and arrow but it's actually more powerful than a traditional bow so it's a very dangerous weapon. Wow ! There ya go with the Crossgun . A very dangerous weapon ! ??? ... ??? ... ???
  13. Goat ? I think it looks more like a Llama ! I have seen pics of piebalds before but I have never actually seen one up close . Neat !
  14. That's a good point . My son's property is 60 miles from his home and backs up to over 1800 acres of state land . He has to be careful !
  15. Noodle ---- Has he tried a 20 gauge ? They have plenty of knockdown power . A muzzle loader can be used during gun season and has a very mild recoil . What about a pistol ? Just some options ........
  16. t hurts to hit one and lose it but it happens . Not knowing exactly where you hit him leaves the question , will he survive the injury . Hopefully he will hael and you get another crack at him . http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/thumbup.gif[/img]
  17. I agree with your post Doc . I don't sympathize with a whiner that takes his toys and goes home because he can't get his way . I don't belong to the NYB either . I saw enough crying and whining about Crossbows on the big post . http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/tears27.gif[/img]
  18. He was moving too fast through the woods for my Bino-Cam and the pic was blurry so I couldn't get a photo .
  19. I have . I have also passed up the young deer and ate tags so I have had it both ways .
  20. The game wardens are spread so thin , I would think it would be very difficult to get one to show up to remove a stand .
  21. The guy sounds like a 68 year old cry baby . http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/winer.gif[/img] He still has gun season . Yeah , he's really putting it to the DEC by not letting anyone hunt his land . Like they are really going to care !
  22. I start wondering about how much arrow drift I might get with the wind blowing . I also make sure there aren't any trees that might come down near me . I see deer moving just as it is getting dark even when it is windy .
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