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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. If you are flying down , be careful not to rile any of the Flight Attendants ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/help.gif[/img]
  2. Something that ticks me off is to go to one of my stands on private property and see junk on the ground where my stand is placed . Cig butts , candy wrappers etc . this is property where no one else has permission to hunt and someone is leaving garbage there . So this is what I have done with a couple stands . Here is a pic of what the top part of a ladder stand would look like . I used the quick connect clips on the rear brace instead of the bolts . I removed the pins , swung the platform down , lined up the bolt hole and drilled a hole through the ladder leg I bought a Brinks lock with a long shank I can now lock the platform so the stand cannot be used . I carry the clips in my backpack along with the key . It's only a deterrant and someone might get angry and trash my stand but they sure as hell won't use it !
  3. Enjoy the vacation . Nothing like going to Flor-a-duh when it's 90 degrees up here .....
  4. Thanks . I appreciate the replies . The first few rounds I had done for my son's 270 , I had used the regular decapping die . Some rounds were fired in a different rifle and the bullets would go in loose so I pulled them ot . With the next few rounds I used the full size die and that worked great except that I had to lube the cases . Now I am considering whether or not to crimp the rounds as I believe a light crimp is done with factory ammo .
  5. That sign has been up for several years . I sometimes take that road when I stop at the Avon Gun Shop and then head to Lima Road . Thought you might enjoy the pic . There used to be a couple bow shops in Avon but not anymore .
  6. What's the big deal of being 1st in line for DMP's ? It's not 1st come 1st to receive ........
  7. Trail cams are enjoyable and let you know what is in the area .
  8. I put up a couple of Trail Cams today . One in Groveland and one in Geneseo . They are about 60 miles from where I live so I won't be able to check on them for a couple of weeks . Hopefully there will be some action .
  9. Excellent pics . An apple a day keeps the bear away !
  10. Thanks for the e-mail addresses . Some of these "save the world " Loonies go overboard with their thought process .
  11. I was shooting 100 grain Muzzy 3 blade broadheads and had good luck with them . After switching to mechanicals , I don't think I would go back to fixed blades .
  12. If the guys at Bowtech can shoot softball size groups at 100 yards , then the extra 66 2/3 yard would be a safety buffer ......')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/picker.gif[/img]
  13. fasteddie

    Hey Doc

    Drove past the Avon Bowman's Property today . No sign of life .........
  14. Nothing to do with licenses but we still get mail for my mother in law who passed away over a year ago . I am tempted to fill out a change of address card with the address of the Cemetary . ( In reference to Deceased Lifetime License folks still getting them in the mail ) .
  15. I had a Kidney stone removed surgically back in the 70's . A pain in the pit of my stomach and right testicle would come unexpectedly and I would almost fold up before the surgery . After the surgery I was okay until the visiting nurse explained to me how they cut through the various layers to remove the stone . It was painful for quite a while but I have a high pain threshold . Just a few years later they started busting them up with ultra sound . The stone was a small oval shaped thing with tiny burrs . Oh yeah , good luck with your surgery SOB .......http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/beer.gif[/img]
  16. The guy that manages the Sports dept in the Webster Store acts like a real dick !
  17. Here is a Link for the NYS Environmental Conservation Officers Click on your region on the right side of the page on the link to find yours ........... http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/393.html
  18. I have eaten many buck tags but I will take a doe before shooting a spike . I have passed on the spikes and small racked deer only to have someone shoot them on adjacent property and that's all right . We set our own standards and if someone wants to shoot a spike and has the tag , it's certainly okay . I have never shot anything bigger than 8 pointers and I know that big one will be there some day . I'll be 69 this upcoming season so I am running out of time for the big boy to come along !
  19. I shot a doe with my Contender chambered in 7-30 waters . I got rid of the ported barrel and bought a plain barrel for it . I uded it about 3 times that season . I have taken my Ruger Super redhawk 44 mag deer hunting but never got a shot at any deer with it .
  20. ')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]
  21. I had never heard of the Empire Site . I was on the NYDEER site and it was pretty dead . Posted a message and e-mailed those that had an address and a few members from NYDEER came over here . Did the same thing on the NAHC site . Oh goodness me , i'm a Spammer ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/help.gif[/img]
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