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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I'm on the old list . It has a number which has nothing to do with my permit , a name with middle initial and no address ......... I am on the new list also with address but there is no reference to Permit #
  2. I carry the 223 set on 6X . If a chuck is real close , it is hard to see . It's just a blur . I talking like walking along and spotting one at say 20 yards . My Contender barrels sport 2X6 scopes . My NEF Huntsman has a 1.5 X 4.5 scope . I have a 4X20 on the NEF 25-06
  3. I certainly have and I don't put down anyone that does during bow season as any deer you can take with a bow might be a trophy to that person . I have some antlers in the garage no no mounts . Last year I passed up shots on some 4 and 6 pointers knowing that there were much larger bucks in the area . If a doe had come along , I would have dropped her . Well guess what ! I ended up taking a button buck that I thought was a doe and never filled a buck tag last year . I didn't feel bad because I was spending time outside and saw some gray fox , red fox , turkeys , racoons , etc .. Any time outside is quality time .
  4. It lists a name and a permit # . If I only ever had one handgun and sold it , my name would still be on the list . If I have 20 handguns , no one would know by looking at the list .
  5. That is quite an interesting video . It's dying out as no new blood is joining .
  6. I started to go out yesterday but the skeeters forced me out of the woods . They are really bad this year !
  7. I have a 6 X 24 scope on a 223 . If a woodcheck is close , I can't see him in the scope .
  8. I'm not happy about the list being out ther but i'm not going to get paranoid over it ............The sky isn't falling !
  9. The Web Site and list was posted over a week ago on here . What's done is done .
  10. I'll continue to cover the barrel . I would rather be safe than sorry .
  11. Sounds like you had a fun time and that your drive was worth it .........
  12. This is one of the ways the DEC gets counts . They have archery hunters keep track of their hunting hours and what they see when on stand . What you see while driving to your area doesn't go into the count .
  13. This is one of the ways that the DEC gets an idea of what wildlife activity there is in an area . They have archers do the counts . This is an older report .
  14. A few years ago I was talking to a farmer's wife , in Groveland ,who wanted woodchucks shot on their property . She told me "under no circumstances was I to shoot any coyotes because they helped keep the woodchuck population down and also thinned out her barn cats" . She said her barn cat population was down to about 17 ....... ??? .. ??? .. ???
  15. If I needed something done to my bow that I felt I couldn't handle , I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Trophy Taker Archery in Walworth . Dave has a small shop in the lower level of his home . He was quite cordial and did excellent work . And , he is closest to me . I havn't been able to catch Gueren-teed Archery open when I am in the area (which is seldom) .
  16. I have some of the PASTE lube but don't like it . A guy at the gun shop said I could squeeze some out and add some water and use that . Hmmmmmmmmmmm ! ???
  17. That Fox has an itchy trigger paw ! : .. : .. :
  18. Native Outdoors has the Controlled Descent System for $150 . http://www.nativeoutdoors.com/archery/safetyvests.html
  19. Some guys will hold out for "the big one" and eat the tag !
  20. I don't know if I saw it on here or elsewhere that said sows could have 2 litters per year .........That's a lot !!!
  21. The question was -------- "In NYS, if you are carrying and you come across a facility that has a "No Guns Allowed" sign but you go into the facility anyways, are you breaking a NYS law or are you disobeying the policy of the facility?" On Xerox Property in Webster , NY , it is illegal to have a firearm on the property . You can be arrested and lose your job there .
  22. Hey Joe ----- Nex time u speekie englis ! ??? .. ??? .. ???
  23. I would think the sign is there for a reason and I personally wouldn't test it . Just an opinion ......
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