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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. My buddy and I hunt the big ones !
  2. I never even glued the nocks on my aluminum arrows when I used to shoot them . They were Easton Super Slams and the nocks could be rotated .
  3. An oldie but goodie . Poor Fred ! ;D .. ;D .. ;D
  4. Three weeks and counting . This for an add to the permit , not an original .......... I hope it didn't get mixed into the pile that the Governor was signing ! : .. : .. :
  5. ??? Why would you glue nocks on carbon arrows ?
  6. If the scat contains little bells and smells like pepper , it's grisley bear crap ! .. .. ..
  7. I had a young lady , whose family runs a meat market , tell me that even though the deer are tagged as to what deer belongs to whom , they still get some of the meat mixed . I don't want any venison from a deer that some jerk has had in the back of his pickup and riding around with it for several days !
  8. I bought one on EBAY and I am dying to try it out . My wife bought me an EPIC bow / gun camera but so far I don't care for that . The mount goes into the stabilizer hole and the camera attaches to the mount . http://www.bowpix.com/Order.php
  9. At least the home owner had a sense of humor .......
  10. I shoot at least 4 days a week . The max distance I can practice safely in my back yard is just over 35 yards . I have a 10' high ladder stand that is 30 yards from my backstop and have a 3-D plus a home made target that I can move around The digital thermometer read 97 degrees at one point today and it is forecasted to be in the 90's the next 3 days . I don't thin I will be shooting .
  11. Here is the next step after crossbows ............... http://www.swivelmachine.com/html/rimfire.htm
  12. Muzzy --- That dog is still wearing it's collar ! ... ... Nice mount
  13. I wonder how many of you carry extra shorts in your backpack ! : I have walked along a trail in almost pitch dark and heard something take off in the brush . The initial reaction is huge goose-bumps ! I have a headlamp with the colored lights and also white light . I also carry a mini-maglight for just in case . Quite often ther is just enough light on the horizion to see where I am going .
  14. Here is another DIY video to bore you with ................
  15. Stealth Cams are very reliable ........
  16. I have practiced at longer distances but I try to keep it under 35 yards . Too much can happen in a split second . Targets don't move . Deer do . ???
  17. I have a NEF 50 cal Huntsman . I use 90 gr of loose 777 powder and a 240 gr TC Hornaday XTP sabots .
  18. Lookin' good . One of the Food Plot Gurus said food plots should be shaped like an hour glass and the treestands should be placed at the narrow spots wher the deer would be closer when passing through .
  19. I heard someone slipped it into the stack of papers that Governor Patterson was signing as Vetos ............ ??? ... ??? ... ???
  20. This was my last job . Not really but it seemed like it !
  21. The reason for our wait is that they wait for the pile to stack up before anyone breaks out a pen to sign them . I wonder what he/she does the rest of the time !
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