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Everything posted by airedale

  1. The TYM model I have is the 433 (Perkins 43 HP Sync/Shuttle-16/F16R trans) and have owned it now for 8 yrs, in that time it has been worked hard and I have zero complaints. TYM not only sells under their own name but makes and sells various models under other manufacturers badges such as Mahindra, Cabelas and Branson I think. Knock on wood "So Far So good" Al
  2. Hey you are still a young buck, have a happy birthday. Al
  3. The wife's back gives her problems every now and then, she would be laid up for several days at times, ibuprofen and rest was the best she could do for relief. For the heck of it I picked up one of the Aleve tens units for her to try and it has been a game changer for her. Once she got the hang of using the thing she she is pretty much good to go and swears by it. https://www.cvs.com/shop/aleve-direct-therapy-tens-device-prodid-1090314?skuId=439364
  4. What in the Hell are these goofs supposed to be doing? I see on some movies this what is supposed to be the cool way to fire a handgun, "Gangstas" running around blasting away in a gun fight firing their weapons sideways with their pants hanging half way down their asses. maybe that is why they have to hold on to their crotch so the drawers don't fall down!
  5. Add this pile to the list! And most of these accidents are caused by young people but you will not see them marching on Washington to outlaw and ban those precious cell phones! Every year in the U.S., almost a half million people are injured or killed in traffic accidents attributed to the combination of texting and driving. The statistics are shocking, especially in view of the fact that this danger could be completely avoided. With the latest statistics available as of 2018, in 2015, according to statistics compiled by the Department of Transportation, 3,477 people died and another 391,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes caused by drivers who were distracted because they were texting or using cell phones
  6. She is a beauty, my tractor has been has been one of the best purchases I have ever made. I am going to be picking up a flail mower as soon as things warm up around here. Al
  7. Nice rig Jerry, she should be a shooter, as for the sun shade it is just that, while not needed for most shooting it will allow you to see clearly through your scope with a bright sunny situation when facing the sun by eliminating glare off of the objective lens. Al
  8. Would you move from new York State to a place just for better gun laws ? YES But that is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more than the worst gun laws in the country this state has implemented that make it suck! I ain't even going to waste my time listing the mountain of negatives this state has!
  9. And I bet they also both have severe GAS!!!
  10. I am a sucker for single shots and a few years ago Savage reintroduced the little Steven's Favorite 22 LR boy's rifle and I picked one up. Back in their day they were a low priced starter gun for youngsters these latest versions were made in Canada and have been discontinued. They are a little rough around the edges but mine shoots really well. Because of my old eyes I had to do something about the lousy factory sights, I put a fire type sight on the front and changed out the rear for a Marble's peep. I also true oiled the rather dull finish on the stock for a little snazz, came out pretty good I think and I like it a lot and it is a nice little fun gun. Al
  11. I would just contact Cabelas, they will make it right with you, nobody chomps at the bit more than I when it comes to firing a new gun but personally I will wait a couple of extra days before Dick's gets one nickle out of me!!! Al
  12. To continue on our current path we will just keep adding billions and billions of more debt to China, I say it has to be stopped and we need to get back to manufacturing our own stuff, screw China! Al
  13. This question of the best rifle ever made is getting two different interpretations and answers here, some are putting forth what they consider the best "design-platform" and others are naming an actual model of a manufacturer's rifle that has been produced and sold. Al
  14. The "Rifleman's Rifle" the controlled feed Winchester Model 70 Bolt Action. I have been drooling over the tiger tail maple stocked Super Grade version for some time, I would love to own one in 264 Winchester mag. Al
  15. Do not have a clue about the masculinity-femininity angle of this article, I have heard that there is some truth that anyone, "man or woman" that just eats plants does a lot of farting! As for myself I just stick with the old novel method of choosing food, if it tastes good I will eat it! Al
  16. How I would go about tracking a wounded Bear. My tracking dog would of course be an "Airedale" the best all around breed of hunting dog on the planet! My weapon of choice would be a light short fast handling rifle, my little Marlin 94 in 44 mag with the 16 inch ported barrel firing 300 grain Nosler HPs, using ghost ring open sights, it would fit the bill pretty nice. If I were forced to carry a handgun it would be a model 29 Smith and Wesson 44 mag with the 6 1/2 barrel firing those same 300 grain Noslers. Catching up to any Bear with some rock and roll left in it will have the Airedale to contend with while I am filling it full of 300 grain Noslers. The Airedale pictured is actually one of my dogs owned by a fellow in Canada who has taken several Bear with her. Al
  17. I am an unashamed Leupold man when it comes to rifle scopes especially when it comes to my "Get Serious" firearms, that being said I do own an assortment of and occasionally try out other manufacturer's scopes and have many that have served my purposes very well. Burris has always had a fine reputation for quality and good reliability and awhile back I purchased one of their Timberline scopes and have been pleasantly impressed with it. I have mounted it on a Winchester model 52 bolt action rifle and while it just a 22 LR it is very high quality and capable of putting a bullet in a Squirrel's ear out to 75 yards. I went with the Burris for several reasons, the eye relief of the Burris is close to five inches and because of the way a scope mounts a bit more forward on the 52 it gives a perfect sight picture. Along with precision 1/8 inch adjustments, adjustable parallax, compact size in relation to a power of up to 14X it is a perfect match for the scale and precise accuracy of the 52 sporter. I like it a lot, enough so that if the Timberline had been offered in the 2 for 1 deal I would have jumped on it. Al ==================================================== This Timberline 4.5-14x32mm riflescope is an affordable scope that can handle the monster recoil of muzzleloaders and slug guns. It provides up to 5 inches of eye relief, so you can concentrate on your shot. If your only trophy last season was a torn eyebrow, reach for this Timberline Riflescope and keep recoil away from your face. Brilliantly multi-coated and indexed lenses draw in light. They maximize your chances in the dim light of opening morning, dark skies, or deep woods. The simple, effective reticle gets you on target quickly with excellent holdovers for extended shots. Internals are double spring-tensioned. Steel-on-steel clicks provide repeatable settings. This Timberline reticle is light, tough, and resistant to vibration and shock. It’s designed to provide a lifetime of service, backed by the Burris Forever Warranty™ .
  18. Well the revolver I just purchased should fill just about all of your requirements, the "Charter Arms Target Bulldog" in 44 Special. It is a revolver It is light weight, 23 ounces It has substantial power Plenty of options for ammo, as with it's big brother the 44 Mag bullet weights from 180 to 300 grains It will have recoil but any handgun firing a reasonably powerful cartridge is going to have some recoil. For dispatching a wounded Bear I would take the 44 Special over a 357 Mag any day. If you do not like the Bulldog, Ruger has a compact revolver in 44 Special.
  19. I have hunted with both 357 and 44 mag handguns and I like both calibers a lot but with the criteria you have come up with I would strongly lean to a 44 mag. From what I have experienced the 44 mag has a pretty big edge over the 357 when it comes to killing power. Have killed Deer and Hogs with assorted handguns, never personally taken a Bear myself but if I were in a situation where it comes to putting the finisher on a wounded one with a handgun there would be no messing around, I would want that big edge the 44 has to be on the safe side. Al
  20. I am sure it will smell great but I think the bacon grease itself can catch on fire and will burn and you might have a problem, give it a test run outdoors to make sure it is safe. Al
  21. Man he hit the nail right on the head as far as I am concerned, all this murdering bullshit going on today was a rarity when I was a kid, it is a cultural social problem not a gun problem. Al
  22. These Case Guard Ammo Wallets have been around for years, I love using these things for 22 LR and various handgun ammo. Keeps the ammo rattle free, clean and dry in a pocket size easy carrying case. All of my older versions were a solid green color, just picked up a couple of new ones for my 44 Special and they are now translucent which is an improvement.
  23. I live off the beaten path a bit myself, have made many a trip to Bass Pro in Auburn that would equal Mowin's drive to Latham. "Runnings" in Rome is now my new favorite outdoor store just under 20 miles or so but I still take a ride to Auburn once a year just for fun. Al
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