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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. It is not enough that they now have a forum that is setup the way they wanted, there are some of the malcontents that also want to see this site fold. As far as I am concerned this site is the best it has ever been and has one of the biggest and best hunting contents on the web with plenty of folks going through and reading it every day. It would be even better if the trolls would just stay away and bask in the utopia they always professed to want instead of popping in here and stirring the pot and keeping things festering. Al
  2. Occasionally?? Just about any time I come on this site you are here, for someone that despises the place you can not seem to stay away which you should be doing! Why don't you mow a lawn or post something useful instead of coming here and stirring the pot. Al
  3. My only complaint with this 1911 is I had to get the metal detector out to find the spent cases. Al
  4. It is the same everywhere, of all the game I have hunted Woodchucks rank right at the top. Long range precision shooting and stalking with every kind of weapon from handguns to long range rifles and archery. If I had a good place to hunt them I would go in a heartbeat. I have one living under a shed on my back lawn, he has made it three years now dodging my dogs and gets a free pass because they are so rare to see these days. I have the consolation of hunting them in the good old days when there were thousands of them, the memories are still strong and that will have to do. Al
  5. Looked out the window yesterday and saw a Hen with some poults in tow scratching around in the pasture looking for grub, first poults I have seen around here in quite some time, good to see. Al
  6. Been wicked busy here on the Farm so have not had much time for shooting. On Father's day one of my Sons brought up his new Steel Challenge build rifle to sight in and I got the Girsan 10mm out and we threw a bunch of lead on the range. I mainly tested the Girsan and my handloads for reliability. I am happy to say this pistol worked flawless with zero issues. It's performance mirrored the online youtube reports that started my interest in this particular pistol and caliber. When I get a little more free time I will give it a good wringing out and accuracy test but so far so good. Al
  7. I got a free small bag at a sportsman show years ago and raked out a small spot and put it down. Whatever the plants were, they grew halfway decent, never saw a Deer eat it but my Cattle liked it. Al
  8. I agree with knocking back the predator numbers but it was and is a big time waste of hunting opportunities. Al
  9. That is one of the better prices I have seen for Lg Rifle primers, prices on 1000 are usually going in the $160 range. Al
  10. There are a couple of outfits setting up new factories and production lines for primers so hopefully shortly into the future they will again become readily available. At the spring Syracuse gun show there was a vendor selling a European brand of Lg rifle primers at decent prices, I can not recall their name, he had a good inventory and my buddy purchased a couple of hundred to give them a try. In a pinch Gun Broker has vendors selling at scalper prices so they can be had. Al
  11. Never too late to get involved and start handloading, it is the best way to protect yourself from shortages and gouging. It is also a fun and enjoyable activity giving a lot of self satisfaction producing ammo that is the equal to or even better than factory stuff at a reasonable cost. For the high prices paid for a couple of boxes of ammo a modest reloading setup can be easily purchased off of ebay. Al
  12. Wow, a once in a lifetime trophy there, congratulations. Al
  13. Nothing better than a good broody hen to hatch out eggs, the only problem is having a clutch of fertile eggs at the time your hen goes broody. I have had real good luck hatching eggs with gamefowl hens, they are the best mothers and will fight a buzzsaw to protect their chicks. Al
  14. Had terrible luck with both the Goose and Turkey eggs, fertilization was nil and nothing hatched, such is the gamble of buying hatching eggs. Just finished up with the last small batch of Guinea Fowl and Mystic Onyx chicks. The early hatched birds are doing great, really have not positively identified what I actually hatched as they are all running together, but as they have got some size and feathers growing in they are beginning to show what breed they are. Back to the Geese and Turkeys I decided not to gamble on eggs again and just get some stock from a Hatchery. The Murray McMurray hatchery is where I went as I have had real good luck doing business with them previously. Got 9 assorted Goslings and I have 15 Royal Palm turkey poults coming mid week. Plenty of birds to keep me busy. Al
  15. Have had the good fortune to hunt moose 4 times in Newfoundland, it was a blast, congratulations to you. Al
  16. Robert Stack was a well known crack shot with shotguns and was a big winner in competition clay bird shooting. Al
  17. As far as run time it is all about battery AH capacity, the Milwaukee fuel tools have manufacturers producing batteries starting around 4 AH up to as high as 12 AH. My first batteries were all 4 AH and had everything I needed for the jobs I have used them for. I have been picking up bootleg Chinese clones in higher AH models and they have been working out great for me also. I have not used a corded tool in years as these fuel tools have been working every bit as good as corded. Al
  18. I have also acquired some outdoor power equipment that is battery powered, it is of the 40 volt Greenworks brand purchased from Northern tool. Pole saw, string trimmer, leaf blower, chainsaw and a portable compressor, it works very well for most modest chores around the home but can not go head to head with good gas powered stuff for heavy duty work. I do like their convenience. Al
  19. In recent years I have been transitioning many of my power tools to cordless battery powered stuff, I love the way I can use this equipment her on the farm far away from electrical outlets for work on outbuildings and pens. I have gone with the "Milwaukee Fuel" line and have not regretted it, it has been quite some time since I have used a corded power tool. Recently there have been additional items made to use with the Milwaukee batteries adding even more versatility, I purchased a really nice working portable fan for my tool shed which has no electrical power and gets hots as hell inside on a warm sunny day. Another nifty item is a lamp that attaches to Milwaukee batteries, using an LED bulb it is as bright as a corded lamp. There is also an 150 watt inverter allowing small plugin appliances. There is also similar items that will use Dewalt batteries. Can have powered stuff anywhere these days. Al
  20. I have zero experience with Glocks, I know they have a stellar reputation, but I just do not care for them personally. I am in the 1911 style camp and the cocked and locked operation used correctly is completely safe. My carry gun is the Sig 938, small with basic 1911 operation without the grip safety, it is accurate, reliable, easily concealed and I shoot it well. I am a huge fan of the Walther double action style PP and PPK, I once owned a mint pre war PPK in 32 auto and it was one of those guns that was a perfect fit for me to shoot well accurately, made some pretty nifty shots on small game with that gun. I hated the 32 auto cartridge and am not very fond of the 380 either, have long wished for that PPK style in a beefed up fame chambered in 9mm. I have not heard of any requirement to have a test for concealed carry and having to use a certain gun that was used to qualify. Al
  21. A little video that pairs up nicely with this thread from "fortune cookie 45", I have learned a lot from this fellow. Al
  22. Been watching some archery videos, always looking for a tip that will help me improve. I know I am an old dog but I think I can learn new tricks. Jennifer, the gal in these videos stresses holding your draw arm elbow up high when at full draw. Another thing I am going to give a shot for the heck of it is using the three finger draw below the arrow instead of the traditional split with the arrow drawn between the index and second finger. Al
  23. My Setter Matty on point holding on a Mourning Dove, did not move a muscle for over ten minutes. Al
  24. I shoot mostly recurves but also a couple of compounds instinctive with a glove, I can shoot halfway decent but nothing like this gal, not even close, she is in a league of her own. Al
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