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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. It sure has, especially so by the liberal press, they would love nothing better than to bring down the NRA and spread descent among members. It is also well documented that NY State was going to go after the NRA in court much the same as they are going after Trump with anything they can come up with. I am a life member myself and have been following this fiasco since the from the get-go and all I have seen so far is squabbling and back and forth accusations but no proof positive and in my book you are innocent until proven otherwise. Anyone found guilty beyond a doubt of serious wrong doing should pay the price and when I can see that I am all in. Al
  2. Accusations are one thing especially coming from an NRA hating libtard Cuomo boot licker, I would like to see some concrete proof of all these alleged dirty doings. Al
  3. Gunworks also sells firearms and reloading supplies, is also affiliated with Davidson's Gallery Of Guns an online gun buying service, I just ordered a Thompson Center Encore frame that should be coming in to Gunworks any day. https://www.galleryofguns.com/default.aspx
  4. I am always building or repairing stuff here on the farm and the best invention to come along for carpentry work for me is a framing nail gun. Working by myself most times it is a real pain to do work with a hammer and nails for larger and even small projects. Nail guns just cut work time and ease of work dramatically at least for my skill set. The compressed air powered guns work great but I run into problems building stuff a long way off from power with no way to keep the compressor fired up other than a generator. So there are the Paslode type cordless gas-electric battery nail guns that can be taken anywhere, I have been using a Campbell Hausfeild clone for a few years now and while it works ok I just do not care for the gas part for it's operation and have longed for a company to produce a reliable cordless battery operated gun. The word was out the Milwaukee was going to have a line of battery operated nail guns and one that was a real deal 30 degree framing nailer and now they are finally on the market. I have had the full line of Milwaukee fuel battery operated power tools for several years, I am totally sold on them and impressed with as they operate as well as corded stuff so this was the outfit I wanted buy from. So after watching some online reviews and getting a thumbs up I took the plunge and ordered one. I had my batteries charged and ready to go when the Milwaukee was delivered. After watching all the videos I did not even need to read the instructions, I put a battery in filled the magazine with nails and gave her a test run. When out to my backyard range and proceeded to shore up my shooting bench, picnic table, pavilion and target frames lickety split, this thing works like a dream. I have a cattle "run in" building that has to be overhauled soon and this tool is going to make that job much easier. The Milwaukee is not cheap and is not for everyone but for me it is going to make my impending and projects to come most importantly doable by myself. The only drawback for me is the weight, she is on the heavy side but manageable, as Al Bundy used to say "you will have arms like a Java man" operating this tool for any length of time. Thinking about a framing nailer? give the Milwaukee a lot of consideration, it's a good one. Al
  5. One more time, Universal background check or not the folks that are looking to do no good with a firearm are not law abiding citizens. These thugs are not going to try and purchase a firearm where one has to pass a universal background check. The black market is alive and well and that is where they get their guns if they want one. That is where the crack down needs to be with prosecution and sentence penalties severe enough to make these dirtbag gun runners think twice about getting into the firearms business. Start throwing away the key!
  6. There are already federal and state laws on the books to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people and those laws have been around for years. Dangerous people do not follow the law and acquire their weapons legally! Common sense is if these these laws were actually strictly enforced there would not be the problems there are.
  7. About 20 minutes east from Syracuse down the thruway, get off at the Verona exit.
  8. Loaded up some high octane rifle loads for the Henry using Winchester 296 powder and Hornady 140 gr XTP bullets, they should be somewhere in the 2000 fps area. I sighted in at 50 yards, these loads shot better than the old revolver loads and I guess they are what I am going to stick with for now. I am disappointed that this rifle does not shoot the 38 special target ammo but that is the way things go. So I am still in search of a 357 revolver to play with and shoot those target loads, they are a bit hard to come by right now. Anyway I think in this Henry I have a rifle that will take deer no problem out to 100 yards and even a tad farther, I love single shots. Al
  9. Cause you ain't got a hunter's badge of any kind froggy LOL!!
  10. Posing as a frog hunter! LOL! I don't believe you are any kind of hunter, your libtard posts give you away as a troll just looking to stir the pot. What kind of reception do you expect on an outdoor sports forum? I would not go on the Peta forum extolling the virtues eating meat, hunting, fishing, trapping and such and be looking for a warm welcome!! You are wasting board bandwidth as far as I am concerned! Al
  11. airedale


    Hey frog hunter it is already pretty apparent your reason joining this board judging from your posts down in the politics forum! Al
  12. That bow is shot and not worth messing with, check out ebay, there are many really nice used recurves for sale and for a smart shopper there are some real deals. Al
  13. That sure as heck is not supposed to happen, may just have been a fluke but if other folks are having the same problem there is probably a design flaw. Harnesses are great for teaching a dog to walk on a lead, they give you solid control and also work well on pullers that are always choking when wearing a leashed collar especially hard driving hunting dogs. Also there is always the chance a dog may slip it's collar when being lead and get loose, wearing a properly working harness there is no getting away. Al
  14. All the videos were taken by the so called peaceful protesters, I will guarantee what was released to the press and news agencies was edited to show the homeowners in the worse possible light. They certainly would not show any of the breaking down of the gate or foul ranting and raving directed at the homeowners, anything that would have incriminated the so called peaceful protesters was deleted. Al
  15. Do you even watch the news? there is plenty of video showing these jerks inside of a private gated community to which they gained access by breaking down a gate and entering shouting threats when they were confronted.
  16. I do not see any way those folks can be convicted of anything, they broke no laws. You have a right to defend your home and property, the political posturing is being done on the part of the the nitwit attorney Kimberly Gardener advocating and sticking up for lowlife dirtbags that broke down a gate to enter a private community-private property which is breaking the law, yet not one of the scum was charged. They will not have any criminal record "guaranteed!" Al
  17. They call these reaction videos and I am not really surprised on how these young Kids react to real music compared to the garbage that plays these days. The one below is a real good one.
  18. Watch this young girls reaction to Bobby Hatfield singing "Unchained Melody"
  19. You can wade out into the pond and feel around the bottom like the knucklehead Ernie Brown AKA the "Turtle Man" and grab them. They are pretty easily caught with big hooks and a wire leader baited with big chunks of fish. Make up a bunch of lines, stake them and toss them out in the pond. There are also traps that can be made to catch them. They are very good eating. Al
  20. I have a Taurus reproduction 22 gallery rifle made in stainless steel that looks like yours. I changed out the original sights to something my old eyes can utilize better, It is one of my favorite plinkers. Al
  21. When I was a kid the old fireman field days they had back then around here had a fellow that made the rounds having a cork gun shooting gallery. For 25 cents you could take a shot at a standing box of crackerjacks or a small box of candy, if you knocked it over it was yours. I also remember at various fairs and midways you could win a teddy bear for your girl at real shooting galleries that used Winchester 06 pump 22 rifles firing low velocity short gallery loads that would disintegrate on impact so there would be no ricochets. All things of a bygone era and not PC in this screwed up country these days. Al
  22. An old Daisy Cork Rifle, can't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside, still they are fun for a little kid shooting for the first time. Al
  23. There was a time when Skunk fur was as valuable as Coon and they were hunted by hunters using dogs, some of the above photos show quite a few Skunk hides. I would do everything I could to break my dogs off of them but still me and the dogs got into Skunks more times than I care to remember and had to drive home with the windows down and my head hanging out to avoid that reeking stench. My hunting vehicle in the old days was a 67 Volkswagen Beetle with the rear seat taken out to make room for the Dawgs and a tarp laid on the floor, could go just about anywhere with that car. Money would have to be "really" tight for me to hunt Skunks on purpose. Al
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