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Everything posted by 2012_taco

  1. I'm with you TF, I have off today. I have dr appointments all afternoon, I was hoping to get out this AM but this weather called it off.
  2. What does ozone smell like? Does it smell worse than your feet?
  3. Rain stopped in 9F, maybe someone will come and freshen up the scrape under this oak tree? Pretty windy but dry.
  4. Moog, I tried the selfie thing, believe it or not there is a small 4 pt behind me! It might be blocked by the Xbow. I gave this little doe a pass, momma came crashing through later with 3 small bucks in chase grunting their butts off! Best sit if the season. Going back out now, rain is supposed to stop by 9.
  5. Beautiful morning, hard frost, leaves dropping sounds like footsteps! Feel guilty sitting here playing with the phone!
  6. I'm up , truck packed, now I just need some time for Mother Nature to give me the ok to leave the house! I hate the emergency S#!t stop in the woods. Good luck to all, it looks like a perfect morning.
  7. It will burn itself out trying to get the stink out of my hockey gloves!
  8. I think I'll order one of those. I'll try it in my hockey bag, if it can eliminate those odors it will be worth it! If I use it in my hunting bin I'll probably need to take outsome of the extra clothes I pack in there, the bin is stuffed and I don't think the ozone thingy will be able to circulate air effectively?
  9. I've been doing something similar for a couple of years already. I hate the straps as they are so easy to spot and are not secure. The WG cameras I have don't have the threads on the bottom so I made a bracket for the back. I like to place my cameras up high and point them down. Less chance they will be stolen. I do have to pre drill a pilot hole as you don't have any leverage over your head Also I used SS wing nuts and bolts, and fiber washers.
  10. I just bought my ski passes for this season. Holiday Valley wednesday nights. Didn't even get out once last year, Hoping this year will be a better year?
  11. Last night was the least amount of kids we've ever had. Years ago we would get close to 100 kids,(we actually ran out of candy one time) last night I think we had 12. Lots of candy bars for the tree stand! I told my wife we should throw some in the freezer, her response " candy doesn't go bad"
  12. I have always carried my bow in and out. The only problem is on cold days my hands get cold and I have to keep switching hands to try to warm up. I never thought about using a sling?
  13. I got out last night for 2 hours, jumped 1 on the way in and 1 on the way out. Maybe I should set a stand closer to my truck! Good luck to all out today.
  14. I got out for a quick sit last night, had a lone doe come in and bust me (down wind) at 15 yds. Looking at weather i may have to blow off work this afternoon! Looking forward to going out this weekend with my crossbow for the first time.
  15. I cut up most of it today and to my surprise there hasn't been much waste. Back straps are huge and no waste! I still have to bone out the back legs and that is where most of the damage was. But it looks like i got the tender loins, straps and probably going to get at least 25 lbs of ground. That's all bonus meat to me.
  16. Amherst Police gave me a tag, and a copy of the report for the insurance.
  17. I pulled a couple of cards yesterday. I keep my camera on video, so I took a picture off the computer. Probably not the best image. This buck has been hitting the food plot every day. That buck is chasing a doe. Glad to see this group of gobblers.
  18. Just some front end damage, still driveable. A woman hit it first, had to tow her car! Forgot to add a BIG thanks to Lawd for being Jonny on the spot, picking this "little" guy up and throwing it in my truck for me!!
  19. I finally got out today for the first time this season. As I was approching my food plot I noticed a buck feeding in the plot. The wind was in my face so I belly crawled to about 35 yds.(I forgot my range finder) He busted me when I tried to draw my bow! Sat til dark didn't see any. This doesn't count but I got this one on my way home with my truck! I never weighed a deer before field dressing until now, 230 lbs. on the hoof and 175 dressed! I'll measure the girth tomorrow before I cut it up just to make sure my scale is accurate!
  20. Saw this on Facebook, Thanks Gman. http://thehuntingnews.com/deer-tracking-quiz/?fbclid=IwAR2HZK2I_jXw_SKajxnVAluHTHcejbnxFsit3yp4yZWlMI7-ToZdJQMHk6g
  21. We"ve all been there and done that, but you're in a stand and I'm on the couch!
  22. Are you talking about the one without any fletchings? Sorry I miss read the post, I thought you were commenting on the arrows! Duh!
  23. It's a beautiful morning in Baltimore county, I'm reading this blog and thinking I have a lot of work to do. I pulled all the cabinets down yesterday as they all f*#$ up. Whoever hung them should be shot! They were not level and were 1"-2.5" from the ceiling! They are ready for fresh paint today. I can't wait to get home and start my bow season. Thanks for the good reads.
  24. I did get the Yellow jacket target, but the DIY in me wanted to try to make my own. The corn bag does work but the arrow was not easy to remove. I should try it with old clothes/rags. The nylon screen seems to get caught up on the arrow and it was not easy to remove!
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