It's going to depend on which stand I can get in. If the winds right I'm buck hunting. If the winds not good, I'll move to the popular doe hangout. Where I'll prob shoot the first fat doe that steps out.
They're bald faced hornets. The past few years they've made nests in our lilac tree next to the house. I would typically torch it or shoot it. This year they apparently wizened up and built them in the woods so I left them. I was going to wait for the cold weather to remove them.
Does anybody have a use for any of these? I have 3 of them on my property. I've seen people with them in their dens or man cave for decoration. I'd like to put one in my man cave but the wife has forbid me from it.
I've killed 72 deer. Since I was 16 I've kept a log book with every deer I've shot in it. I also write down the time, date, weather conditions, and location. It's fun to go back and read through it.
Looks like 2 different bucks to me. The one in velvet has pretty noticeable brow tines and the other doesn't seem to have much. Plus the G3 on the right side of the velvet buck is a little crooked.
Went to my alfalfa field across the road to check it out. Wind was perfect. Walked along the field edge and belly crawled to the top of the knoll. Once at the top I was nearly face to face with a 4 point still in velvet. He was ~15 yards head down grazing away from me (thankfully). That was just the tip of the iceberg. There were 13 more deer in the field with him. 11 were does and fawns and the other 2 were nice 7 and 8 point 2 year olds out of velvet. It was nice to see a couple hard horns in person. Bright white antlers too. I guess I'll have to put a camera over there eventually.