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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I did t say it was THE fastest but one of the fastest. It sounds like you have an issue with something about the group. I know why 4 seasons does because of his deer farming business. I'd be curious to hear yours.
  2. Yes. Majority seem to support it. Some don't and some haven't voiced and opinion. It doesn't seem to be that far out of whack to some of the surveys that are published. Given the fact that people in these groups, on these websites and those vocal in public about it are probably the more die hard of the deer hunters, the survey results don't surprise me. I believe in reality it is more of a split right down the middle in support and opposition.
  3. I see it differently. They are more dense with memberships down there by NY is one of the fastest growing member lists.
  4. Let me clear this up for you. The individual branch may choose to back this but national is not.
  5. You are missing my point. If ARs are truly all that then why not do it across the board. Why complicate it? Is there a point where they are bad? It's touted as the end all be all so let's just do it. No need to complicated things with had to follow delineations. Skipped areas and multiple variables. Just do it then. I want to know where you are getting the "fact" that most branches support this? Be curious to hear that one.
  6. You are missing my point. If ARs are truly all that then why not do it across the board. Why complicate it? Is there a point where they are bad? It's touted as the end all be all so let's just do it. No need to complicated things with had to follow delineations. Skipped areas and multiple variables. Just do it then. I want to know where you are getting the "fact" that most branches support this? Be curious to hear that one.
  7. Now Biz. Please explain to me why a self proclaimed Weatherby snob such as yourself would even look at that Muzzleloader? lol Buddy had a CVA wolf and that one was junk. They replaced it becasue it wouldn't fire every time. The Optima they replaced it with is a nice shooter but falls way short of my Encore once it is stretched past 100 yards. Whatever you settle on make sure the model has a the muzzle over bored for easy bullet starting and fast follow up shots. You will thank me later. And some sort of speed breech is nice to have.
  8. You haven't seen many of my posts on here or you would now that portion was tongue in cheek. The part about all Antlerless management being by the lottery system and no more antlerless or either sex in special seasons was serious though.
  9. Weird. I have been involved for 5 years now and that isn't the approach I have seen. And actually National isn't currently supporting this legislation. Some branches are choosing to. Where are you located Tuc?
  10. We are back to the "need" portion of this. Let's say these hunters in these areas that were skipped were more likely to let the yearlings walk. That probably shouldn't have any bearing if we are being honest. If they are letting "enough" yearlings walk now wouldn't it be "better" to even let more walk? The areas you are referring to about effect on antlerless harvest can't compared to areas like 8H where there are permits available the last day of the season. There aren't any or very few co-op's. It is a lot of broken tracts of habitat with access issues. I know hunters that say they only need a deer or two and they are done hunting. if that small 6 comes through at 7 am they are taking it. Remove that option and they will take the does to meet that one to two deer goal. I can see how having limited permits may yield other results. Again. If it is good for these other areas why not just have at it and get it over with. The some in and some out and others with 3 and some with 4 is BULL$HIT and typical NY. Why not just bite the bullet. Let's put ALL antleress into a lottery regardless of the seaon or weapon used. put the entire state at a 4 point minimum and close ALL buck hunting for 2 years.
  11. I guess my personal experiences and hunters I talk to don't meet the same numbers. Hunters that live to deer hunt and have some years under their belts I see being either pro AR's or indifferent. The recreational hunters that like to do it but do not live to do it seem to be the most against it. Then there are the ones like me, and I see this a lot. Feeling that our standards are above any AR that would be put in place but not wanting to take the ability of a hunter to evolve at their own pace. Something that I had the fortune to do over the 36 years I have been deer hunting. I know two casual hunters that got the survey and didn't send it in. Had no desire to be involved but now realize what was at stake...lol. Shame on them, but it reflects my point. I see the trend in the harvest data of letting younger bucks walk. I know many feel that the equations the DEC use to evaluate the harvest is flawed but it has been the same equation so the trend is likely still valid. It is headed in the right direction without the statewide restrictions, but not fast enough for a lot of peoples' liking.
  12. The problem with hunting sites is that the members are typically the most interested of the general hunting population. the people that make it out for opening weekend and thanksgiving weekend aren't the ones hanging on these sites. Being more vested in the sport I would expect them to have more experience and having moved further down the hunters evolution path. And more likely to be in favor of the AR's or at least not against them becasue their standards are above what the AR's will be anyway.
  13. "accept some limitations on buck hunting opportunity" So that statement equals AR's? If you are hanging your hat on those statistics, couldn't there be other ideas in the hunters' heads that answered the question. The whole survey was statistically cute to justify the expense, rather than just coming out and canvasing the hunting population or a larger section. How about, "do you want AR's? "
  14. I don't know if you have looked into it but check out the stoneless septic systems. They are a snap to install and you could get by getting a mini excavator with a back fill blade and with a friend, have it in in a day if you are any good operating. I know you are trying to justify the purchase but if you are feeling rushed, it isn't the time to make the buy. https://www.thenaturalhome.com/infiltrator.php
  15. Happy Birthday, Dan. enjoy your day. Seems fitting you are born on a day famous for leprechauns.
  16. baiting using a crossbow in a low population area with a requirement of 12 points on a side...lol
  17. 'top leaders"? who is that if you had a link I would love to see it. Is it the one with the quote form John Rybinski ?
  18. You mean like how the Government does things like the 3" spike rule? The setting of actual season dates? Setting what weapon can be used when and where? Setting bag limits?
  19. I don't get the exclusion of some units in this. Especially out by me. 8H and 8M, with 8 H being one of the units listed as having a huge population problem. It may be a simplistic view but I would think that having the mandatory AR's would put a bigger focus on the doe population. Not the half a$$ed way it was done last time. This go around you are almost asking hunters that don't want AR to go to the areas that do have it to take young bucks. To me if they are going to do it then do it and do it across the board. right or wrong I am fed up with NY's style of half A$$ed
  20. I guess if it is mailed or is a pistol. If he physically brought them to NY(which he can legally do) what law section would keep him from giving to you then? lol The OP is in NY as is the stepdaughter.
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