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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Just went through it all with my dad passing. six degrees of separation. technically if you make enough "legal" transfers as noted above you can get a gun to about anyone.
  2. you having them do the underside as well?
  3. ARTICLE_39-DDD 26 PRIVATE_SALE_OR_DISPOSAL_OF_FIREARMS,_RIFLES_AND_SHOTGUNS 27 Section_898._Private_sale_or_disposal_of_firearms,_rifles_and_shotguns. 28 §__898.__Private_sale_or_disposal_of_firearms,_rifles_and_shotguns._1. 29 In_addition_to_any_other_requirements_pursuant_to_state_and_federal_law, 30 all_sales,_exchanges_or_disposals_of_firearms,_rifles_or_shotguns__shall 31 be__conducted_in_accordance_with_this_section_unless_such_sale,_exchange 32 or_disposal_is_conducted_by_a_licensed_importer,__licensed__manufacturer 33 or__licensed__dealer,__as__those_terms_are_defined_in_18_USC_§_922,_when 34 such_sale,_exchange_or_disposal_is_conducted_pursuant_to__that__person's 35 federal__firearms__license_or_such_sale,_exchange_or_disposal_is_between 36 members_of_an_immediate_family._For_purposes_of_this_section,_"immediate 37 family"_shall_mean_spouses,_domestic_partners,_children__and__step-chil- 38 dren. The answer is no, she doesn't have to.
  4. if his neighbor were to place his cameras like he placed his stands, I would think the results would be similar.
  5. "I’m not trying to offend the original poster who said it, or the person who applauded the statement after, but to say that “managing a wild deer herd is a pipedream” is simply stupid" Well you quoted my pipe dream comment and didn't get it right. It specifically stated " AR's do nothing for genetics and trying to in a wild herd is a pipe dream." The debate and exchange of ideas kind of breaks down when you back into a corner and counter that an opposing opinion is "simply stupid" None of what they are proposing would impact a single day that I hunt. My standards are way above what they have on paper for this. I just don't agree with the mandate. I prefer the education approach to show what the benefits and results can be. Personally i don't think we could be doing that bad of a job since our yearling harvest rate is consistently heading down in a very consistent trend. I have to go back and look at the numbers but I believe we are about even with PA that you keep quoting and they are fully mandated. I don't get the rush. If it is trending down and continues that way, why the big need to have a statewide now? If it isn't for an instantaneous increase in available trophies then why? The herd health isn't in a desperate situation other than those areas that need severe population reduction. So if it is headed where you want it (based on us being about on par with PA) Why the Legislative maneuver now?
  6. AR's do nothing for genetics and trying to in a wild herd is a pipe dream. Above is my comment. Well you commented directly to it so I would believe you actually read before posting. For someone that keeps claiming over and over and over how much you respect other peoples opinions it sure doesn't come across like that in this thread. But hey, just how I am reading it I guess.
  7. That was made in reference to managing the GENETICS of a wild deer population and if you think that is possible you are misinformed.
  8. Word of caution everyone. If you choose to back feed your house with a generator make sure you turn off your main breaker. If you don't you are feeding power out of your house and can be energizing a line that the utility worker believe is not hot. Be smart, it can be a deadly action if you aren't 100% sure about what you are doing.
  9. Was wondering the same because the outfitter I used in a hunt as you described. They baited the sights, retrieved the bear and skinned and quartered it for you. I think that ran $600 a person for a week. That was a fall hunt.
  10. I certainly don't suggest it but the 270 will chamber in the -06. the shoulder dimensions are the same and while the 270 is a touch longer the outside case neck dimension is only .308. Does that .308 sound familiar? yup, the bore of the -06. So the neck of the 270 will fit down the bore of the -06 to allow for the extra length. BUT AGAIN--- NOT SUGGESTING IT
  11. From what I know about Ontario bear hunting I think they may be bait hunts. Hope he gets back to us.
  12. well we are still workign on it but I think we have the major hunts dialed in. We have a Prince of Wales Alaska black bear hunt that is boat based. Spot and stalk. for May 15-20, 2018. Look at www.Gasandtime.com He is already booked full for 2017. included some great fishing while you glass for the bears. We have a Montana Elk hunt for the 2018 season. Again, booked solid already to 2017. http://www.icroutfitters.com/ I think we are having an African Safari but details are not finalized. Looks like we will have a bow whitetail guided hunt around the Seneca lake area on managed properties. Still workign on a waterfowl hunt as well. Salmon charter in Ontario Walleye charter in Erie Warm water species fly fishing in Tug Hill There will be about 20 firearms going to attendees that night plus numerous general raffle packages and special games. A Hugh's hunting blind and a redneck tent blind are included in the games. For the long range shooters we are having a Quigley Ford long range hunting scope.
  13. AR's do nothing for genetics and trying to in a wild herd is a pipe dream.
  14. I will say if those two deer are standing side by side I will be shooting the 16 pointer...lol
  15. The biggest plus of getting them to 2-1/2 is that they are a much smarter animal than a 1-1/2 and more likely to make it further. The thought being if they make 2-5 a higher percentage are likely to make it to 3.5. And I can see and agree with that.
  16. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/money/business/2015/11/25/hemp-may-grown-ny-spring/76375302/
  17. In all honesty, that first year rack may be a very poor indicator of that bucks potential. Factors like a very late breeding cycle resulting in a very late birth could keep that first year rack lower than it should be. Among other factors.
  18. First Early bird is approaching this Friday. If you are going, get them in now! you'll miss out on a gun drawing if you don't. Shaping up to have some great guns, very interesting games and the ,live auction will have some of the best hunts we have had to date. Oh yeah, there is lady's stuff too...lol
  19. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Weber-Genesis-E-330-Copper-3-Burner-38-000-BTU-Liquid-Propane-Gas-Grill-with-Side-Burner/3318442 I have two years on this one and I love it. It has an additional burner in between two normal ones that you light for searing. Does a wonderful job.
  20. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if you put more/bigger deer into an area than it had before, the likelihood of an increased in poached deer will go up. We've all seen what some of these folks will do for a big rack. I'm not saying not to do this becasue of this reason but I bet seeing a big 10 in their light will draw a shot faster than a small 4 pointer.
  21. Heck, if you ML or Bow hunt the late season that regular season buck tag can be filled with a doe. Where I am regular season buck tag, antlerless and either sex for bow ML, 2 doe permits in round one, 2 doe permits in round two and 2 transfers. That is 9 deer and never have to see a horn.
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