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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Heading to a National convention of any organization isn't cheap. Seeing a down trend in many national organizations. I think it is actually more realistic to look at the participation on a local level to gauge support. I like how NY is organized. New branches starting up (most notably, Chautauqua, Long Island, Cortland and Albany) and a State Advisory Council to coordinate efforts between branches. I like the efforts put forth on shoring up our poaching laws and hopes are for the same on the trespass laws. I think everyone would like to see positive changes in NY, but getting even a majority of hunters to agree what that is, is like trying to push a rope. Say nothing about all thinking the same way. People goals and definition of success is to varied. I now we are never going to agree and you have ill feeling about the organization. I know I could never change that. I can say I think that the funds are used wisely, we try to make a positive impact and spread the word of the benefits of QDM. I know it will never be far enough for some, too far for others, but our hopes are to keep is moving and positive.
  2. I guess everyone has an opinion. I have only been involved for the last four years so I can't speak for prior to that first hand. In that time national membership is up. NY membership is up. NE membership is up. The number of NY branches is up. Our banquet has grown every year of the 4 since the branch was founded. National and branches have been putting on some great programs. So I guess I don't see what you assert.
  3. Better go sign up for a common core math class
  4. Not sure where you are getting you numbers. our banquet alone will be 250 for just one NY branch. I do get a kick out of some that expect an organization of hunter to have immediate and controlling influence over a government agency. Hell as hunters we can't even get on the same page for simple causes like gun control. I have to disagree with you about what the "bottom line" is. What you describe and what some out there want it TDM. Trophy Deer Management. They are not the same approach. They have similar component like monitoring and adjusting the buck to doe ratios but the goals are not even close. TDM is focused on growing trophy racks. I also disagree about the "holding deer on their property" part. I know more members that either don't own property or own parcels that are too small to ever try and hold a population on them. That doesn't seem to diminish their desire or efforts to practice QDM. Seems pretty foolish for them I guess since you are so certain their motives are so selfish.
  5. Me either, but when you see how easy they are watching action shooting, it blew my mind. I tried a couple at a shoot and they are really easy to use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWyi88YBZ9M
  6. And you are including the local events In That total? That bad in MN then there must not be any members left. Right? We all know you issue with your business You have covered it in many threads. If the QDM is so great for your properties you hunt what is the down side in promoting it in other places?
  7. If you can't see the correlation of getting people out and exposed to the QDM concepts, showing them the benefits, instruction and seminars in habitat improvement, timber management and skills like aging on the hoof them I guess you may understand the concepts but do little to promote them outside your circle. That is fine. Your choice
  8. Well that statement clearly shows you are incapable of a conversation outside you agenda, you know nothing about firearms or both. Better stick with the Pot and Meth smoking and stay away from firearms. Semi Confined targets, unarmed, unarmored but movable and a rifle is the most efficient weapon? Especially in an untrained persons hands? The point is, they are going after the manufacturer for their pound of flesh. It has nothing to do with their assertions about the rifle used. wow....just wow.
  9. You don't see that as a reality? Their logic in the suit is flawed. It wasn't the most deadly weapon to choose.
  10. "The families are suing the maker, distributor and seller of the rifle, which the gunman used to kill 20 first-graders and six educators in Newtown, Connecticut, in less than five minutes on December 14, 2012. They argue the rifle shouldn’t have been entrusted to the general public because it is a military-style assault weapon that is unsuited for civilian use. They say the gun companies knew—or should have known—about the high risks posed by the weapon, including the ability for a shooter to use it to inflict maximum casualties and serious injury." Luckily he didn't walk in with a shotgun instead. The death toll would have dwarfed what it was.
  11. Attend any of the field days? volunteer at any disabled Vet hunts or other Vet activities? It is evident to me you are the type that will never be satisfied, always believe your efforts and ideas are superior to any others offered but are not interested in actually taking part and trying to make any difference.Talk about armchair quarterbacks. Practicing QDM since 90's? I'd love to see the results of your efforts.
  12. Honestly, one of the biggest focuses I see is understanding and doing what is right for the property you hunt or own regardless of what the regulating authority has out there. (legally). Understanding your capacity, populations and habitat;making harvest decisions that meet your objectives and monitoring results. I guess it is a personal responsibility thing and I did 100% agree with this DEC comment; "just becasue you have a tag doesn't mean you have to fill it on your property". No agency will every be able to manage our property as well as we can if we are knowledgeable and involved.
  13. If that is all you think it is about, you are paying your dues but not understanding what is being worked on or promoted. Very easy to sit on the outside and throw stones. Why not step up, get involved and work towards something? Or is it just easier to piss and moan?
  14. "I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone." His intent to go around Congress was clear and he lived up to it. And he is now scratching his head on his SC nomination and wondering why they won's even consider it.
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