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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. He was on the radio yesterday wanting this gone too. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/262027953421?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true
  2. I think this point is lost and can't be emphasized enough. the "modern" approach to hunting is much different than it used to be. There is a focus on hunting alone (or with one buddy) and taking a low pressure approach to get that wall mounter giant. Our hunting has gotten just like the kids sports. it is an all year event. trail cams, shed hunting. scent control, food plots, tree stand setting and on and on. Years ago it was more of a social event. As a very young kid I spent many a freezing day tagging along with Dad. I didn't look forward to sitting for hours on a hot seat in inadequate clothing, clinching a lighter fluid filled hand warmer for dear life becasue it was fun. The few minutes surrounding getting a deer every couple years was fun but it was the social aspect that was the draw for me. The stories, the ribbing each other, the tailgate lunches on state land parking areas, the early morning breakfasts and hearing the game plan for the day laid out like some Super Bowl chalk board talk. playing cards at night at a ratty old camp and having a dinner that would about harden your arteries from the first bite. Today it seems for many like more of an individual sport. it's a shame, I miss those days.
  3. But I remember someone saying they were just a "JV team" at the beginning of the Obama administration. Was their rise in stature bush's fault too?
  4. I am saying NO BUCKS. Run the guns and do it for bow and regular season. Can you get to the places that hold all the deer? no. But think of it like a pile of sand. peal the population off where you can get to them, around the edge of the pile and the center of the pile will come down. Not evenly but you can. It is very broken up property and like so many on here have said, the archery equipment is a joke to try and do this.
  5. Did you even read what I wrote? If it went antlerless only and with guns any buck take would not be legal. And who said to force owners?
  6. bow, kiss his hand and apologize for America causing all of this.
  7. I hunt in one of the areas that have the population issue. Personally as I have said before, the way to do it in THESE areas is to expand opportunity. If for some reason that can't be enacted to take on the issue they should quit screwing around and and take it on hard and fast. put the most effective weapon in bow and that is the gun. Not a ML but guns. Antlerless only and carry it right through gun season. make the buck tag valid for antlerless too in those areas and just have at it. Get it don'e and then set the seasons back for the next year, if it is corrected. Imagine the bucks running around that year...lol
  8. Oh. Yeah. Like hikers. Birdwatchers and small game hunters. Let's see how the license sales line up. If what everyone is asserting we should see the big jump in bow license sales.
  9. Funny, i don't remember one story over the last couple years about a crossbow hunter ruining an opportunity of a "real" bow hunter.
  10. I actually tried it on the handles. I have a mortise drill set up but the antler was just too damned hard. I was going to try to go thorough a soaking process to soften them up but really didn't want to take the time...lol
  11. And not one of the new regulations will stop you from pushing yourself to whatever level of difficulty you choose.
  12. I probably could too, but it is a confidence thing to have all that practice under my belt. (not bragging) I have shot a lot of deer with a bow but I have never lost a deer that I have shot with a bow and that has meant passing on shots i probably could have made. I like it certain...lol. If there is such a thing.
  13. On a side note have you guys seen the video of the mountain lion running down the boardwalk that somebody took in Florida recently. That was no house cat and I would have soiled myself....lol
  14. Might be lazy for some but I know I have had years past that I had work and family commitments that didn't allow for me to practice as I normally do. So I didn't go out those years with a bow. If cross bow had been available I would have. Lazy? Working 60-70 hours a week out of town and only home for a day and a half. 125,000 miles on a new truck in 22 months, then feeling it was more important to spend time with family then go practice? Obviously some feel that is lazy.
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