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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Some times i just have to shake my head.
  2. On the stand, blind post rivets, used all thread as stock so I had grooves on the studs. I put mounting holes in the antlers and epoxied it on (I know. not traditional...lol). On thee tools the antler handles were bored out and then I pinned and epoxied them on.
  3. Finished the broom last night. All complete I have rotated this damned picture every direction and it won't post upright. Gotta love technology...lol Sorry
  4. Well just about done with another little project. It has been hard to find the time to do more. The forge needs to be wheeled outside and the weather hasn't been the greatest. The little lady had decided she doesn't like the smell of burning coal. I told her...simple solution. Next up building a propane forge. lol. it will do 90% of what I will get into but when dealing with bigger pieces i will still need the coal. The stand on this fireplace set would have had to been done in the coal forge. This is all done except for attaching the broom corn and lacing the broom. The antlers parts are clear coated and the steel is just rubbed down with a turpentine/beeswax and linseed oil mixture. broom will be on the stock with the small forked antler.
  5. remember the year that was implemented? All the doom and gloom talk about ruining bow season and all the deaths of bow hunters that were going to occur?
  6. Only if they bow hunted. Which is easier to introduce a new young hunter with?
  7. Had a cousin screw up too. He ended up in a shock work camp. Straightened him out. If the record is clean I would rather see something like that
  8. Do you know this kid? how do you know it was unintentional?
  9. I soak my chips overnight before i use them. I have a propane so not sure how big your chip box is but I can easily put 4 or 5 handfulls in. Mine has a smoke damper. pretty easy to tell when the smoke is gone just by watching that. (mine never fully closes). also. any smoke after about 2 hours is a waste. IMO. it doesn't make it go deeper and only increases the smokey flavor of the outer 1/4". to much and it can actually get harsh or bitter tasting.
  10. I don't agree. I believe their intention was to have it in better weather and in a setting where the deer were more calm.
  11. Should swing out by me. The amount of shooting near the property and on the property I hunt for the September goose season is more than any shooting during gun, and we don't see the "flip a switch" to nocturnal behavior. Add in the other small game hunting and I see quite a bit of Pre and early October shooting anyways.
  12. Was. Heard what you just wrote. But not what you wrote before. Last post was "no negligible impact". That means there is an impact. Double negative. Just did t want you misunderstood.
  13. If the crossbow is listed as archery equipment why would local regulations be required? I don't know about the NYC area but the 8c allows bowhunting
  14. not following. Damage to ones self? you that quick to get down range ahead of the bolt? lol
  15. Roadkill. I know the legislation remove draw weight and tip to tip dimensions too but in the current regs are there any cross bows that make that 400 FPS or come close? I don't have one and probably won't. just curious.
  16. Personally I think they suck and their approach was all wrong. but.....wouldn't that definition have fit really well between 1773 and 1783 as well? I guess the view of terrorist or patriot can change depending on which side of the fence you are on?
  17. upper left tab "forum". scroll down and the sub categories are listed. Click on on the them and see the topics in it.
  18. are you on taptalk on your phone or the full site on a computer?
  19. Personally with what I see in terms of increased daylight deer activity going into late season, (Drop in hunter pressure at the end of regular season) I think a break would make it more beneficial. They would be returning to food and more day light travel. And I woulnd't get nearly as much crap from the wife if it was after the holidays...lol
  20. Yeah. I figured. But I can't see it making a difference since most are bred by then anyway.
  21. Phade has said it many times. while it may not be easy access areas they have to get permits into the hands of the ones that have access to allow for the harvest. Heck second draw permits aren't even available until November 1st. What you mention is one reason why I like the early September with guns. They aren't in their hidieholes yet and should be the most vulnerable. Would also give them time to get back to some form a normal before the season. Once the chasing and rut kicks in the movement will push them around as usual. As far as access, let's face it. We see it here in posts all the time. Hunters can be pretty lazy. I know I might put in some extra leg work to open up a new property if I had an extra opportunity. I've thought about doing it down around Ithaca but it is just too far to make it worth wild. I live in one of the high pop areas. I probably would try to get more access if I could stretch my season.
  22. if the goal is massive population reduction why would this matter? By the end of regular season and Late bow ML most are already too
  23. In that area I take does every chance I get. It was part protest but also not wanting to over pressure the area for future opportunities for a buck. I went to where I could take either. That is why I keep saying to expand hunter opportunity by adding to h season and use that as antler less. only. It will get very good participation that way
  24. That is why I think the BEST solution is to offer a special season in those areas with a gun that is outside of what is currently available. Early or late I would definitely take part in it, This year during the "mandate" I opted to hunt elsewhere.
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