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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I think this is more of the problem. And personally I wouldn't mind it as much if it was presented and adequate opportunity was given to debate it. Hell, I don't even remember this being a considered option in their very expensive hunter poll. If I believed for a minute that this would actually work I could swallow it easier but I can't see a scenario where this achieves the desired results.
  2. I am not as big a fan of the January doe hunt compared to earlier. There is always a risk that a buck could have his head gear off at that point. Would be easier for meat care though.
  3. They chose the least productive weapon to pull this with. Would have made more sense the first week in gun. I see the opposite result taking place. I believe the doe take in these areas will go down as a result of this because guys will spend the time in other WMU's. They should have thrown in a two week gun in the middle of September in these areas and that would have resulted in a much higher take. What on earth is so wrong in expanding opportunity and not reducing it.
  4. Very good friend on mine was there. Orders on the ground, no loaded weapons. Orders on patrol, no live rounds on the Marines. The gate had live ammo but had to call for permission to fire. By that time is was over.
  5. Won't be the entire SZ. There are areas that couldn't support that amount of doe take to Earn the buck tag
  6. I thought he meant Fourseasons had a tickle on his foot.
  7. I guess I have always taken them to mean that their success isn't about he rack but having no option to take a buck seems pretty shitty. For me I enjoy the season even if a buck I want never appears within range. But it sure keeps it more interesting knowing that any minute one could.
  8. I don't ever remember anyone every saying on here that it wouldn't be nice to take a big buck or at least have the opportunity to.
  9. At least he can get a rifle or pistol barrel for his...lol
  10. I hunt in multiple WMU's. I can tell you one thing. I won't be in 8H for the majority of the now restricted season. If I am going to climb into a stand in late ML, it will be in an area where I can take a buck if I see one. Early bow will probably have some in 8h but not my areas wit the best buck hunting. They just gave a big FU to guys in the areas that do their part and practice QDM. They took the wrong route.
  11. This is why I am in favor of a lottery for all antlerless take, with no consideration to weapon used. All the hunters should be on the same level playing field to take an antlerless. Not fair that a bow hunter or ML hunter can take one state wide in any area chosen.
  12. Oh they will get hammered, will happen with an EAB program too. I said the 1.5 harvest rate will jump 20% in these areas this year. I may be estimating low.
  13. I would love to see how the a$$ clowns from DEC justify this for doe population reduction. I can't think of a scenario where this will work.
  14. Watch how many 1.5's hit the deck this year in these areas. you reduce the time to pursue the bucks and there are many that will take what is available. I bet the 1.5 harvest goes up by 20% in these areas.
  15. I will probably go out local but on different property than I typically go after the bucks on in the early season. it will be after work type stuff and weekends for a morning or evening sit but the effort sure wont be there and I won't be burning up the better property
  16. As far as the tags go let me try this. You buy a big game license. it give you one antlered deer tag. you buy your FIRST special privilege and it give you an either sex tag (could be bow or ML) You buy your second special privilege and it give you an antlerless only. (could be bow or ML depending on what you bought first) if you have BOTH special privileges then you can use either or BOTH tags in the appropriate season. like filling both tags in early bow and never going out with the ML or saving them both until late ML. Or like I will be doing, going up north in mid October and filling both in the NZ. Might even try to find that 1.5 year old with the one 3" spike to take him.
  17. Seems like there was a host of opportunities to increase their doe take without screwing so many hunters. They started the license year on September 1st a couple years ago. They could have popped in a week or two in September for a gun season that was doe only. They could have done over the counter sales for these areas rather than a draw. They could have removed the Doe tag fee for these areas I just don't get why they chose the least productive weapons to put the burden on and why any change has to be more restrictive rather than increasing opportunity.
  18. well not only first two weeks of early now are doe only but all of late ML.
  19. Well they just signed the death sentence for a lot of 1.5 year olds in the areas out here where they mandated doe take on early bow and ML season. Watch the 1.5 harvest rate jump here
  20. 13 more with my group and I know my uncle and cousins took 12
  21. I agree with the real estate points you made but I put it in quotes because I meant the social aspect of how it use to be more so than a physical location. The groups of yesterday are fading and it has turned to a one or two person endeavor now.
  22. The death of the "deer camps" and the older traditions paved the way for this isolated, myopic approach to hunting. IMO
  23. Black bean with corn and a traditional tomato. I only use jalapeno in the salsa. we aren't a hot food family.
  24. I guess I can understand their groupings in the map, I hunt in most of the upstate areas at some point in the seasons. I do wish they would quit dicking around and go with a full doe permit draw for all doe take though. all lottery doe take and they are good what ever season you choose to hunt. seems like a better approach and gives all style hunters the same opportunity. I wouldn't mind the one buck but will be curious how they utilize these zones.
  25. I don't get the tying of more accuracy with the manual beam only? Calibration is calibration. If a digital scale is accurate why not? If you preference if manual than that is one thing but your comment makes it sound like that is the only way to achieve what you want? Is you mind already made up on a press? I am not certain that shell holders are universal. Are they?
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