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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. OK....I just can't take it anymore...you guys are freaking killing me. You know what caused this death? and I know for certain!!!!! He was the slowest out of the 5. come on....how many have been thinking it all day? be honest.
  2. Producer? Let Amanda know I will stop by on Friday. I would like about 5,000 rounds of 22LR
  3. as long as the vanes have clearance on the riser.
  4. Enjoy the reading...lol. Put on something comfortable for when you fall asleep http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/LAWSSEAF.cgi?QUERYTYPE=LAWS+&QUERYDATA=@LLENV+&LIST=LAW+&BROWSER=EXPLORER+&TOKEN=59163931+&TARGET=VIEW
  5. unimproved property? if that is true, you should have gotten a better lawyer.
  6. if you already picked them up, can't you just check them?
  7. Enforcement Q. Is it an offense to trespass on areas posted against trespass pursuant to the Environmental Conservation law? A. Yes, it is a violation, punishable by a fine up to $250 and/or up to 15 days in jail. Q. Is it illegal to tear down someone else's posted sign? A. Yes. A person who, while hunting, fishing, or trapping, damages property, posted signs, livestock or other property can be assessed damages, as determined by the court in addition to the penalties described above. Q. How should the owner or lessee of posted property go about prosecuting a person for trespass? A. If they witnessed the trespass, they should write down as much information as possible to assist the police in identifying the person. They should then contact an Environmental Conservation Officer or any other police officer for assistance. Environmental Conservation Officers make arrest for, and prosecute trespass, particularly if it relates to hunting, fishing, trapping, or disturbing wildlife. Call whoever you think can get there the fastest and who you may have the best relationship with.
  8. Both instances I was involved in were hunting related. we went through DEC. Did have an issue once with a neighbor of land I had permission to hunt but she (the neighbor) didn't want it hunted. She did call the Sheriff on us 4 times before they finally told her to back off (because she had no grounds to call). ECL section on posting (note comment on both sides of corners) § 11-2111. Posting; service of notice. 1. An area protected pursuant to this title and title nineteen of this article shall be posted with signs not less than eleven inches by eleven inches, bearing a conspicuous statement as described in subdivision 2 of this section which shall cover a space of not less than eighty square inches. Such signs shall be posted not more than six hundred sixty feet apart, close to and along the boundaries of the area protected. At least one sign shall be posted on each side of the protected area and on each side of each corner of the protected area, provided the corner can be reasonably ascertained. Illegible or torn-down signs shall be replaced at least once a year. Replacement of notices on state game refuges shall be made in March, July, August or September. 2. Signs shall bear the name and address of the owner, lawful occupant, or other person or organization authorized to post the protected area. Signs shall bear a conspicuous statement which shall either (a) consist of the word "posted", or ( warn against entry for specified purposes or all purposes without the consent of the person or organization authorized to post the protected area. A statement consisting of the word "Posted" shall have the effect of a warning against all such acts. The department may by regulation authorize additional contents of such signs, including but not limited to symbols indicating the acts which are prohibited. A tid bit if you catch someone ripping down your signs or posting your property without your permission --ECL Law- § 11-2113. Effect of posting or service of notice. 1. No person shall enter or remain unlawfully or engage in any activity upon land which has been posted pursuant to section 11-2111 in violation of the terms of such posted signs or the terms of any written notice and warning served upon such person pursuant to subdivision four of section 11-2111. 2. No person shall post any sign prohibiting or limiting activities on land pursuant to this article, unless authorized to do so by the owner, lawful occupant or other person or organization having authority to post such lands. 3. No unauthorized person shall injure, conceal, deface or remove a sign erected and maintained as provided in section 11-2111.
  9. From the DEC site Q. What is posting under the Environmental Conservation Law? A. People who want to control access to their property without personally seeing everyone who enters may post signs warning people to keep out. This may be done with simple "Keep Out" signs under the Penal Law, but for rural properties with many possible points of entry, a few signs may not be effective. Where activities such as hunting, fishing and trapping are concerned, the Environmental Conservation Law provides more specific guidelines which make posting more effective. For my property I am going to post to the most stringent (EC Law) to satisfy both sections.
  10. Just to be clear. A driveway entrance in to the front of a 200 acre parcel would not necessarily classify it as improved. As you said many of these laws seem geared to give the benefit of the doubt to an accidental trespasser. 2 complaints I was personally involved with, the officer took into consideration the direction the person was coming from and what they would have seen to now the property was private/posted and they were trespassing. One time it was my Uncles land and his one neighbor and he had an agreement and no posted signs would be needed there. (both properties were posted). Well the neighbor didn't keep his signs fresh on the other sides of his property and up and that trespasser got a free pass from that one because of it.
  11. Well if you would like to know the Penal law section covering Trespass, here it is. The readers Digest version is, if you want them charged and convicted on the first go around, post it legally. S 140.00 Criminal trespass and burglary; definitions of terms. The following definitions are applicable to this article: 1. "Premises" includes the term "building," as defined herein, and any real property. 2. "Building," in addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any structure, vehicle or watercraft used for overnight lodging of persons, or used by persons for carrying on business therein, or used as an elementary or secondary school, or an enclosed motor truck, or an enclosed motor truck trailer. Where a building consists of two or more units separately secured or occupied, each unit shall be deemed both a separate building in itself and a part of the main building. 3. "Dwelling" means a building which is usually occupied by a person lodging therein at night. 4. "Night" means the period between thirty minutes after sunset and thirty minutes before sunrise. 5. "Enter or remain unlawfully." A person "enters or remains unlawfully" in or upon premises when he is not licensed or privileged to do so. A person who, regardless of his intent, enters or remains in or upon premises which are at the time open to the public does so with license and privilege unless he defies a lawful order not to enter or remain, personally communicated to him by the owner of such premises or other authorized person. A license or privilege to enter or remain in a building which is only partly open to the public is not a license or privilege to enter or remain in that part of the building which is not open to the public. A person who enters or remains upon unimproved and apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, does so with license and privilege unless notice against trespass is personally communicated to him by the owner of such land or other authorized person, or unless such notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner. A person who enters or remains in or about a school building without written permission from someone authorized to issue such permission or without a legitimate reason which includes a relationship involving custody of or responsibility for a pupil or student enrolled in the school or without legitimate business or a purpose relating to the operation of the school does so without license and privilege. S 140.05 Trespass. A person is guilty of trespass when he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or upon premises. Trespass is a violation. S 140.10 Criminal trespass in the third degree. A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the third degree when he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a building or upon real property (a) which is fenced or otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders; or ( where the building is utilized as an elementary or secondary school or a children`s overnight camp as defined in section one thousand three hundred ninety-two of the public health law or a summer day camp as defined in section one thousand three hundred ninety-two of the public health law in violation of conspicuously posted rules or regulations governing entry and use thereof; or © located within a city with a population in excess of one million and where the building or real property is utilized as an elementary or secondary school in violation of a personally communicated request to leave the premises from a principal, custodian or other person in charge thereof; or (d) located outside of a city with a population in excess of one million and where the building or real property is utilized as an elementary or secondary school in violation of a personally communicated request to leave the premises from a principal, custodian, school board member or trustee, or other person in charge thereof; or (e) where the building is used as a public housing project in violation of conspicuously posted rules or regulations governing entry and use thereof; or (f) where a building is used as a public housing project in violation of a personally communicated request to leave the premises from a housing police officer or other person in charge thereof; or (g) where the property consists of a right-of-way or yard of a railroad or rapid transit railroad which has been designated and conspicuously posted as a no-trespass railroad zone. Criminal trespass in the third degree is a class B misdemeanor. S 140.15 Criminal trespass in the second degree. A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the second degree when: 1. he or she knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a dwelling; or 2. being a person required to maintain registration under article six-C of the correction law and designated a level two or level three offender pursuant to subdivision six of section one hundred sixty-eight-l of the correction law, he or she enters or remains in a public or private elementary, parochial, intermediate, junior high, vocational or high school knowing that the victim of the offense for which such registration is required attends or formerly attended such school. It shall not be an offense subject to prosecution under this subdivision if: the person is a lawfully registered student at such school; the person is a lawful student participant in a school sponsored event; the person is a parent or a legal guardian of a lawfully registered student at such school and enters the school for the purpose of attending their child's or dependent's event or activity; such school is the person's designated polling place and he or she enters such school building for the limited purpose of voting; or if the person enters such school building for the limited purposes authorized by the superintendent or chief administrator of such school. Criminal trespass in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor. S 140.17 Criminal trespass in the first degree. A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the first degree when he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a building, and when, in the course of committing such crime, he: 1. Possesses, or knows that another participant in the crime possesses, an explosive or a deadly weapon; or 2. Possesses a firearm, rifle or shotgun, as those terms are defined in section 265.00, and also possesses or has readily accessible a quantity of ammunition which is capable of being discharged from such firearm, rifle or shotgun; or 3. Knows that another participant in the crime possesses a firearm, rifle or shotgun under circumstances described in subdivision two. Criminal trespass in the first degree is a class D felony.
  12. 32 years of hunting and I would guess in the triple digits for total. Gave up trying to keep track quite a few years ago. The first 5 years of deer hunting it was easier to keep track because they were few and far between. Since the doe permits and DMAPS are pretty liberal in areas I have hunted in the last 20 years, the numbers have really jumped. I still have every rack of any buck I shot, They are in a box in my garage, so I could count if I wanted. I don't remember the numbers but if I pulled each rack out I could probably tell the story. or at least make a good one up...lol)
  13. Bow, gun and ML in Southern and Northern zones.
  14. They were in the heat of the moment but they did so many things wrong. Ran-kick in the predator instinct. Separated- should have stayed together s a large group and made as much noise as possible. make yourself look as big as possible. unzip you jacket and hold it open to the sides. Terrible outcome.
  15. Can't say I would quit either. I was always conflicted over it when I was in a union. Just sucks for the members. You should have a say in how your mandatory contributions are spent.
  16. Ok you owe me a keyboard. Just spit coffee on it. That was funny
  17. Hit a hot button for me. (and as long as we are derailing, might as well go for a 20 car pile up...lol). I will not bow hunt in a heavy rain or if one is forecast in the next few hours. I think it is asking for trouble if you do. Unless you are "perfect" and can make the "perfect" shot every time, but lets be "honest" about it who is that "perfect"? Gun is another story.
  18. Probably don't want to support him then, He is probably for outdated concepts like personal responsibility, work ethic and making it on you own merit. LOL. Seriously though if he came out an said he was increasing taxes on me, I would still vote for him this year. This election to me is a one topic race. We can't afford for it not to be. If he gets a pass on this, the momentum is lost and it will embolden the antis like nothing before in history.
  19. ask for a statute #. Sounds like a shake down to me.
  20. To me, that is a big difference than supporting re-election.
  21. Above what others have said. The first legal, safe and ethical shot you have on a deer within you confident range, take it. Don't worry about size and age and all the others hot button topics. Enjoy it and don't stress about it. Find a companion, or better yet a few, to enjoy it with. For me the best part of the season if doing it with family and friends.
  22. I hear the mental illness topic a lot. Problem is where to draw he line and who decides what side of the line each of us are on. Should a person that is depressed an seeks medical help after the death of a family member be denied? they could be suffering from depression, right? How about the person with an eating disorder? The list goes on so do we let the groups that have proven they are anti gun, decide who can have them? Thought that was what we were all upset about anyway.
  23. So how do you guys in the unions feel about your PAC money being used to support someone you don't?
  24. It was a "I am half deaf" joke so I know they hear better than me. Lol
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