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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. even if you buy a license and a couple doe tags (or 4 depending on the area) The price per pound can be cheaper than beef. We choose to make it more. I've seen hunters some pretty remote areas of the state that do count on it annually.
  2. I have been meaning to put up a couple recipes and haven't gotten to it. Next week I will put this one up. (WNY can add his spicier version) I will also post the Italian sausage, peperoni and my favorite- summer sausage. Coming into the season I would love to see the recipe section get active again. beats talking about ISIS or baiting...lol Side note----I want to find a real good venison hot dog recipe and one for polish sausage.
  3. For the record the question in post one was. If legal, would you.
  4. If you are talking weight I bet the average isn't even 200. X2 on the rug having value if you ever wanted to sell it. If I get another one it will get made and sold right away.
  5. Damn, Johnny Appleseed was a baiter.
  6. That is because they only do two a year since no one can have them...lol. I imagine they have more paperwork than upstate because of local laws. Seems like everything down there is a factor of 5 higher from upstate. (intelligence aside, that is 1/5, proven by them actually being there and putting up with it. )
  7. It just cost me $35 each when I picked up 4 pistols a month or so ago.
  8. Pistol hit it on the head. They know we are all just criminals at heart and can't be trusted. lol
  9. Those aren't too bad. The new is higher because they want you to buy it from them, not of the internet and have them do all the paperwork and get nothing out of it. The documentation is crazy and they have to keep all the records for a very long time. It all costs. (which little dot are you going to fill in come November 4th?)
  10. I haven't even gotten my license yet, with all the press on how the system was screwed up. Probably next week. I bet a lot of hunters held off. I have spent too much time in those lines with a clerk at the end that just can't figure the process out.
  11. I can only assume from the chart that the "Other category" is microscopic then? It would have to be large enough to be an identifiable fragment for them to place it in a category? Let's for a minute accept the part about it only needing very small microscopic trace amounts to poison these birds. As you said the eagles are eating meat. (as I assume all the raptors are too). Taking the geese and waterfowl out of that data. Is there any other environmental possibility to exposure for lead in these birds? Based on the amounts you stated that are needed to poison them, it wouldn't take much.
  12. So a hawk or eagle would have to consume a full bullet to be in that category? Even at that, there were only two read tails, 3 other Raptors and 2 vultures that that were in the "other category" I imagine they tested positive for lead but no physical shot, sinkers, bullets or jig heads could be found? Or does that column mean they had evidence and it s other than projectiles?
  13. I have a climber "locked" in down at camp. I only ratcheted the base. The seat I left like a climber and put it over my head when I got out. That way platform access is easy and you jus drop it down once on the platform.
  14. you can get denied and the guy after you in line can apply for the same unit and get it. I believe they historically know how many apply for a unit. They know how many they want to issue. Say they want 10,000 tags for an area and they normally get 20,000 applicants, the computer will handle it "Randomly". ( I think every other one that applies gets them ) I do know people that were initially denied and then in the mail the tags showed up because the area was under applied for.
  15. I cut and package one up each year for a family that has 4 kids, father is disabled and mother works 3 jobs. Nice knowing the meat is going to a good use. Nice job Grow.
  16. Yes and agree on all counts. Sometime the ethics and laws line up easily (which is probably why they were drafted in the first place) other times the distance between our out morals/ethics and the law can be wide apart. It may no even be illegal. I have come into situations where something is perfectly legal but my ethics and conscience won't allow it. Works both ways.
  17. Our hunting party does at least 10 deer a year. Can buy a lot of processing equipment for that kind of cash. Turn on a game, have a few beers and laughs and have at it. With 4 of us in a process line it goes pretty quickly now.
  18. it is illegal just as in archery, unless it is a ML pistol. (black powder revolvers are a no no)
  19. Actually if he ethically needed to act, the law required the action to be reporting it. There was no legal requirement to do anything.
  20. Since they are far more prevalent, wouldn't some have showed up in the study as confirmed bullet poisonings?
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