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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. No. Could be a buck with horns less than 3". 2" spikes or beams snapped at less than 3"
  2. only thing I will add, Sam, is "when you buy the appropriate privileges".
  3. Good luck, Don't le the turkeys get you frustrated. finicky little buggers with eyesight that makes a deer seem blind.
  4. NO problem with old color. Just make sure the license is 2014 to 2015 and don't mix them up with last years. I keep all my old ones so I immediately put the old ones away so I didn't grab the wrong tags.
  5. I prefer the spring because of the type of calling and Fall usually conflicts with bow for deer. Just curious. If you are new to hunting, why starting with turkey? To be honest. they can be one of the most frustrating animals to hunt IMO.. you may want to consider cutting your teeth on some other type of small game.
  6. Agreed, a NY hunters we should be able to go anywhere and take a Whitetail if we can take them in the worst hunting area!! lol
  7. I understand you feelings on the issue and we share the distaste for AR's. I actually had a similar feeling about QDMA when I went to the meeting out here about the new branch. I have changed my mind, however, through my involvement. I would not be truthful if I tried to say there are members that would love to shove their views down someone else's throats but that isn't the majority of the members I have met and anyone from national I have met do not share that view. It is 68 pages and not the most recent report but see if you can read through it. It isn't the propaganda paper you think (FSW will probably disagree on this reports look into the captive whitetail and breeding section though) There is some very interesting info in there. My point on this thread was that this was NOT a QDMA article and not written by a QDMA representative. The report was used for harvest data only from what I can see. And if you really think bi bucks is what they/we are all about, I would love for you to come out to one of our events, whether it is the youth hunts we are setting up now , our disabled vet hunts or our education events. Great group of people in this branch and I'll buy dinner.
  8. He got some of the data from the QDMA annual report. You made it sound as if the sponsor this article with your comment about a rebuttal. That is a kin to asking the FBI to print a rebuttal If I wrote an article that is pro gun using the FBI's crime statistics report. Did you read their annual report to see what was in it?
  9. I am sure we have an impact on the areas we hunt. We will continue to kill them and when new ones move in they will be dealt with in the same fashion.
  10. And what makes you so sure I would pass that one? Guinness on tap
  11. I thought I heard a report it was a background issue.
  12. I run into this a lot with the generation entering the workforce. (Don't get your panties in a ruffle kids. I am going to make a generalization and I understand the ones on her are the cream of the crop) Many of them are taking entry level positions, expect a promotion and then the training to do the new job. When I came up there was expected work quality for a given work load. That is what was expected to be completed in a day or a week. You had to learn at least a good portion of a higher position above you PRIOR to getting that position. if your work week was full you spent extra time learning the addition skills and tasks and took some of them on to prove you were capable. Then you got promoted. If you aren't looking for advancement then simply perform your given tasks. I would suggest than any f you that are truly hourly employees, look into NY Labor law concerning overtime. I would also suggest if you are forced into a situation that you are being required to work extra hours and not compensated for them, you keep a daily log and keep track of EVERYTHING.
  13. Mike, It is a little disingenuous to use the work "take" in both cases. Very different results in my book. I am not that familiar with Falconry but They don't make it sound like the chicks are snatched form the nests Master – the highest-level falconer license issued by DEC. To become a Master Falconer a General Falconer must serve at least five years as a General Falconer, be recommended for advancement by three Master Falconers and by the New York State Falconry Advisory Board. A Master Falconer may maintain up to three raptors for hunting, including captive-bred Peregrine falcons.
  14. If the good Lord didn't want us to hunt and eat them, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.
  15. Watch this and I bet the Father gave the kid the gun and will be charged. Given what just took place for the straw purchase trial I bet they go after this hard too.
  16. NFA. So I understand this. You work hourly, are required to work OT and are compensated an hour of comp time for it?
  17. I guess I didn't understand. You said if the calls get excessive then ask for a salary position. I would think the opposite would be preferable because with hourly you get paid OT
  18. Only reason I know it is because of our lease. We are required to carry insurance as part of the lease to cover us and the owner because the General Obligation law is out the window. We probably get the benefit of the plan included with all the their leased properties but out coverage cost about $75 a year, I think. He could get a policy himself and probably cover any liability he would have for a decent amount. He would be covered and have the help he needs on the property, and can sleep easy
  19. Not meant to scare but I would hate to se someone get blindsided and end up in tough situation. Might still make sense, but make the decision informed.
  20. Lawyers are like seatbelts. A pain to have around until you need them. Seriously, Think a lot of you guys.
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