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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Gone Bye bye, Grow. Sad part is there will be no recourse for the people accused if the threshold is "I felt/thought he was a danger" "he scared me the way he was talking" I can see this being very abused in domestic case.
  2. I have had land owners that didn't care and others that just ask that screw ins were not use in marketable hardwood trees. Example: beech was ok to use them in but maple and oak was not)
  3. There are some in this thread that seem to think that way though.
  4. I don't think the problem you had was the bending. That usually causes a miss high. concentrate on holding the sight pin on the target spot even after the release. I pretty much draw as I am bent though. I think many carry too high a poundage and years ago a guy showed me I was doing just that since I couldn't draw my bow any way but level.
  5. any tree farm or even orchards may get the DDP''s for antlered deer. The rubbing damage is what triggers the antlered permits. I hunted one nursery and their DDP's were for either sex but the antlered option was tied to the rubbing damage. One year=$75,000 in losses just due to rubbing.
  6. It helps to dissolve the oil stains from his Dodge. Lol
  7. When I am ready to fill doe tags I don't even think twice about it. They will survive fine. My daughter was a bit older than your when she asked me a similar thing. I had to sit down and explain the concept of population control and how that doesn't occur by shooting bucks. She seemed to have gotten it after that.
  8. I think a lot of the areas they are moving into now are because the small farmers in those areas are folding up or already have. The areas of the state that have traditionally held the populations were made up of large undeveloped areas with more mature forests.
  9. by this guy's standards I guess Alaska should suck too. Lol
  10. Let's not crap up a guys success thread...please.
  11. Awesome job on a great deer. Did you know he was around?
  12. When I lived downhome in the Mohawk Valley I used to be out there like clock work every year.
  13. Thanks. I guess this has all gone away with the new dates for the licenses. Since they will now be Sept 1 as a new license year there won't be any option to use last years for the NZ bow.
  14. Better confirm that. I thought I remember that your regular season tag from the previous year is not valid during the early season bow NZ that happens prior to October 1.
  15. luckily it was an evening hunt. I a't tell you how many times, prior tour issue, that I climbed into a stand in the dark of the morning and never thought about checking them
  16. It is also damned dangerous. Eddie. One of our stands had the cross bracing straps cut last year and my buddy didn't notice until daylight while he was in the stand. could have just as easily been the ratchets that hold it to the trees as well. We always use a light to look at them now.
  17. He was registered as a republican but was a liberal.
  18. Looks like a good sized Yote but they seem to always look bigger in the mud. I think the mud that squeezes up the middle pushes the pads out I notice this with my dog when I am trimming the hair on his feet a lot
  19. Agreed. I like the antlered and antlerless best. no confusion.
  20. I agree also. the answer is 2 ANTLERED deer.
  21. that is statewide regulation section. not just NZ.
  22. He said the bow muzzleloader antler less was good during regular bow. It is. When else would you use it? Could be late bow or muzzleloader too.
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