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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. do you know the size of the tree he climbed?
  2. I have had guys tell me they shoot sabots out of a smooth bore. First. As I said it seems like a waste of money and second a rifles slug way designed to impart spin on the slug in a smooth bore. A sabot is smooth because the rifling in the barrel imparts spin. A sabot in a smooth bore should slide out straight like a wad on bird shot. I can't believe at any distance there could be any reproducible accuracy that way
  3. No. You pick at the same time. I applied to a high first choice area and a hight second choice area and only got my first.
  4. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/30409.html
  5. should have. but 6R is Pref Point required for second.
  6. I thought this was a political joke until I opened it...lol
  7. If you are getting a lot of calls why wouldn't you prefer to be hourly and paid for what you work?
  8. when you see it you won't even want to touch it. I can imagine you could render it some how, but not for sausage use. It's kind of like warm jello that isn't set up all the way. Nothing like beef, pork or venison. I have always cook the bear meat raised because my grandfather swore it was the grease that made it taste bad. If your bear is on berries, grasses, nuts and crops, you have good eating.
  9. They may have put you in for them and you didn't get the second. You gotta look at the probability charts. I don't even think you can apply for 6R as a second. Edit___There are almost no seconds in 6 region. Which tells me they won't be on the late lottery
  10. It isn't meat. It is basically fat reserve. and as a rule they are what they eat for meat taste. If the bears are frequenting a dump I wouldn't eat it. Natural forage and crops make for a wonderful meat that I actually prefer over venison. The last one I got spent the summer in a corn field and it showed. mmmmmmmmmm
  11. Side note, There are areas where they don't issue all the tags. Those remaining ones get a second go around about the beginning of November. Keep an eye out. They will publish a list and maybe your second area will have some although not many 6 areas show up IIRC. Maybe the agent you went to can tell from the system what happened. November drawing don't cost you anything if you paid your $10 in the first drawing.
  12. $10 covers 2 picks. Preference point is only given for first pick. Did they ask you where you wanted your second pick? They should have. They may have put in the same area or skipped it which is wrong.
  13. midway USA Natchez Sportsmans guide. First I heard they wouldn't ship here since the ammo check thing was put on hold. Don't you have any place near you that sells it? Walmart, Dick's. anything. Unless you can get free shipping a small order can make more sense to buy local.
  14. Their are salaried and hourly positions. There are trade offs to each for the employer and employee. The first question is can the position even be classified for a salaried position. Let's assume yes. You are in a position that can be legally classified for a salaried position. so you get 40 hours pay, even if your work requires you spend 60 hours at work. Great for the employer, right? The down side for them is say you are out sick tis week on Thursday, they still HAVE to pay your salary based on the 40 hours. if you abuse it they can write you up, put you on doctors slips and such, but they HAVE to pay you. They can also make you use sick time or vacation time if you have it, based on their policies and procedures. For illness of certain me frames they can also required Short term disability and that pay sucks for the most part. Hourly is as it sounds. hourly pay for hours worked and unless there is some special agreement in place like NY State prevailing wage work. it is 1.5 times base pay for Over time hours beyond 40. (Some agreements are OT after 8 per day) I am speaking of NY and Federal work Only. not claims for other states. I guess my point is know you rights and your responsibilities. I hear stories like these a lot and some companies put a salary classification tag on positions and unless it is management, professional or supervisory, it may not be right.
  15. They could also opt for an area more specific than a WMU for a ML hunt. cay by town out county inside a WMU
  16. Congrats, Get some pics up in the harvest thread. Share a little...lol
  17. Where are you actually located. maybe a few members can hook you up with a few to try rather than buying a whole box.
  18. As Larry said, Old news. They have talked about an early ML in the last two DEC reports I recall reading. In those focus areas that need additional reductions. If you look at the harvest numbers, it is clear that as Archers we can't come close t being a real tool to reduce numbers. The real reduction takes place with firearms.
  19. I use 165. Before I reloaded I used Federal Premium and they held the Sierra Game king bullets. That 165 (Which I use now in my reloads) has taken deer out to 300 yards. 2 black bears by me and a 6x6 Elk and a moose in the NW Territories by a buddy of mine at about 200 yards. 165 shoots best out of my 700. If the 150's shot better I wouldn't hesitate using them in NY for anything here. Heck I only use 130's in my 308
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